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The Walking Dead

King Kebab

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Regarding the Sophia thing, it's been bothering me a bit too.

Hershel and his family all knew that the group were looking for a missing girl. If one of them had put a girl into the barn then they'd have surely told the group?

This has to mean that either: Otis put the girl in the barn without telling Hershel or his family, then buggered off to find the medical equipment for Rick's son - so no-one knew there was a girl in the barn; or the filmmakers have missed a massive plot hole.

That last episode was tremendous. The last five minutes were proper heart-in-mouth stuff - brilliant TV.

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Is it not possible that Sophia stumbled upon the barn thinking she'd be safe there for the night?

We never found out who was sleeping in the cupboard in the house Darryl found. My bet would be she was stumbling from place to place and had only been in the barn fairly recently.

Doesn't explain how she never saw the lights from the house or the camp but I assume they would kill all lights at night to avoid any walkers finding them.

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Cracking ending - one of those plot twists which in hindsight is really obvious but I'll admit to not seeing it coming. The very last bit with Rick was superb in cementing his role as leader. However I still think it has been interminably slow to get to this point - could easily have shaved off the equivalent of two episodes without reducing the impact of that ending - but unfortunately that is a common failing of many American dramas.

By the way has anyone read 'rise of the govenor' yet? Picked it up a while back. I've never read a graphic 'novel' and at the risk of opening a debate about the merits of' graphic' vs 'proper' novels I have to say in my opinion it wasa good story, badly written and I can see why Robert Kirkman wrote the walking dead as a graphic novel - I don't think he'd have got published if that book is anything to go by...

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Is it not possible that Sophia stumbled upon the barn thinking she'd be safe there for the night?

We never found out who was sleeping in the cupboard in the house Darryl found. My bet would be she was stumbling from place to place and had only been in the barn fairly recently.

Doesn't explain how she never saw the lights from the house or the camp but I assume they would kill all lights at night to avoid any walkers finding them.

If she'd she'd walked in there, as a human, then I think the zombies would've eaten her and killed her. It didn't look like she'd too much wrong with her when she walked out as a zombie, can't really remember though.

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Is it not possible that Sophia stumbled upon the barn thinking she'd be safe there for the night?

We never found out who was sleeping in the cupboard in the house Darryl found. My bet would be she was stumbling from place to place and had only been in the barn fairly recently.

Doesn't explain how she never saw the lights from the house or the camp but I assume they would kill all lights at night to avoid any walkers finding them.

Surely if she stumbled into the barn she'd have taken the same route that Glenn did (up on the hayloft part) and then seen the Walkers before buggering off?

There can't have been a ground-level entrance or the Walkers would have gotten out.

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If she'd she'd walked in there, as a human, then I think the zombies would've eaten her and killed her. It didn't look like she'd too much wrong with her when she walked out as a zombie, can't really remember though.

Yep, she'd have to have got the injury somewhere else. Looked like she had a wound on her shoulder. I wouldn't be surprised if we got to see what happened in a flashback sequence. It might even be the opening to the next episode as it would make for a dramatic resumption of the series (or season if you like).

Overall I think it's not been too bad. Certainly a bit too slow but it may well improve as it leads up the climax of the second run.

Thinking about how it may develop, as I said before, I'm not up to date on the comics but of the content I'm aware of I'd like to see...

...them go to the prison. There are a huge number of possibilities with that both action and character related. I doubt very much the Governor will make an appearance. Not in this run anyway.

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Yep, she'd have to have got the injury somewhere else. Looked like she had a wound on her shoulder. I wouldn't be surprised if we got to see what happened in a flashback sequence. It might even be the opening to the next episode as it would make for a dramatic resumption of the series (or season if you like).

Overall I think it's not been too bad. Certainly a bit too slow but it may well improve as it leads up the climax of the second run.

Thinking about how it may develop, as I said before, I'm not up to date on the comics but of the content I'm aware of I'd like to see...

...them go to the prison. There are a huge number of possibilities with that both action and character related. I doubt very much the Governor will make an appearance. Not in this run anyway.

That's a good idea, have her death shown as the opening to the next episode. I'd like to see more Otis!

That scored spoiler would be a good way to end the season.

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Hershel and his family all knew that the group were looking for a missing girl. If one of them had put a girl into the barn then they'd have surely told the group?

Not when he wanted to keep who (what) was in the barn a secret. Had he told them Sophia was in there, they would have found out the others were there too. Remember, once the boy was up on his feet, he was doing his best to persuade them all to move on.

Perhaps he didn't know, and someone like Otis found her stuck in the river like the other two from the last episode.

Or perhaps she did stumble into the barn by accident, although that seems unlikely, given the route she'd have to take to get in as mentioned before. Maybe she got bitten in the shoulder by one of them, then managed to get away back up to the hayloft before changing herself, but then there would be little incentive to go back down to ground level. Also, why would you find a way into a barn when there's a hoose with lights on closeby?

Hopefully we'll see what happened in a flashback, it's the kind of thing they normally do.

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Not when he wanted to keep who (what) was in the barn a secret. Had he told them Sophia was in there, they would have found out the others were there too. Remember, once the boy was up on his feet, he was doing his best to persuade them all to move on.

That's something I hadn't considered. That brings a new twist to it - it explains why he's so keen to move them on when they're adamant about finding the girl, and also explains that the look of despair on his face as the barn burst open wasn't just for the people he knew that were in it.

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It was a brilliant way to end the last episode. A bit annoyed at having to wait till February for the next part.

Surely Hershel and his family were aware of Sophia being in the barn they kept going to barn to feed the walkers so even if it was Otis that put her there they one's feeding the walkers must've seen.

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Re Sophia being in the barn. Hershel does say when he takes Rick to capture the two Zombies stuck in the river bed that Otis did this job previously so it would have been Otis who put the girl into the barn or Hershel himself but I think he would have mentioned that when he saw them go to kill all the Zombies.

One thing that has been bugging me about this part of the series was the sense of time. It seems to vary from character to character, Ricks kid who was shot then operated on is up and about with nary a consequence yet T-Dog (stupid name) still has the bandage on his arm from where he cut himself a little consistency would be nice.

Another thing is the complete lack of decent characters with the exception of Daryl and Shane, Rick started off well but hasn't really done much for a while and the pay off of Rick shooting Sophia when Shane and the others stood there was something that should have been played up a hell of a lot more than it was. Rick seems to be taking on hard decisions for the group but we are shown very little conflict based on that fact. Off the top of my head Shane should have stepped up and been unable to shoot the aforementioned zombie leaving Rick to do the deed, this could then kick off a crisis of Rick's in which he could break down at the responsibility the others are putting onto him but this just doesn't seem to play into things (at least not at the moment) . Unfortunately I have heard that there is at least one main character getting killed by the end of this series and a popular character form the comic book turning up in the 13th episode. Spoilers below for those interested in who leaves and who joins, allegedly.

This is a pretty big spoiler for those tempted to click.

Daryl gets offed and Michonne, a samurai sword wielding, zombie dragging woman joins the group

Al in all the series is treading water and for me has a couple more episodes to try and build some momentum before I stop watching. A few surprises would be nice as well as nothing has really surprised me at all this season as I guessed the Barn was a bit dodgy and knew that the girl would bite it.

Edited by stemjsim
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AARGH DONT click on that spoiler! I instantly regretted it, wish I didn't know that.

resisted the temptation,well played the poster,at least he made it clear there was forbidden fruit contained therein!

re sophie,could she have gone to the barn for shelter,gone up top,realised her dolly was missing,climbed down to see if shed dropped it,realised what was down there and gone back up quickly,having been scratched or bitten?just a thought

Edited by highlandcowden
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