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The Walking Dead

King Kebab

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That was what I expected from the finale of season 3. A really good episode. Everything that The Walking Dead's supposed to be about.

Even if all the reasoning behind the attack on the prison was ludicrous and unbelievable..

Edited by NotThePars
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Enjoyed the mid season finale, but hated it at the same time. I hope they all manage to get together again instead of going off in their seperate ways, the bit at the end when Rick and Karl realised Judith was gone was horrible. Hope they find her. Only decent thing was seeing the Governor getting done in, wish we could have seen the walkers rip him apart though.

How predictable was the walker getting to the blonde girl btw? As soon as she lifted the sign from the mud you were just waiting for the hand to appear and grab her. Loved the walker trying to cross the river too.

Bring on February!

Edited by IainMorton
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Enjoyed the mid season finale, but hated it at the same time. I hope they all manage to get together again instead of going off in their seperate ways, the bit at the end when Rick and Karl realised Judith was gone was horrible. Hope they find her. Only decent thing was seeing the Governor getting done in, wish we could have seen the walkers rip him apart though.

How predictable was the walker getting to the blonde girl btw? As soon as she lifted the sign from the mud you were just waiting for the hand to appear and grab her. Loved the walker trying to cross the river too.

Bring on February!

Cant believe they killed off old Hershel! Although as soon as the governor put the blade to his neck, you sensed it was coming

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Cant believe they killed off old Hershel! Although as soon as the governor put the blade to his neck, you sensed it was coming

as soon as he started to pull the sword away you knew he was gonna swipe at him, but I was expecting a clean cut and not just cutting half way through leaving Hersel to suffer until he finished the job off a while later

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Cant believe they killed off old Hershel! Although as soon as the governor put the blade to his neck, you sensed it was coming

It was the wee smile to Rick that did it for me, I knew he was gubbed then

Good episode but one ridiculous bit;

How the f**k do you sneak a tank up to the gates? Someone from the prison really should've heard it. And where are all the walkers? There have been hundreds of them piling on the fence and suddenly there's only two who are nearby when the tank rolls up to a stop. It's a fucking loud beast and the walkers only really turn up after they've bust into the prison.

Other than that, good episode and another mid/full season finale which fucking delivers.

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as soon as he started to pull the sword away you knew he was gonna swipe at him, but I was expecting a clean cut and not just cutting half way through leaving Hersel to suffer until he finished the job off a while later

How is it Mischon has been hacking zombies heads off without any effort using that sword but it took the governor about 10 strikes to get old Hershels nut off? My mrs also mentioned the fact there are usually hundreds of walkers at the fence but they mustve took the day off :lol:

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How is it Mischon has been hacking zombies heads off without any effort using that sword but it took the governor about 10 strikes to get old Hershels nut off? My mrs also mentioned the fact there are usually hundreds of walkers at the fence but they mustve took the day off :lol:

they got rid of a huge herd after they broke down the fence a few episodes back, remember? I think it was just before the Governor came back.

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How is it Mischon has been hacking zombies heads off without any effort using that sword but it took the governor about 10 strikes to get old Hershels nut off? My mrs also mentioned the fact there are usually hundreds of walkers at the fence but they mustve took the day off :lol:

She has had a lot of practice, presumably pre-show too, the Governor probably hasn't cut many heads of with a katana before (given it was Michonne's he used, not his own). I'd imagine it takes a few practices before you get the technique right.

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Seems odd to have the shitey season 3 ending just to spend half of season 4 recreating how the comics ended the prison segment! Why not just do it right first time round?

as far as i can remember they are now pretty close to the comics except Tyrese is still alive, Judith probably isn't dead and Rick still has his hand

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It was the wee smile to Rick that did it for me, I knew he was gubbed then

Aye as soon as he smiled at what Rick was saying I knew it was game over and I was raging! haha.

That episode was the best of the whole program for me. It had everything. Twists, turns, action, great acting, heartbreak...only thing missing was some titties. I did have some gripes about it though, I've made a point before that people seem to re-animate however quickly or slowly the script demands as Lily shows up with Meghan a good while after dying and she still hasn't re-animated, She surely should've came back before she got to the governer for him to blow her head off. Also, the Governor hates Michonne and If he was willing to kill someone surely she would've been his first port of call not Hershel. He also said Hershel was a good man so why choose him first? The script writers just completely ignored this fact so that they could set it up for Michonne to deliver the Katana right through The Governors chest.

Oh and part me thinks that this isnt the last we've seen of The Governor, I think that gunshot at the end will have missed or something. They deliberately didnt show him dying so they could set up a return for him.

ALSO haha, The Governor gets shot in the arm but is still able to beat Rick to a pulp with his bare hands and almost strangle him to death, again this is to go with the script rather than anything else.

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What we thinking about the dissected Rabbit then? I have no idea who it could be.

I think its carl, by having walkers at the fence it forced him to be taken more seriously by rick, plus all the stuff that he has done e.g. shot his mum in th head, being the reason dale died etc, will have fucked him up in the head.

i also think carl also killed the two people and carol just covered for him as she may have thought carl did for her with trianing the kids in how to fight.

chances are im just overthinking it all though :lol:

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ALSO haha, The Governor gets shot in the arm but is still able to beat Rick to a pulp with his bare hands and almost strangle him to death, again this is to go with the script rather than anything else.

To be fair, Rick had been shot in the leg so they were both wounded. I'm guessing the writers would explain it off as adrenaline, as well.

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Enjoyable enough, if somewhat preposterous( I know it's a zombie show), mid season finale.

Needed to move the story and attempt to to tidy some lose plot ends, and I think that was achieved.

Some absolutely ridiculous moments though, the bit where Daryl used the zombie as a shield :lol:

Also not sure where they going with rabbit/rat dissection.

On the plus side, At least things will be shook up a bit after the break. Some great deaths in the episode, especially Hershel.

Can't see Judith being dead.

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Really enjoyed that, roll on February!

Knew Hershel was going to die at some point and was almost the same kind of death as in the comics too (Hershel on his knees, although it was a gun not a sword). And as much as I'd like to see Judith come back with someone else I doubt it, as she also died in the prison but they've not exactly copied every detail in the comics so anything can happen.

Anyway looks like they are back on track with the comics, which I've already slabbered about enough, prison gone, Governor gone, everyone getting separated into their own little groups. Looking forward to the second half of season 4, hopefully doesn't start as slowly as the first half did.

Also, the Governor hates Michonne and If he was willing to kill someone surely she would've been his first port of call not Hershel. He also said Hershel was a good man so why choose him first? The script writers just completely ignored this fact so that they could set it up for Michonne to deliver the Katana right through The Governors chest.

Oh and part me thinks that this isnt the last we've seen of The Governor, I think that gunshot at the end will have missed or something. They deliberately didnt show him dying so they could set up a return for him.

Thinking about the Governor's character I reckon he chose Hershel because he knew that his family were inside the prison and there was probably more chance of getting through to Rick than if he done it to Michonne, and probably didn't think Michonne would get away as easily as she did...

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On the subject of Judith, I think this shot alludes to where she'll be


That's Tyrese and definitely looks like he's carrying something in his arms (otherwise his gun wouldn't be over his shoulder).

That fucking explosion though :lol: Nice to see the fence is sturdy though.

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To be fair, Rick had been shot in the leg so they were both wounded. I'm guessing the writers would explain it off as adrenaline, as well.

Yeah I had noticed that but I would still think that in a fistfight the person with the wounded arm would lose as opposed to the guy with the wounded leg. But you're right adrenaline/murderous rage could mask that definitely.

I will laugh like f**k then stop watching if the writers contrive to get The Governor back despite being shot in the head and stabbed through the chest.

See it didnt actually show a bullet going into his head did it? it just showed her lining up the shot and then firing, it wouldn't be the first show (or even the first time in this show!) that someone's almost certain death is explained by them moving out the way sharply or something like that.

I think its carl, by having walkers at the fence it forced him to be taken more seriously by rick, plus all the stuff that he has done e.g. shot his mum in th head, being the reason dale died etc, will have fucked him up in the head.

i also think carl also killed the two people and carol just covered for him as she may have thought carl did for her with trianing the kids in how to fight.

chances are im just overthinking it all though :lol:

Hmm I dunno 'cause it looked more.....educational rather than someone not right in the head mutilating a small animal. Decent theory though! :)

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