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Have absolutely no idea where you are pulling this information from tbh, have a quick listen to Stewart Donald's interview. He clearly states that the Campbell deal was never as close as reported in the media however that was purely down to how much Campbell was willing to invest in back to back promotions and nothing to do with 'borrowed money' or any DD issues.
Not having that someone who has both bought and sold multiple businesses on both sides of the Atlantic would be making up pish tbh....

Suggest you check your working lad.
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11 minutes ago, hobbes said:
41 minutes ago, Stainrod said:

They gave him the time of day initially once SD found he wasn’t offering anything other than borrowed money he had brokered then it seems he was politely shown the door.

Where's the evidence of this? I've searched Google but can't find anything other than he pulled the offer when they discovered more debt during DD.

SD has openly said he hasn’t got the money to take Sunderland to the next level, what I gather MC was wanting a controlling stake which SD wasn’t willing to give.

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SD has openly said he hasn’t got the money to take Sunderland to the next level, what I gather MC was wanting a controlling stake which SD wasn’t willing to give.
But where did it say it was borrowed money
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11 minutes ago, hobbes said:
15 minutes ago, AL-FFC said:
SD has openly said he hasn’t got the money to take Sunderland to the next level, what I gather MC was wanting a controlling stake which SD wasn’t willing to give.

But where did it say it was borrowed money

Dare say it was the media reports but he was putting 20 million of his own, the rest was with Far East backers

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Re Q&As, it was only after some fans had asked him on Twitter that these were arranged.  If he'd said no then people would have questioned his credibility, but he didn't and gave everyone the chance to put questions to him F2F.

At the EGM Liddel did say that an announcement regarding ownership would be made shortly after the presentations, so we knew the intention was that we'd know one way or another whether ownership was going to progress or not.

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30 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

And if he gets the club and fucks us over, then we have a role to play in hounding him out. We already played our hand in tryong to oust the MSG. At this point, when its all about who they sell two, we are not holding any cards. The best we can do as fans now is keep BtB alive as a contigency to ensure we have cards to play in future.


it's a lot lot harder to hound out an absent owner whose hiding out back in the US if it all goes sour.

There's no way he is moving to Edinburgh anyway and leaving behind his coffee empire in Manhattan, besides he's needed there as Wee Chad can only work weekends and every second Tuesday and isn't allowed to drive the van.


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So whats next then? They are saying done and dusted by tail end of August hopefully? Is this entire time taken up by due diligence or whats the craic? Do we expect radio silence from now until the deals done?

I would hope we arent second guessing the guys credibility for the next month. What are the key points coming up?

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2 hours ago, Back Post Misses said:


Personally think they are in a difficult position.

If they are critical many may think it is sour grapes as the MSG sold elsewhere.

If they come out and say they think he is great and it goes wrong then they are in danger of losing face.

Remember this is a MSG decision, maybe they should be saying something to stop all this uncertainty?


I hear what you’re saying but I disagree that the MSG are the ones who need to say something. Reason being, there’s barely a fan out there who would trust a thing these wankers have to say. Any credibility they once had is now gone.  If they told me it was pissing down outside, I’m checking out the fucking window. Kenny/BtB are well thought of amongst the support and are generally trusted by the wider fan base as having the best intentions of the Club at heart. I’d rather hear from them sooner rather than later regardless of whether their opinion of Campbell is good or bad. At a time when there’s not many trustworthy individuals out there, they need to be saying something to either back up or quash these rumours. Anyone who thinks negative feedback from BtB is merely sour grapes needs their heads checked and wouldn’t be worth bothering about.  Similarly, if they come out and publicly back Campbell and it turns out badly, nobody can lay that blame at the door of BtB. They aren’t carrying out the DD after all. 

Edited by Relegator Ritchie
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It won’t happen but folk really need to calm down on this whole situation until the DD has been done and that will take a few weeks.

If his DD was complete successfully at Sunderland, then it’s reasonable to think it will pass ours too.

Can’t wait for the football to take our minds off this tbh.

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4 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

So whats next then? They are saying done and dusted by tail end of August hopefully? Is this entire time taken up by due diligence or whats the craic? Do we expect radio silence from now until the deals done?

I would hope we arent second guessing the guys credibility for the next month. What are the key points coming up?

DD completed by next Thursday I think.  Would be as well just thinking about the football until then 😀

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I hear what you’re saying but I disagree that the MSG are the ones who need to say something. Reason being, there’s barely a fan out there who would trust a thing these wankers have to say. Any credibility they once had is now gone.  If they told me it was pissing down outside, I’m checking out the fucking window. Kenny/BtB are well thought of amongst the support and are generally trusted by the wider fan base as having the best intentions of the Club at heart. I’d rather hear from them soon met rather than later regardless of whether their opinion of Campbell is good or bad. At a time when there’s not many trustworthy individuals out there, they need to be saying something to either back up or quash these rumours. Anyone who thinks negative feedback from BtB is merely sour grapes needs their heads checked and wouldn’t be worth bothering about.  Similarly, if they come out and publicly back Campbell and it turns out badly, nobody can lay that blame at the door of BtB. They aren’t carrying out the DD after all. 
I do agree that BtB need to be careful in that speaking out could torpedo this deal. Not sure if there would then be backlash from MSG members maybe? Could there be legal stuff associated? But also, we have pledged our cash to these guys in the hope that they would run the club basically on our behalf so theres a lot of trust there and I would be disappointed not to hear from them on the matter. It doesnt have to be a binary statement of back him or hunt him. Just want to know their thoughts, and if they want to go as far as to set BtB up as a rainy day parachute to save the club if it all goes wrong then my pledge remains open to them. They have done so much work and been shabbily treated by the MSG, they deserve our gratitude and out support, but having placed our trust and coin in them re the stewardship of the club, I do think we deserve to hear from them on the matter.

Like I say though, I trust them and I think they will act if they feel they need to
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7 hours ago, orco said:

No idea why but reading this thread the names Pearse Flynn, Angelo Massone and Charles Green keep coming into my head. 🤔

What about Ron Dixon at Dundee , promised fans a new 8M main stand with a conference centre and his new ice rink and greyhound racetrack.

Buggered off back to Canada leaving a heap of debt and the new owners found a Million quid of the club's money had been mis-directed to his greyhound facilities..  


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I hear what you’re saying but I disagree that the MSG are the ones who need to say something. Reason being, there’s barely a fan out there who would trust a thing these wankers have to say. Any credibility they once had is now gone.  If they told me it was pissing down outside, I’m checking out the fucking window. Kenny/BtB are well thought of amongst the support and are generally trusted by the wider fan base as having the best intentions of the Club at heart. I’d rather hear from them sooner rather than later regardless of whether their opinion of Campbell is good or bad. At a time when there’s not many trustworthy individuals out there, they need to be saying something to either back up or quash these rumours. Anyone who thinks negative feedback from BtB is merely sour grapes needs their heads checked and wouldn’t be worth bothering about.  Similarly, if they come out and publicly back Campbell and it turns out badly, nobody can lay that blame at the door of BtB. They aren’t carrying out the DD after all. 

Might be better if they did !
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6 hours ago, Hank von Hell said:

Because he is apparently a businessman ,and not a fairy godmother, with no previous links or love for Falkirk FC.

Neither FFC or MC had heard of each other 6 months ago. 

We are supposed to believe he will pump millions into our club for no profit because he is a football fan.

Are the Americans at Dundee Utd going to make profit? The guy at Hibs? Roman Abramovich? The Sheiks at Man City? 

Everywhere you look there are people putting money into football clubs they have no affiliation to with very little chance of a positive return but there’s no way that can happen to us is there. 

If he has the money that’s been quoted then this isn’t a big risk for him and he can come out it with a hotel and who knows what else around the ground. 

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2 hours ago, Hank von Hell said:

Craig Whyte managed to get the money to buy out Rangers debt without having any - he borrowed it for a new company (like what MC has just set up) on the strength of him buying the club and mortgaging future season ticket sales.

He also mounted a similar charm offensive and courted the media, and no-one knew exactly what his business was other than real estate.

People are right to be skeptical and raise concerns  so that the proper DD is done by our calamitous MSG/BOD, and we can all be happy.  There should be proof of funds requested  now and where it's come from and a proper business plan instead of all the pie in the sky wish list promises .

Craig Whyte bought Rangers for £1. He didn’t need to have the money, he just pretended he did. 

Do you think Lex n co are leaving their seats for £1. Campbell needs to have the cash to buy them out or this dies in 2 weeks and everything has been pointless. 

Proper DD will be done whether ‘Honk Van Hell’ raises their concerns on P&B or not. 

None of us know if this guy is the real deal or not and we won’t until he’s in the chair but if he passes DD then surely it’s a risk worth taking?

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23 minutes ago, Hank von Hell said:

What about Ron Dixon at Dundee , promised fans a new 8M main stand with a conference centre and his new ice rink and greyhound racetrack.

Buggered off back to Canada leaving a heap of debt and the new owners found a Million quid of the club's money had been mis-directed to his greyhound facilities..  


All whilst starring in Brookside

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21 minutes ago, JulioBairn said:

Are the Americans at Dundee Utd going to make profit? The guy at Hibs? Roman Abramovich? The Sheiks at Man City? 

Everywhere you look there are people putting money into football clubs they have no affiliation to with very little chance of a positive return but there’s no way that can happen to us is there. 

If he has the money that’s been quoted then this isn’t a big risk for him and he can come out it with a hotel and who knows what else around the ground. 

He's been upfront about the hotel plans and even went into a bit of detail of the market he's hoping to attract to said hotel. What interests me is what else he has planned.

What type of facilities can he build on our ground that would be sensible and needed?

He's mentioned an indoor training facility so I suppose we can tick that 1 off.

Given how popular the Kelpies are I assume he might look at something that tourists can use.

Edited by Gaz FFC
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Why is John Park "waiting to see if Campbell`s got the money" ? I thought they`ve been a "team" for a few months at least. Wasn`t he involved with Campbell in the Sunderland deal which would have required a shedload more cash than this takeover will, why the doubts now??? 

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26 minutes ago, JulioBairn said:

Are the Americans at Dundee Utd going to make profit? The guy at Hibs? Roman Abramovich? The Sheiks at Man City? 

Everywhere you look there are people putting money into football clubs they have no affiliation to with very little chance of a positive return but there’s no way that can happen to us 

The Americans and the Hibs guy are not promising to build a new stand, buy out another, set up an academy, new pitch ,hotel …… I cannot remember the rest.  They could well get a return on their investment - I can't see Marky boy ever getting his money back , he seems a very generous guy. 

Abramovich and The Sheiks is a stupid comparison 

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