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The Falkirk FC Thread

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7 minutes ago, AlanCamelonfan said:

People are just making up stuff now.

Statement from Camelon Juniors Chairman....I cannot go into this further which I hope everyone will understand that this person is fully cooperating with the financial authorities and should be presumed innocent pending the completion of the investigation. 

i think that the investigation may still be ongoing, but I’ll accept innocent until proven guilty. 

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Honestly doesn't matter what the club does at the moment if we sign a player people will moan, if we don't sign a player people will moan. Rush to get new manager in, moan, take our time getting new manager, moan. Season ticket on sale...moan. live streams....moan. I know we've been crap the last few season's doesn't mean ever single thing we do is wrong. Said it before but if we signed Messi folk would be on here moaning that we didn't go for Ronaldo. Is almost as  depressing reading this thread as it was watching us last season and that's a moan by me there. 

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2 hours ago, Shadwell Dog said:

Why would you post a private email on a fans forum? 

Why do you think?

1 hour ago, Zbairn said:

Its not a supposed letter, it's a factual one as I have seen it..... and as SD states.... there will be no chance of it being posted on here.  All will come out in the future, but certainly not on here.

Right, it's factual, I believe you.

However, we are constantly told that the Rawlins are now the baddies, so why exactly can't the letter be posted therefore allowing us all to see what kind of people we're dealing with? I personally wouldn't want my club getting involved with people who are threatening or abusing our supporters, unless it's in response to something that's been sent to them of course, so I would have thought this would be a perfect opportunity to discredit them. How will this 'come out in the future'? By what medium will we be able to see the content of the letter? 

I get that you're pissed off at not being able to get involved, as I presume that you're one of the fans group but the constant negativity and moaning at this that and the next thing isn't going to further your cause very well.

I, like many others, would like to see fan involvement in the running of the club but in partnership with the Rawlins or other benefactors because I don't think that sole fan ownership would be a good thing.

Perhaps someone who has a foot in neither camp could act as a mediator because the two sides are simply going to become more divided as things stand and the prospect of fan involvement will get further away.

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17 minutes ago, Shadwell Dog said:

Aye . That's what I love doing . Just sitting in the house making stuff up.  It's hardly surprising considering the  way both clubs have been run lately.

Their was more made out of our problems than  what was said. They were branding one of the committee a liar over having an office in the carron iron works.

Camelon got 2k for blair sneddon. Are getting another 2k about now. And 5% of any future transfer 

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17 minutes ago, Zbairn said:

Statement from Camelon Juniors Chairman....I cannot go into this further which I hope everyone will understand that this person is fully cooperating with the financial authorities and should be presumed innocent pending the completion of the investigation. 

i think that the investigation may still be ongoing, but I’ll accept innocent until proven guilty. 

No it's not still on going. 

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10 minutes ago, knee jerk reaction said:

Honestly doesn't matter what the club does at the moment if we sign a player people will moan, if we don't sign a player people will moan. Rush to get new manager in, moan, take our time getting new manager, moan. Season ticket on sale...moan. live streams....moan. I know we've been crap the last few season's doesn't mean ever single thing we do is wrong. Said it before but if we signed Messi folk would be on here moaning that we didn't go for Ronaldo. Is almost as  depressing reading this thread as it was watching us last season and that's a moan by me there. 

I don’t think that is the case. If the fans had seen the following I believe they would have pulled together and moved on.

1. Local investment 

2. A mix of the current Board and the new investors with a new Chairman

3. Large dilution of the MSG

4. Gary waste of a wage gone

5. Fan sharesave scheme and return of a fan rep to the Boardroom. 

I would be surprised, if that had happened, that the vast majority of fans would have not pulled together. As it hasn’t happened the divisions have gotten bigger as no one currently involved is prepared to take any responsibility for last seasons catastrophe. 

The positions of many many fans are entrenched now. It is going to be a long way back until that change happens. 

The Rawlins and the rest of the Board are kidding themselves on and doing the club a disservice if they think they can heal this without moving their position. 

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31 minutes ago, ShaggerG said:

Why do you think?

Right, it's factual, I believe you.

However, we are constantly told that the Rawlins are now the baddies, so why exactly can't the letter be posted therefore allowing us all to see what kind of people we're dealing with? I personally wouldn't want my club getting involved with people who are threatening or abusing our supporters, unless it's in response to something that's been sent to them of course, so I would have thought this would be a perfect opportunity to discredit them. How will this 'come out in the future'? By what medium will we be able to see the content of the letter? 

I get that you're pissed off at not being able to get involved, as I presume that you're one of the fans group but the constant negativity and moaning at this that and the next thing isn't going to further your cause very well.

I, like many others, would like to see fan involvement in the running of the club but in partnership with the Rawlins or other benefactors because I don't think that sole fan ownership would be a good thing.

Perhaps someone who has a foot in neither camp could act as a mediator because the two sides are simply going to become more divided as things stand and the prospect of fan involvement will get further away.

It's Carrie Rawlins plaything now. There's no way she's giving anyone else a shot I'm afraid. 

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1 hour ago, ShaggerG said:

We are constantly told that the Rawlins are now the baddies, so why exactly can't the letter be posted therefore allowing us all to see what kind of people we're dealing with? I personally wouldn't want my club getting involved with people who are threatening or abusing our supporters, unless it's in response to something that's been sent to them of course, so I would have thought this would be a perfect opportunity to discredit them. How will this 'come out in the future'? By what medium will we be able to see the content of the letter?

Agree with this wholeheartedly. The only criticism I have of the patrons is that they should be shouting from the rooftops about what’s gone on. It’s the only way the wider fanbase is ever going to get an understanding of what they are up against. The CI showed them the way with their recent statement, it’s a shame the patrons appear to have taken the decision lying down and aren’t up for a fight.

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36 minutes ago, Long Suffering Bairn said:

I have loved Pink Floyd all my long adult life.   At no time have I wasted any time worrying about who is managing their business matters and how they go about it.   I had no f**ks to give for that.  It's the end product that matters.  Likewise, I have been a Falkirk supporter all my adult life and as long as the people behind the scenes are not criminals, defrauding the club or up to any other shenanigans I have very few monkeys to give.   Yes, if they don't have the team's interest at heart I would like them to go forth and procreate.   I am no-one.  I have no power of influence to change them.   I have no interest in the business operations of the club, but I am glad other people do.  I cannot pretend I have the business acumen to judge.   I only have passionate interest in the team on the park.   This might expose my ignorance, but at the end of the day the team means everything, the board mean nothing to me.

Mental comparison.


Also, no one is stopping you from happy clapping another 10 years of failure. Kick on.

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2 hours ago, Dawson Park Boy said:


What sort of pricing would you find acceptable?

I thought the video was fine.

Whats your solution to the current situation?

1. Some sort of refund at least on offer for those who need it and as a sign of an apology for such a catastrophe of a season. 
2. The video was bad. 
3. Hosting a fans Q&A like they said before churning out the usual season ticket sh**e. 

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