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The Walking Dead

King Kebab

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Im just not caring who got clubbed to death any more, is anyone the same? Find myself bored and drifting in and out of whats going on now sadly. How predictable that guy didn't just shoot Carol in the stomach and let her die the painful death that he wanted and instead fucked about until someone came and stopped him. Yawn.

His Wikipedia page :lol:


:lol: I like that.

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I think its Eugine, he handed Rick the bit of paper with the blueprint on it on how to make bullets, stuck in my mind.


Last 10 minutes was tremendous I must admit, it made me actually care about characters I thought I was finished with. We know it isn't Coral anyway.


Last time I had that feeling in my gut was when a certain character in Sons of Anarchy was beaten to death, fkin horrible.


Thought that too, shame if it is as Eugines mullet is the dugs baws. Bullets I suppose will start to run out soon, so making their own ammo makes sense and gives them a edge.

Will we see more horses as fuel runs oot too?

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I reckon if Eugene had died last night I'd have been pretty upset due to the scenes he had making peace with Abraham and giving Rick the blueprints. It was nicely done and I thought he was an obvious goner. When we come back and it's him who has been bludgeoned to death I feel I won't really care as much as the emotion has been left in that episode.

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After every ad break the opening scene was a pov from where Glenn, Darryl, Micchone were being held....was this a clue since the bludgeoning was done pov style ? ......

Was thinking that myself. When the van door opens(in the POV style), the view is from someone on the left side, and when the door opens you can see someone in front of the camera, slightly lower down. When the camera reverts back to the normal style, Michonne is at the back on the side which matches the POV shown earlier, with Darryl in front of her, but lower. So, if the POV is a big clue, it is Michonne

Edited by alang1993
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Pretty sure it's Glenn. They've been pushing the "Maggie and Glenn so happy to be together" line for the whole half season since he got back from his zombie bin dipping. Add in the fact that he's almost become a nothing character on the periphery but is an original and that his wife is preggers, it would definitely have the most impact in terms of the other characters.

Negan was brilliant, leaving it as a cliffhanger after the weeks of build-up to that point (had even seen an interview with Andrew Lincoln saying the final scene had made him sick) certainly wasn't. Absolute bullshit in fact.

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I reckon it's michonne that got done in, everyone rick's shagged so far has died.


Well....both of them.


Note to self, do not shag rick.


I reckon it's Abraham with the whole wanting to have kids on the way to the bludgeoning.

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The POV thing is the clue IMO, but I'm adamant it's Glen that the POV was from. You saw two people to the left of their view when the door opens. From the outside view Daryl & Michonne are on the right (the person's left). And Rosita kinda appears from the other side, from what looks like lying on the floor. The POV was from the back, the last one out - Glen.

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The POV thing is the clue IMO, but I'm adamant it's Glen that the POV was from. You saw two people to the left of their view when the door opens. From the outside view Daryl & Michonne are on the right (the person's left). And Rosita kinda appears from the other side, from what looks like lying on the floor. The POV was from the back, the last one out - Glen.

I've paused it and I can only see one person(with scruffy hair, which suggests Darryl rather than Rosita), who appears to be holding their hand up to block the bright light

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there was alot of screaming heard, I'd discount this theory.

There's a video on YouTube where someone has attempted to add subtitles to the clip. Seems to sound like 'Maggie' is being cried out.

As I said anyway, convinced it's Glenn. Works best with the plot and it has to be a big one so that rules out pretty much everyone bar the originals. Glenn has had two close shaves with the bin and in Alexandria so I think his time's up

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Yep, him and the Trevor lookalike were good.

It was a good episode and it's been a good season but it was disappointing for a finale. It was tense as f**k but I was expecting some proper scenes to happen.

I think they could have showed us who dies and that would have been talked about just as much as the whole "who was it?" We're now gonna get.


It wasn't a Trevor lookalike, it WAS Trevor.


Negan was fantastic, but my nerves were fucked all through that episode as I knew what was coming.

I reckon Darryl felt Lucille's kiss at the end.  For it to be a big enough cliffhanger to end a season on, it can't be a smaller character like Rosita or Eugene.  It has to be one of the big ones.  Glenn I feel is too obvious, Rick and Michonne will be left to develop their story and comic readers will know why it isn't Coral.

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Theres no point in Negan smashing f**k out someone whos already fucked, it makes no point. He needs to smash someone who he thinks is a leader/someone who the rest care for, so they're all devastated when he dies and it scares them. No chance its Carl, Maggie and Daryl. It's one of Rick, Abraham, Glenn or Michonne.

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There's no way it's Rick as Negan says (not exact quote...) "If anyone moves cut out his other eye and feed it to his father" so it's deffo not Rick or Coral


I think it's Daryl after watching the Talking Dead

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Theres no point in Negan smashing f**k out someone whos already fucked, it makes no point. He needs to smash someone who he thinks is a leader/someone who the rest care for, so they're all devastated when he dies and it scares them. No chance its Carl, Maggie and Daryl. It's one of Rick, Abraham, Glenn or Michonne.


But he wasn't choosing who to kill, per se, he eeny meeny miney moe'd it.

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I neve really enjoyed it, as said above I was excited for an action packed 70mins episode and that could all have been done in 20mins.

I have now had sleep, breakfast and read all comments and theories about who got BATtered and genuinely buzzing about it now.

I am going to have to re-watch to see if I can spot any clues on who got BATtered.

Edited by BaSeDG0DSA1NT
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