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I tend to ignore offensive postings - lime a lot of the craop you see on the Old Firm forum for example.

I do enjoy flaring up points that are stupid though, for the amusement.

Most people on here belive you're a bit thick, not having typos won't change that.

At the end of the day, it;s the internet, and not a big deal. So don't be tooupset that the internet seems to be united in agreement that you aren't the shaprest tool in the shed.

I'm interested to hear that you know "most people",on P&B, you must take great comfort in that.

I'm also assuming your typos were deliberate and as a result,your character shouldn't be judged on this.

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Never liked Flower of Scotland. Prefer Highland Cathedral.

Rightly or wrongly, I associate national anthems with international football and although Highland Cathedral is a lovely, moving piece of music I want something with nationalistic connotations that I can belt out and make me feel all patriotic pre match. FoS ticks all those boxes and more.

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My unpopular opinions....

I am staggered that the wrestling thread has reached 260 pages

all animated films are crap

The cost of alcohol is far too cheap

Speed limits should be removed

You should be allowed to drive through red lights if safe to do so

RyanAir are far better than easyjet

The cost of attending Scottish league football is far too much

watching world catastophes on sky news is great

I dont care about recycling or global warming

I think man have been to the moon

I think there is other life in space

I do not care which political party is in power

big brother is good tv

Rio Ferdinand is crap

Top Gear is boring and I really don't care who the stig is

That will do for now

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Arguing about the meaning of the word dirge is boring.

Bob Dylan is the most over-rated musician of all time, his songs are usually shit and his voice is terrible.

I'd rather shag an average looking girl with massive chebs than a stunning girl with a body not unlike a 12 year old boy.

Going back slightly, Flower of Scotland is indeed uninspiring rubbish.

I don't really care if a song I sing at the football is offensive.

A lot of lower league football fans are more pompous and annoying about their teams than people who support really big clubs.

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I'm interested to hear that you know "most people",on P&B, you must take great comfort in that.

I do? where'd I say that?

It's an asumption based on the amount of times I've seen someone quote you and call you an idiot, which lets be fair, is pretty often.

I'm also assuming your typos were deliberate and as a result,your character shouldn't be judged on this.

Nope,not deliberate, I'm genuinely awful for typos. It's not something I get particulalry hung up on though.

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the liverpool fans pushing to get into hillsborough deserve a share of the blame for the disaster.

anyone who believes in any god is a retard.

complete freedom of speech should be allowed at all times (including singing songs at the fitba) by law. so the police can't stop the billy boys or boys of the old brigade but the owners of the grounds would be allowed to decide what was allowed on their property.

i have no sympathy for anyone who joins the army and get's killed or injured. they made a concious choice on economic, political or moral grounds and should have to live with the consequences.

the hero worship of churchill in this country is a joke. the war was won by the ussr in stalingrad and outside moscow in the winters of 1941 and 42, you quite often hear english people say that without us the french would be speaking german but you very rarely hear it acknowledged the eastern front was the only reason we weren't invaded and conquered after dunkirk.

israel should only exist within it's 1947 borders.

legalise drugs but crack down hard on drug related crime.

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So what are you saying? Are you saying that you are "successfuly" disguising your true nature? Because while you can camouflage your nature with mannerisms and spelling, your overall personality tends to come shining though. So what do you do to disguise your nature? Do you pretend to be thicker than you are? Do you deliberately blunder through logical arguments? Because if so, why? :huh:


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the hero worship of churchill in this country is a joke. the war was won by the ussr in stalingrad and outside moscow in the winters of 1941 and 42, you quite often hear english people say that without us the french would be speaking german but you very rarely hear it acknowledged the eastern front was the only reason we weren't invaded and conquered after dunkirk.

It's very rarely acknowledged because it is complete bollocks.

Edited by renton
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so you think that the uk could have repelled the 4.5 million axis troops deployed in barbarossa if they had been used to invade britain?

Those 4.5 million axis troops loaded up on flat bottomed river barges, escorted by an anemic kreigsmarine, sailing into a channel defended by the Royal navy home fleet, backed up by RAF fighter command unbowed by Luftwaffe attacks?

They'd be picking German corpses off of the french beaches for months.

The fac tof the matter is that britain did repel invasion because it beat the Luftwaffe in the Battle of Britain, and even if fighter command had been decimated in that fight, the royal navy could still have steamed into the channel, taken a kicking off the Luftwaffe and overpower the invasion fleet by sheer force of numbers.

A German invasion of the UK in 1940 was dodgy at best and rendered completely impractical by RAF victory in september 1940.

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Indeed. Stalin was on Hitler's side at the time of Dunkirk, and for about a year after.

aye but do you think operation barbarossa was dreamed up over a few drinks in the spring of 1941. if the axis resources were completely directed at invading britain rather than gearing up for an eastern assualt on the ussr we wouldn't have had the capability to succesfully resist.

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Those 4.5 million axis troops loaded up on flat bottomed river barges, escorted by an anemic kreigsmarine, sailing into a channel defended by the Royal navy home fleet, backed up by RAF fighter command unbowed by Luftwaffe attacks?

They'd be picking German corpses off of the french beaches for months.

The fac tof the matter is that britain did repel invasion because it beat the Luftwaffe in the Battle of Britain, and even if fighter command had been decimated in that fight, the royal navy could still have steamed into the channel, taken a kicking off the Luftwaffe and overpower the invasion fleet by sheer force of numbers.

A German invasion of the UK in 1940 was dodgy at best and rendered completely impractical by RAF victory in september 1940.

Renton, you havent got a clue what your talking about son.

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aye but do you think operation barbarossa was dreamed up over a few drinks in the spring of 1941. if the axis resources were completely directed at invading britain rather than gearing up for an eastern assualt on the ussr we wouldn't have had the capability to succesfully resist.

Invading across the ukranian steppes with your army and an amphibious invasion are two totally different scenarios, and Germany never had the navy, or the air force, to pull the latter off.

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the luftwaffe used a massive amount of resources attacking the ussr in 1941, the outcome of the battle for air supremacy could have been very different with those extra units.

as i understand it hitler believed a deal could be done with great britain and for that reason he chose not to invade but to attack the ussr when they weren't expecting it. the events of 1941 worked out very favourably for GB with barbarossa and the attack on pearl harbour taking the nazi's attentions away from us and bringing the usa onboard, without these events and with increasing german industrial capacity and decreasing capacity in GB it's likely that we would have capitulated.

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Invading across the ukranian steppes with your army and an amphibious invasion are two totally different scenarios, and Germany never had the navy, or the air force, to pull the latter off.

aye but if they found 4.5 million troops to invade the ussr and had the workers to supply them it's pretty obvious that if they only had GB to concentrate on they would have been able to increase their industry enough to achieve dominance pretty quickly. they had the whole of western and central europe working for them. we had our island and whatever we could get supplied by sea.

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the luftwaffe used a massive amount of resources attacking the ussr in 1941, the outcome of the battle for air supremacy could have been very different with those extra units.

as i understand it hitler believed a deal could be done with great britain and for that reason he chose not to invade but to attack the ussr when they weren't expecting it. the events of 1941 worked out very favourably for GB with barbarossa and the attack on pearl harbour taking the nazi's attentions away from us and bringing the usa onboard, without these events and with increasing german industrial capacity and decreasing capacity in GB it's likely that we would have capitulated.

The Luftwaffe threw everythign it had at the UK in 1940, and still hadn't recovered when it attacked the soviet union. This is not a question of numbers solely, but doctrine and equipment. The luftwaffe ahd been engineered as a close support force for the army, not waging strategic warfare with a maritime foe. It's bombers were two engined with little bomb loading capacity and it's fighters ahd only enough fuel for ten minutes combat over london form french airbases, it's leadership was disorganised and amateur and it found itsef up against a professional ofrce boasting the most advanced command and control and early warning facilities on the planet - backed up by modern equipment in the form of the Spitfire and the Hurricane.

By ocntrast the Russian air force was obliterated on the ground beucase everyone was either on holiday or hungover.

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aye but if they found 4.5 million troops to invade the ussr and had the workers to supply them it's pretty obvious that if they only had GB to concentrate on they would have been able to increase their industry enough to achieve dominance pretty quickly. they had the whole of western and central europe working for them. we had our island and whatever we could get supplied by sea.

Again it's not that simple. It would have taken them years to build a naval force that could go toe to toe with the RN, it takes three years to build a capital ship and they would have to build around 100 of them to match the RN ship to ship, asusming the British don't maintian their own building programmes.

At the time Raeder said that his navy wouldn't be ready for hostilities until 1942 - and that wasn't even reckoning for building a force capable of amthcing the RN, try sometime around 1947 before the germans can close the gap.

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