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The Falkirk FC Thread

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3 hours ago, Shadwell Dog said:

Morton have a squad of 22 players and are full time.  If their budget can't afford that they should be going part time or cutting their squad and bringing in players on less money.  If that means relegation then so be it but there's still obvious areas where clubs can make cuts. The problem is they want to have the same competiveness on less money and they then expect other sources like the govt to bail them out.  All these clubs were given the chance to hibernate this season but they chose to play. They were not forced into it. If they couldn't afford to get to Christmas then they have a cheek agreeing to play till fecking may knowing damn fine well that was never going to happen. Football's managed to look after itself down south so I'm sure the Scottish govt would've  been well  within their rights to expect it to do that up here too.








There will be a reduction in the amount of players in the professional game. Money will be tight not only during this pandemic but the following seasons. That means reduced squads as well as some clubs going out of business.

That is not good for the long term health of the game.

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1 hour ago, Reggie Perrin said:

Problem is the clubs are looking to the Scottish Government for cash and given that Hollyrood is still reliant on Westminster for funding there is little in the way of money available for emergency payments.

Doesn’t help that we are still expected to pay “our share” of the costs of Brexit, HS2, Crossrail, Trident, Refurbishment of Palace of Westminster, corrupt PPE contracts etc.

This isn't a political issue. It's not for the UK or Scottish governments to fund football clubs especially championship clubs who are being run badly. God knows how much Dundee are paying Charlie Adam to play in the second tier for example. Why should the governments bail them out?

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3 minutes ago, Shadwell Dog said:

This isn't a political issue. It's not for the UK or Scottish governments to fund football clubs especially championship clubs who are being run badly. God knows how much Dundee are paying Charlie Adam to play in the second tier for example. Why should the governments bail them out?

In normal times I would completely agree with you but in these extreme circumstances a degree of Government assistance should be available IF POSSIBLE.

Football should not be treated as a special case though.

As for those clubs who have continued on their merry way without taking appropriate measures to enable them to get through this crises...

...hell mend them.

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Government should step in like in every other business, not any clubs fault they can't get fans in. There does need to be a limit though and if a team like Morton have spent money they don't have they should face the consequences exactly like they would if they were mismanaged in normal circumstances 

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2 hours ago, Reggie Perrin said:

Problem is the clubs are looking to the Scottish Government for cash and given that Hollyrood is still reliant on Westminster for funding there is little in the way of money available for emergency payments.

Doesn’t help that we are still expected to pay “our share” of the costs of Brexit, HS2, Crossrail, Trident, Refurbishment of Palace of Westminster, corrupt PPE contracts etc.

Absolute rubbish!

The SG receives more per head For spending than any other region of the UK other than NI.

Check your facts before spouting such nonsense.

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3 hours ago, Back Post Misses said:


Their income has been slaughtered. Sorry but rivalry or not these clubs mean a lot to fans around the country and a lot of this is not of their doing. You can’t easily get shot of players under contract to cut their cloth accordingly or the other fixed costs


With comments like these it’s hard to feel sorry for clubs but I get your point. 


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1 hour ago, knee jerk reaction said:

Government should step in like in every other business, not any clubs fault they can't get fans in. There does need to be a limit though and if a team like Morton have spent money they don't have they should face the consequences exactly like they would if they were mismanaged in normal circumstances 

Every club was asked if they wanted to play a 27 game season and if they said yes this was under the expectation that they had the finances to make it through the season. There was no guarantee of govt assistance or crowds being allowed in at any point in this league campaign. Any club therefor who needs government assistance only 3 months into.the season deserves to go down the tubes . They all knew the circumstances and they all knew what could happen.  This situation isn't a surprise. For clubs to be desperate for the govt to give them cash asap now is ludicrous.  What's happened to their season ticket money?  That's something other industries definitely don't have. People paying in advance by the thousands?


Edited by Shadwell Dog
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8 minutes ago, Nedelko said:
15 minutes ago, CC52 FFC said:
With comments like these it’s hard to feel sorry for clubs but I get your point. 

That's just one fan though really isn't it?

Just having a flick through Twitter though and it seems the majority of Morton fans “hate” Falkirk. I personally wouldn’t want a club to rot or go under but as someone else said no tears will be shed on certain clubs. 

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When you consider the Govt stepped in with the Furlough scheme which a lot of employers have took the piss with there is also the chance that any said club owner could have thought the Govt will help us out with the wages signed players without any back up plan and just winged it in the hope they were top at the end of the season being called and getting promoted.  So to bring the point sign the players govt bails them out with out them having to shell out they dont have any points to forfeit or punishment with an administration with this pandemic so they really dont have much to lose.

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1 minute ago, CC52 FFC said:

Just having a flick through Twitter though and it seems the majority of Morton fans “hate” Falkirk. I personally wouldn’t want a club to rot or go under but as someone else said no tears will be shed on certain clubs. 

After their greeting to the SFA in the McKinnon affair I'd happily see them disappear into the ether to be honest.

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53 minutes ago, knee jerk reaction said:

Government should step in like in every other business, not any clubs fault they can't get fans in. 

That's not the point. 

In the current climate every business has to assess the risk of stricter controls and further lockdowns limiting their income before deciding how they operate. 

Football clubs are no different. While I have no idea of things like ongoing ground maintenance costs, I assume most clubs could have avoided any danger to their existence simply by sitting out the current season. Without any football penalties. They had the chance and they said no. 

Fair enough. But surely you budget for a worst-case scenario, which is a season with no fans. Given the lack of a vaccine when the clubs voted to return that was always a possibility.  If Morton are staring into the abyss before even the first round of games has been completed then someone at that club has seriously screwed up. Particularly as their expenditure should be lower than originally estimated. 

(At the time clubs gave a commitment to playing, covid testing was mandatory and must surely have been budgeted for. In Falkirk's case, the requirement to test was dropped only a few days before the players reported back for training) 

Does the government step in every time a company screws up its finances and goes under? Did they step in when Falkirk went into provisional liquidation? 

I think we both know the answer to that one. 

Nobody should step in to help Morton. 

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1 hour ago, Shadwell Dog said:

This isn't a political issue. It's not for the UK or Scottish governments to fund football clubs especially championship clubs who are being run badly. God knows how much Dundee are paying Charlie Adam to play in the second tier for example. Why should the governments bail them out?

I see that you're off a wee bit of a tangent here, but sorry you've got your hopes up re: Dundee. Our position hasn't changed at all, Dundee's FPS ownership family is worth several hundred million US $'s (certainly extremely minted as far as Scottish football goes) so unless they're planning on packing it in then we're fine. We also have pandemic insurance which has been upheld in the courts thus far, a final appeal will be heard in January, but it is looking favourable that payouts will commence in the spring.

In an effort to stay within our wage structure Dundee and Adam initially couldn't make the numbers work until 3 sponsors agreed to pay the bulk of his wage. Adam also wanted to come home for family reasons so he's now on a sliver of his last wage down south. Now let me make clear that Dundee's owners took over the club willingly and what they are paying out to keep us going doesn't matter a jot to me as I rarely feel sorry for rich people, and I'm not even crazy about the sponsorship for Adam deal, but someone had to set the record straight.

Furthermore we haven't made a single appeal in the press for fans to come back or to have a gov't bailout.

Now I'll let you get back to ranting and raving and hoping that fans of other Scottish clubs wake up tomorrow without a team to support.


Edited by CanadianDee
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55 minutes ago, LauriestonBairn said:


Aye but is it not also true that we raise more in tax per head than the rest of the UK?


He who's name you do not mention has form on this. Best to ignore him as it only encourages his nonsense. He knew what the other side of the balance sheet was, but hey when did balance come into it.

He intentionally quotes selected bits of information . It's 'Quote Mining'  an attempt to mislead and distort the narrative to further their own.

It's the last refuge of somebody that has lost the argument. 

Ignore him I do 

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