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The Walking Dead

King Kebab

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A Stephen King episode would be no bad thing!

I'm a big fan of the show, have been from the start. The only time I considered chucking it was about halfway through season two, at the farm, when it really seemed to stall. Then the barn doors opened... I've come to expect that from it since then, you get a few episodes of pretty clunky exposition, then it suddenly changes gear and you're on the edge of your seat all over again (I'm thinking especially of the flu episode in the prison when the walkers manage to get in and Hershel goes to town on them. One of the many episodes where I thought Glenn was about to meet his maker). The only major mistake I think they may have made was killing off The Governor. He was a proper baddy. But from what I hear, there's even worse characters on the horizon...

It's not the best written show in the world (not a patch on the likes of the Sopranos or the West Wing) so it'll never go down as one of the greats, but there's not many shows I've stuck with for five seasons and counting, so they must be doing something right. I've enjoyed the heavy John Carpenter influence on season five, the spare synth score that pops up every now and then, even the picture quality has a sort of grainy 70s 'Assault On Precinct 13' look about it. It took a while to get going again after the mid season break (as usual) but I thought that was the best finale of any season yet.

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They need to make more of Eugene, have him and Abraham build a tank or some shite 'A Team' style. Maybe get Rick to stop whinning and just let him go about killing folk.

The final episode was OK, no real complaints but it just lacked that certain something (like carol going commando at terminus)

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He was also in Dragon: The Bruce Lee story as one of the guys who tries to beat Bruce up at the university. Then comes away with the immortal line "see dude I told you its super secret chink stuff"

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