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My Mum said she used to have cream soda and milk which sounding howfing. 

As for Red Kola, remember having it when I was about 15 with a half bottle of Glens. The spew that evening led to my friends ringing an ambulance as they thought I was chucking up blood. All I can remember is the smell.

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Beer should have a decent head. 3 to 4cm.
Without the head it’ll gassy and bloaty as f**k.

It’s a total jake’s pint if it’s filled right up to the top.
I don't drink the stuff but surely it's supposed to have a head? Cider on the other hand should never have a head.
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7 hours ago, LondonHMFC said:

My Mum said she used to have cream soda and milk which sounding howfing. 

When I worked Asda in my youth (f**k Tesco btw) the cafe used to sell “brown cow” which was half coke half milk.

Surprisingly it wasn’t as bad as it sounds although that was 25+ years back.

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1 hour ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

When I worked Asda in my youth (f**k Tesco btw) the cafe used to sell “brown cow” which was half coke half milk.

Surprisingly it wasn’t as bad as it sounds although that was 25+ years back.

My mate worked in a pub and a guy came in and asked for a pint of half coke, half lager.  

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5 hours ago, Kennboy1978 said:

Saw loads of Germans ask for this in Cyprus about 20 years ago.


Similarly boufin, a mate from school used to drink half his bottle of Buckie, then top it up with milk. Tasted like chocolate milkshake according to him.



On the way down or back up?

Edited by Sergeant Wilson
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On 03/08/2018 at 17:02, Peppino Impastato said:

I have tasted it before champ.  It's pish.

You've tasted 'it'? As in you have tasted all whisky, dear and cheap and from that vantage point declared them all pish? Whisky, at least good whisky and not cheap gutrot, is one of the best inventions of man.

On 10/08/2018 at 00:58, ah-dee said:

friends is shit amd i am more than happy to jump on that wagon. i have a feeling friends is shit is not an unpopular opinion on P&B

Disliking popular stuff and being contrary in general is common on P&B.

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9 hours ago, GiGi said:

You've tasted 'it'? As in you have tasted all whisky, dear and cheap and from that vantage point declared them all pish? Whisky, at least good whisky and not cheap gutrot, is one of the best inventions of man.

Disliking popular stuff and being contrary in general is common on P&B.

No it's not it's utter shite. Tasted all sorts, there isn't one that doesn't taste worse than rat's piss.

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Same with all alcohol, it's just to get drunk not for the taste.
disagree. whisky is an aquired taste but if you enjoy the different flavours in each malt and how its produced its very enjoyable. piss water ciders like storm, frosty jacks etc tastes fowl and are purely made to get you drunk.

im also a big fan of red wine and i certainly dont drink it to get drunk. i enjiy the different flavours involved
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1 minute ago, ah-dee said:

disagree. whisky is an aquired taste but if you enjoy the different flavours in each malt and how its produced its very enjoyable. piss water ciders like storm, frosty jacks etc tastes fowl and are purely made to get you drunk.

im also a big fan of red wine and i certainly dont drink it to get drunk. i enjiy the different flavours involved

I think it's an affectation rather than a taste.  An acquired taste just means you have to kill enough taste buds so it doesn't taste so disgusting.  Same with smoking.

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7 minutes ago, Peppino Impastato said:

I think it's an affectation rather than a taste.  An acquired taste just means you have to kill enough taste buds so it doesn't taste so disgusting.  Same with smoking.

Wrong. You learn to taste more from whisky with time, not less. As you might know if you had a clue about the stuff.

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