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The Walking Dead

King Kebab

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What i don't get is..

Hershule wanted rid of the team, so why not tell them that he had Sophia in his barn, or at least a young girl. Surely this would make them more likely to move on? How were they intending to put the Walkers in the barn? Open the door and they swamp you, and throwing them through the top floor would be "hurting" them?

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What i don't get is..

Hershule wanted rid of the team, so why not tell them that he had Sophia in his barn, or at least a young girl. Surely this would make them more likely to move on? How were they intending to put the Walkers in the barn? Open the door and they swamp you, and throwing them through the top floor would be "hurting" them?

Spoiler tags really necessary?

Haven't seen any previews so this isn't by any means a spoiler, but I think the only way they could explain it would be that Otis was the one that put Sophia in the barn. I think either Hershell or the boy(Jimmy?) mentioned that Otis did a lot of that(putting the walkers in the barn). There's been a lot of this discussion on an American board I post on since Sunday night. A lot of scrutiny on the timeline as well, and there's a few problems with it. The timing of the show is starting to get very, very unlikely.

I'll have a look back through the posts that various people made regarding it but I'm pretty sure that there isn't that much time between Sophia going missing and Otis shooting Carl(that's the only time that Otis would've been able to get her). It's probably a couple of days, which would mean she'd need to be bitten and then stroll(zombie speed) towards the farm.

If it wasn't Otis then it'd need to be explained really well, given that everyone would need to have known that they're looking for a young girl. Someone I know had a good theory that Carol might've known(her reaction at the end says otherwise) and she kept silent because she felt the same as Hershell and hoped they could change her back. That would've at least made her character slightly interesting. At the moment I wished she'd ran up to Sophia and gotten bitten so she'd be off our screens.

As for the second question, they'd probably lure the walkers in the barn to the side away from the door(I'm pretty sure where Glenn got in is on the other side from the door Shane broke) and then they'd quick open the door and throw them in. Either that or there's an easy entrance to put them in, I don't know enough about barns. They're might be a one way entrance kind of thing to get cows/horses in easily if they're being troublesome.

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Spoiler tags really necessary?

Haven't seen any previews so this isn't by any means a spoiler, but I think the only way they could explain it would be that Otis was the one that put Sophia in the barn. I think either Hershell or the boy(Jimmy?) mentioned that Otis did a lot of that(putting the walkers in the barn). There's been a lot of this discussion on an American board I post on since Sunday night. A lot of scrutiny on the timeline as well, and there's a few problems with it. The timing of the show is starting to get very, very unlikely.

I'll have a look back through the posts that various people made regarding it but I'm pretty sure that there isn't that much time between Sophia going missing and Otis shooting Carl(that's the only time that Otis would've been able to get her). It's probably a couple of days, which would mean she'd need to be bitten and then stroll(zombie speed) towards the farm.

If it wasn't Otis then it'd need to be explained really well, given that everyone would need to have known that they're looking for a young girl. Someone I know had a good theory that Carol might've known(her reaction at the end says otherwise) and she kept silent because she felt the same as Hershell and hoped they could change her back. That would've at least made her character slightly interesting. At the moment I wished she'd ran up to Sophia and gotten bitten so she'd be off our screens.

As for the second question, they'd probably lure the walkers in the barn to the side away from the door(I'm pretty sure where Glenn got in is on the other side from the door Shane broke) and then they'd quick open the door and throw them in. Either that or there's an easy entrance to put them in, I don't know enough about barns. They're might be a one way entrance kind of thing to get cows/horses in easily if they're being troublesome.

Spoiler's were just in case someone hadn't seen it yet..

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Spoiler tags really necessary?

Haven't seen any previews so this isn't by any means a spoiler, but I think the only way they could explain it would be that Otis was the one that put Sophia in the barn. I think either Hershell or the boy(Jimmy?) mentioned that Otis did a lot of that(putting the walkers in the barn). There's been a lot of this discussion on an American board I post on since Sunday night. A lot of scrutiny on the timeline as well, and there's a few problems with it. The timing of the show is starting to get very, very unlikely.

I'll have a look back through the posts that various people made regarding it but I'm pretty sure that there isn't that much time between Sophia going missing and Otis shooting Carl(that's the only time that Otis would've been able to get her). It's probably a couple of days, which would mean she'd need to be bitten and then stroll(zombie speed) towards the farm.

If it wasn't Otis then it'd need to be explained really well, given that everyone would need to have known that they're looking for a young girl. Someone I know had a good theory that Carol might've known(her reaction at the end says otherwise) and she kept silent because she felt the same as Hershell and hoped they could change her back. That would've at least made her character slightly interesting. At the moment I wished she'd ran up to Sophia and gotten bitten so she'd be off our screens.

As for the second question, they'd probably lure the walkers in the barn to the side away from the door(I'm pretty sure where Glenn got in is on the other side from the door Shane broke) and then they'd quick open the door and throw them in. Either that or there's an easy entrance to put them in, I don't know enough about barns. They're might be a one way entrance kind of thing to get cows/horses in easily if they're being troublesome.

Well look what happened when they found out about the barn :unsure: Surely Hershel suspected that would happen and would hope they would give up their hunt and eventually just piss off out his hoose :lol:

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Well look what happened when they found out about the barn :unsure: Surely Hershel suspected that would happen and would hope they would give up their hunt and eventually just piss off out his hoose :lol:

What is this in relation too, sorry, I posted quite a large section of text ph34r.gif

I'll try and answer it though:

I don't think Hershell would've known about Sophia being in there. If he did know then he probably didn't want to tell them because telling them would've no doubt meant they'd go and kill everyone in the barn, which includes his wife and sons. He figured that they wouldn't find out and would just piss off after they gave up their hunt.

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Spoiler tags really necessary?

Haven't seen any previews so this isn't by any means a spoiler, but I think the only way they could explain it would be that Otis was the one that put Sophia in the barn. I think either Hershell or the boy(Jimmy?) mentioned that Otis did a lot of that(putting the walkers in the barn). There's been a lot of this discussion on an American board I post on since Sunday night. A lot of scrutiny on the timeline as well, and there's a few problems with it. The timing of the show is starting to get very, very unlikely.

I'll have a look back through the posts that various people made regarding it but I'm pretty sure that there isn't that much time between Sophia going missing and Otis shooting Carl(that's the only time that Otis would've been able to get her). It's probably a couple of days, which would mean she'd need to be bitten and then stroll(zombie speed) towards the farm.

If it wasn't Otis then it'd need to be explained really well, given that everyone would need to have known that they're looking for a young girl. Someone I know had a good theory that Carol might've known(her reaction at the end says otherwise) and she kept silent because she felt the same as Hershell and hoped they could change her back. That would've at least made her character slightly interesting. At the moment I wished she'd ran up to Sophia and gotten bitten so she'd be off our screens.

As for the second question, they'd probably lure the walkers in the barn to the side away from the door(I'm pretty sure where Glenn got in is on the other side from the door Shane broke) and then they'd quick open the door and throw them in. Either that or there's an easy entrance to put them in, I don't know enough about barns. They're might be a one way entrance kind of thing to get cows/horses in easily if they're being troublesome.

Mind the lad in the CDC said the change could happen in as little as 3 minutes. So it's not entirely unfeasible.

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Mind the lad in the CDC said the change could happen in as little as 3 minutes. So it's not entirely unfeasible.

That'd take her even longer to wonder to the farm then. Humans should be able to travel faster than zombies so her turning as close to the farm as possible would make it more likely to be workable.

As I said, I'd need to do a bit of research about the timing. See how many nights passed, on screen, when they were camped at the motorway until Carl got shot. I don't think there was any time between Carl getting shot and Otis dying, which I don't think there was.

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What is this in relation too, sorry, I posted quite a large section of text ph34r.gif

I'll try and answer it though:

I don't think Hershell would've known about Sophia being in there. If he did know then he probably didn't want to tell them because telling them would've no doubt meant they'd go and kill everyone in the barn, which includes his wife and sons. He figured that they wouldn't find out and would just piss off after they gave up their hunt.

Oh sorry, I did highlight it but its not shown up, its just the 1st section (can't edit on the phone today for some reason)

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As I said, I'd need to do a bit of research about the timing. See how many nights passed, on screen, when they were camped at the motorway until Carl got shot. I don't think there was any time between Carl getting shot and Otis dying, which I don't think there was.

Or you could maybe pass on the research and just enjoy the programme, no?

This series has been a bit boring in places but has still had its moments. The rest of the series should be good. Cannae wait till February. Incidentally, anyone know why the wait? Are 'mid-season' breaks the norm for American TV shows?

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Or you could maybe pass on the research and just enjoy the programme, no?

This series has been a bit boring in places but has still had its moments. The rest of the series should be good. Cannae wait till February. Incidentally, anyone know why the wait? Are 'mid-season' breaks the norm for American TV shows?

I'm just discussing it, considering it's not on then I've got nothing else to do for 2 months.

Aye it is pretty standard for US shows. Community, Fringe and The Walking Dead are taking them(Fringe has already went in), not sure about the others I watch.

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I'm just discussing it, considering it's not on then I've got nothing else to do for 2 months.

Aye it is pretty standard for US shows. Community, Fringe and The Walking Dead are taking them(Fringe has already went in), not sure about the others I watch.

Fair play. Not really having a dig. Just annoyed it's not on for 2 months :angry:

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Haven't really posted on this thread as I know folk would download it, and not be able to keep their mouths shut until after it's shown here on the Friday. tongue.gif

I really enjoyed this series, probably more than the last one. People moaning about it being 'slow' are kinding missing what the show is all about. Aye, there's zombies, and the scenes with them are always great (apart from that ludicrous sequence with the one in the well), but it's more to do with how this group of survivors cope not just with the 'apocalypse', but also with each other, given they're such a disparate group, who'd never give each other the time of day if that wasn't all happening.

The characterisation has been fantastic, and the twists and turns have always been intriguing.

And then there was the last scene at the end of the last episode just there. It's got to be up there with some of the greatest television ever made IMO.

A great, great show, one of the best to come out of the States in years.

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I really enjoyed this series, probably more than the last one. People moaning about it being 'slow' are kinding missing what the show is all about. Aye, there's zombies, and the scenes with them are always great (apart from that ludicrous sequence with the one in the well), but it's more to do with how this group of survivors cope not just with the 'apocalypse', but also with each other, given they're such a disparate group, who'd never give each other the time of day if that wasn't all happening.

The characterisation has been fantastic, and the twists and turns have always been intriguing.

And then there was the last scene at the end of the last episode just there. It's got to be up there with some of the greatest television ever made IMO.

A great, great show, one of the best to come out of the States in years.

Good post. Especially the first paragraph.

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I really enjoyed this series, probably more than the last one. People moaning about it being 'slow' are kinding missing what the show is all about. Aye, there's zombies, and the scenes with them are always great (apart from that ludicrous sequence with the one in the well), but it's more to do with how this group of survivors cope not just with the 'apocalypse', but also with each other, given they're such a disparate group, who'd never give each other the time of day if that wasn't all happening.

The characterisation has been fantastic, and the twists and turns have always been intriguing.

True enough that its not just a zombie horror movie-turned tv show, but its just not true that the characters are developing over the course of the series so far. Shane is the only one who seems to have some proper depth thats been exposed so far, Glen has been given his fair share of screentime which is good, and Daryl is as cool as ever (liked the bit with his brother coming back as a hallucination). Other than those three, who have they really shown up as an interesting character or developed a story around that couldnt have been done with one of the other characters?

The 1st season was all about the group as a team, not several individuals, and it feels like they're trying to get rid of that by the end of this season. The bits in Atlanta last year were awsome and the teamwork between strangers really added to that, now they want to go the complete opposite way, not a good idea IMO.

Edited by Stewbo
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True enough that its not just a zombie horror movie-turned tv show, but its just not true that the characters are developing over the course of the series so far. Shane is the only one who seems to have some proper depth thats been exposed so far, Glen has been given his fair share of screentime which is good, and Daryl is as cool as ever (liked the bit with his brother coming back as a hallucination). Other than those three, who have they really shown up as an interesting character or developed a story around that couldnt have been done with one of the other characters?

Andrea's character has almost completely changed since the first time we met her. Daryl has gone from a good-for-nothing hick into someone with empathy and a purpose. You can tell over the course of the series, he's come totally out of his brother's shadow. Had that hallucination happened in the episode after the one where they chained Merle up, he'd have killed Rick in cold blood.

Some characters have developed in different ways. Shane is obviously the most interesting character, but it's wrong to say others haven't been given some sort of depth. Certainly more than many other shows.

I thought the episode with the zombie in the well was the only real 'filler' episode so far. A pretty good strike rate for such a show.

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