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Guest Caractacus Potts
10 minutes ago, Back Post Misses said:

I don’t think the committee of the FSS should know the signing targets, nor should the Patrons. 

I agree but this clearly represents something more than just signing a player people don’t want. There is a principle involved that could deeply affect the club. If that’s not an issue to be consulted on by the relevant representatives then I don’t know what is. 

Edited by Caractacus Potts
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24 minutes ago, AGPar said:

Why would Clyde provide permission for their best player to go off and talk to other clubs without any guarantee that these clubs will make an offer that they deem acceptable? Whatever you've been told, it's a lot of bollocks.

At the same time why would Clyde go to the bother of wasting loads of time negotiating a fee for a player who when push comes to shove can't agree terms with the club who want to sign him? It happens all the time.

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It’s no tapping up if it’s agreed by both clubs for the personal terms to be agreed first before the clubs agree on a fee.

With the Dan James transfer to Leeds that was mentioned he was at Elland Road on deadline day had his Leeds contract agreed, sways number picked out and had already taken the customary new signing pictures. But then Swansea stopped answering the phone to Leeds meaning they couldn’t agree a transfer fee and deal didn’t go through. I know that’s f**k all to do with Falkirk but just proof that this does happen fairly often in football.

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2 minutes ago, ATLIS said:

He was playing in a side pretty known for it's defensive strengths, especially Livi of the last few years we've had little to no errors leading to goals. Sean Kelly shows up and they happen non-stop. The start of this season was horrendous for them :D He could definitely have gotten tighter after it but it's not as if he's had a complete shocker, still a bad mistake not getting something on it at least

Your video was of ATS was it not? Nobody on here's going to argue with you regarding Kelly we know he's average and constantly unfit.

Edited by FFC 1876
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2 hours ago, sick boy said:

Could be quite a rag tag squad tomorrow if rumours are to be believed, whispers of Clyde rejecting our bid for DGW also.

Heady days when you're relying on CLyde of all clubs to try and prevent your own clubs moral compass being smashed into a million irreparable pieces

2 hours ago, Springfield said:

Can’t seriously believe or accept any vote from a fans perspective / external organisation(s) for a player we shouldn’t be near or associated with.

The new BOD are responsible for running our club in a honest, transparent and with the highest morals.

If they are seriously thinking of bringing this piece of shite to our club, they can all GTF. 



Aye, best hope is that the results of the vote causes them to quietly back away, but the use of the vote to actually justify the signing and deflect from the fact that it would be 100% the boards choice to ignore any semblance of common decency would be utterly vomit inducing. 

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5 minutes ago, AGPar said:

I couldn't give a toss what Daniel James did or did not do at Leeds or Manchester United. If you think Clyde are giving permission for Goodwillie to go off and speak to other clubs without having an acceptable, concrete offer on the table, you're deluded.

No, you’re just a closed mind person that has no idea what he’s talking about.

Let me try this one more time for you. He has likely said he wants to speak to us and due to his service to the club they have allowed him to do this rather than reject it and have their star player unhappy, however, Clyde will have a figure in mind that they will want for him and they will become the sticking point. 

Believe it or not but this is extremely common in football.

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7 minutes ago, AL-FFC said:


I know the previous boards made some unpopular decisions but if there is anything serious about this that would completely trump anything Deans, Lang, CC etc done but there is no way given the depth of feeling about us signing this and tbh I don't see how anyone could justify it goal scorer or not.



This 1000%


All the bad decisions over the past 5 years taken by the club aren't as bad as this one. 

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9 minutes ago, AL-FFC said:


I'm well aware of that, but as I say there's still another lassie involved that whether she told lies or not still probably maintains her stance.




Wait a fucking minute. Are you actually saying that in your view anyone can make up a story about anyone, and the person who’s had the fabrication put upon them should be judged and their character smeared by a pack of lies? 

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9 minutes ago, FFC 1876 said:

Your video was of ATS was it not? Nobody on here's going to argue with you regarding Kelly we know he's average and constantly unfit.

Yeah it was, that was from a few seasons ago. I was comparing his mistake there as being similar to ones Kelly makes. Although with Kelly in the team we made more mistakes overall, with ATS in them we made very few but that's probably more to do with it being a better defence he was a part of. It probably points towards him being just a bit of a boring, albeit reliable player who is unspectacular 

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14 minutes ago, AL-FFC said:


I'm well aware of that, but as I say there's still another lassie involved that whether she told lies or not still probably maintains her stance.


Just abhorrent. I’m at a loss here. Dark days for the club.

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8 minutes ago, Mon_Eh_Bairns2018 said:

What was this FSS email that had been sent out. I’ve signed up but not received anything???

Some new signups made today will get the email late but you will get it. But get in touch with FSS and they will sort it out with you (but first perhaps check your junk folder?)

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42 minutes ago, TedCrilly said:

FSS have members on the board. I’m pretty sure the committee will have a slight idea if there’s any truth to the rumours.

Have the FSS reps asked the FSS to hold this vote or has someone else from FSS just decided to do it anyway?  If the reps have asked then that's concerning otherwise I doubt anyone at fss will know anything as it's bound to be confidential information at present.

If the FSS reps have asked for it  and yet people on here are saying we have definitely made a bid  for him then that surely is taking the piss trying to gauge the fans opinion whilst trying to sign him anyway.  Would be a complete waste of time .  Can anyone confirm whether the fss reps have asked for this vote as that certainly would confirm interest. Otherwise it's still conjecture. 


Goodwillie will surely have an agent? I would expect us to  agree terms with him before making any bid to sign him from Clyde or at least to find out what he was after if we were trying to sign him.


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