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Actually, I'll put that better:

Obviously no self-identifying socialist should be defending a company like Doordash given how much it exploits its workers. However, I can understand the desperation a working class disabled person in USA feels and I can see why they'd feel the need to defend Doordash given the lack of state services available to them. They're still wrong but I sympathise with what led them to that stance.

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Finding it very hard to give a shit about Americans getting bagels delivered, but it's good to know the Mail and Express will soon have something to replace avocado toast and transgenderism in the never-ending War Against Young People.

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1 hour ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

Ship hits bridge pier in Baltimore. Bridge down. Sair yin.


Doesn't look great, should a bridge that big really collapse like that when one pillar is taken out, thought it might be a bit more resistant.

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4 minutes ago, 101 said:

Doesn't look great, should a bridge that big really collapse like that when one pillar is taken out, thought it might be a bit more resistant.

Big boats don't bend steel beams.


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26 minutes ago, 101 said:

Doesn't look great, should a bridge that big really collapse like that when one pillar is taken out, thought it might be a bit more resistant.

I suppose it would when the support's taken away, but you'd think the pillars would be strong enough to survive an accidental impact. Maybe that's just wishful thinking and all bridges are just as vulnerable.

Considering how America's infrastructure has been rotting for decades through neglect, you have to wonder if this will end up being an example of a structure than was overdue repairs. Looks like bridges are built to last for about fifty years, and this one was approaching that age. IIRC, Baltimore's supposed to have a lot of poverty, so probably not considered a priority.

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200 thousand tons hitting something sideways whose main strength is resisting vertical forces could do a bit of damage. Looks like the ship lost power so couldn't steer but still with huge momentum, you'd have thought tugs would be compulsory to lead it out of the harbour.

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2 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

200 thousand tons hitting something sideways whose main strength is resisting vertical forces could do a bit of damage. Looks like the ship lost power so couldn't steer but still with huge momentum, you'd have thought tugs would be compulsory to lead it out of the harbour.

It lost power twice by the looks of it. Regained power for a second time far, far too late to avoid collision though.

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US infrastructure is fucked due to combinations of piss poor design, years of neglect and underfunded maintenance.  Loads of older bridges have f**k all in terms of collision protection around piers in shipping lanes (Tay Road bridge was only upgraded a few years ago) and were probably never designed to withstand an out of control ship full of containers of whatever Baltimore is famous for these days.

Plus if it was made of concrete, it would still be standing*.


* it would have fell down years ago due to chloride induced corrosion of prestressing tendons as Americans know f**k all about concrete.


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