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The Falkirk FC Thread

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How could it say that when it was issued before the vote?

I have NO doubt.

Because they are weak?

Because they want fans thinking they did vote "no", when in fact they didn't?

Because they specialise in marketing-speak bullshit, which looks like it says a lot and is clear, but has been carefully worded to actually say nothing?

Because they don't want any financial backlash from Falkirk fans or away fans not attending games?

So Alloa actually haven't confirmed how they voted? Just a statement of their general intentions before the vote.

All of the rest of that post is just pure speculation. There is no way anybody knows how the Falkirk board voted. In fact, had the Daily Record not mentioned Falkirk's name once (a publication who's strike rate of accuracy throughout this whole episode is abysmal) then nobody would even be suspecting Falkirk.

I don't have a beef with anybody criticising Falkirk's handling of the speculation surrounding how they voted. There are however, and not saying necessarily you (although you do seem to hinting that you feel Falkirk are one of the five), people that believe Falkirk voted yes because the fucking Daily record said so!

I just wish they'd end this and tell us how the voted.

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I'm very disapppointed with the statement. To have waited 2 weeks for a statement and to be given that is pathetic. There is no reason why we shouldn't reveal how we voted. The board have done a great deal of damage to the club after doing so well in the past year to reconnect with the fans.

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Then you have absolutely no right to complain, you've just admitted it yourself!

Where did I say I was going back ?

Going back would be absolutely the right outcome, however I will not be making an official statement on what I decide to do, please honour the confidentiality of my decision.


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You know I would buy that if it was an isolated incident. However lets not forget this Board took us to the brink 16 months ago after a catalogue of poor decision. I am frustrated a bit with a section of the fans turning them into the teflon kings of Scottish football

I personally think in regards to stories that it was George Craig being careless and yes Martin Ritchie letting him do so were to blame for that episode but slowly that has been corrected

I disagree I think we voted No the statement can be read either way but leans slightly more towards a No vote. However I think most of us will have to agree to disagree as the board for better or worse have decide to keep their vote in-house as is there right.

Now onwards Falkirk 3 - Stirling Albion 0 tomorrow with Taylor (2) and Leahy the scorers

The statement release reads maybe.......it stands by neither yes or no and suggests that it is both yes and no.....

For what Ive heard, I believe its yes and with today's as expected and predicted no show of vote points towards yes.....

Simples really.......

Reveal we voted yes = minority fans who are beiling at the moment create more than a hissy fit and perhaps drag more into their camp

Reveal we voted no = everyone is happy......

Onwards and upwards for me as Ive stated from the start, roll on the season so we can get on with what matters most.......

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1343407362[/url]' post='6471721']

I personally think in regards to stories that it was George Craig being careless and yes Martin Ritchie letting him do so were to blame for that episode but slowly that has been corrected

The statement release reads maybe.......it stands by neither yes or no and suggests that it is both yes and no.....

For what Ive heard, I believe its yes and with today's as expected and predicted no show of vote points towards yes.....

Simples really.......

Reveal we voted yes = minority fans who are beiling at the moment create more than a hissy fit and perhaps drag more into their camp

Reveal we voted no = everyone is happy......

Onwards and upwards for me as Ive stated from the start, roll on the season so we can get on with what matters most.......

FFS the Board run the club and managed GC. The blame lies there

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Retail Update:

Evening all

Please see the news story and poll on the official website that has been set up to determine this years "Retro" shirt that the club are looking to manufacture this year in time for a pre Xmas delivery.

4 options from 4 decades have been chosen, after feedback and suggestions from fans and these 4 are the most popular that we have been asked for. We appreciate there are others deserving to be reproduced and we will look at more options next year im sure.


Retail Team


Over 300 unique votes since last night, please keep them coming. All are fairly close in terms of votes thus far.

Poll will close on 1st August.


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Hi folks,bootyshake.gifbootyshake.gifbootyshake.gif

Just thought I would pop in and say get it right up ye.

Lots of love

Your better looking 'cousins' from the west.


P.S. Please don't pump us too much tomorrow; our arse is still sore from the 2nd division.

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1343416479[/url]' post='6472283']

The club voted YES...To benefit themselves. Fair enough.

Also the statement shows we didn't bend over for Rangers, we looked to benefit from the situation.


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We still giving a f**k about this? Cool, let me know when your done children.

sweep sweep sweep

Unsurprised to see Falkirk once again dragging their name into the gutter with this Quisling act.

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Hi folks,bootyshake.gifbootyshake.gifbootyshake.gif

Just thought I would pop in and say get it right up ye.

Lots of love

Your better looking 'cousins' from the west.


P.S. Please don't pump us too much tomorrow; our arse is still sore from the 2nd division.

Do Stirling even have fans?

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Hi folks,bootyshake.gifbootyshake.gifbootyshake.gif

Just thought I would pop in and say get it right up ye.

Lots of love

Your better looking 'cousins' from the west.


P.S. Please don't pump us too much tomorrow; our arse is still sore from the 2nd division.

no mate, just, just no.

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sweep sweep sweep

Unsurprised to see Falkirk once again dragging their name into the gutter with this Quisling act.

i know this is a wind up attempt but in the interest of sporting integrity i'll reply! only 1 club in the sfl still has sporting integrity and that's the club who voted against "newco" being readmitted to the sfl. all others whether they voted yes or no (and we don't know how the vast majority did vote) sold out.

airdrieonians were refused membership on the grounds that the sfa/sfl did not want a precedent where clubs walked away from their debts and reformed as a "newco" that's why airdrie united had to buy clydebanks membership to gain entry to the league. they were refused their own membership, unlike "rangers". therefore any team that voted differently from the time airdrie were liquidated are treating "rangers" as a special case. every club that voted "newco" for entry into the 3rd sold out, just a matter of degree how much.

people are moaning about the clubs who either voted or are rumoured to have voted yes, sticking to the principle of sporting integrity (like this is meant to be about!!) and there's only 1 club with integrity and therefore not worth boycotting etc....i think most people talking about not going to games are just looking for excuses not to go anyway!!

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