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The Walking Dead

King Kebab

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Aye I liked Shane tbh.

I was thinking the other day that I actually preferred the earlier seasons. 1 and 2 specifically. I know the farm bored a lot of folk but I actually preferred that to the current situation. Maybe it's because they are pretty safe where they are whereas at the farm they were far more exposed.

Also, the first couple of seasons was about them trying to survive and find a safe environment. They've done that now, or at least as well as could be done in the circumstances. I just think that we've had The Start, a fairly big chunk of The Middle, it's surely about time for The End? The idea of 2/3 more seasons of this doesn't get me excited. If anything it would probably make me give up.

I'm not saying the quality isn't there anymore; the last couple of episodes shows it is. But for me we aren't progressing with the main story. We're still watching them 'try to survive'. There are zombies, illness other bad people out there, you've explained that perfectly well, we get it. But lets start to wrap things up now? Either all die, find a cure or find a fortress.

I should add in TWD's fairness that I binged on the first 3 seasons as I arrived late to the party. Maybe I'm so critical of the show as I'm now having to wait a week at a time and I'm not as interested as I thought I was :P

Edited by 19QOS19
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Aye I liked Shane tbh.

I was thinking the other day that I actually preferred the earlier seasons. 1 and 2 specifically. I know the farm bored a lot of folk but I actually preferred that to the current situation. Maybe it's because they are pretty safe where they are whereas at the farm they were far more exposed.

Also, the first couple of seasons was about them trying to survive and find a safe environment. They've done that now, or at least as well as could be done in the circumstances. I just think that we've had The Start, a fairly big chunk of The Middle, it's surely about time for The End? The idea of 2/3 more seasons of this doesn't get me excited. If anything it would probably make me give up.

I'm not saying the quality isn't there anymore; the last couple of episodes shows it is. But for me we aren't progressing with the main story. We're still watching them 'try to survive'. There are zombies, illness other bad people out there, you've explained that perfectly well, we get it. But lets start to wrap things up now? Either all die, find a cure or find a fortress.

I should add in TWD's fairness that I binged on the first 3 seasons as I arrived late to the party. Maybe I'm so critical of the show as I'm now having to wait a week at a time and I'm not as interested as I thought I was :P

think theres a fair bit of mileage in this yet,the zombies are an occasional but real hazard but the for the last 3 seasons the main issue is other surviovors,as it will be for the forseeable imo.plenty of interesting stuff to come i think

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I understand why they had a look at what happened to Morgan to change him from mentalcase to moral compass. And it was quite good and enjoyable change of pace.

Not overly convinced we needed an entire episode about it though, never mind an extended one.

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I don't think that needed to be an extended episode, they could have cut a lot of that out.

I still enjoyed it, though. I didn't have high hopes for it at all when I heard it was all about Morgan. I'm still hopeful he's got a bit crazy in him.

I'd imagine the next couple episodes will push the story along a bit further.

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