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15 minutes ago, EdiBairn said:

We got a clean sheet at Alloa and would've done last week except for Fasan's idiocy.

Even if we wanted to "go for it", who do we have that's going to pose any kind of threat to opposition defences? Petravicius? Lewis? Haber?

We simply don't have the quality required to win games at this level, so the best hope we've got of being competitive is sitting in and trying not to concede.

Wait a doggone minute. You use Alloa as an example of us getting a clean sheet, and that one and only example is sufficient for you to justify why we should sit in and not attack (because it proved we can get a clean sheet on one occasion).

Why then, would you not consider that self same Alloa game equally justifiable for us being a more attack minded side (given that it proved we can win a game on one occasion).

You have effectively nullified your own argument.

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Money is the thing.........

I am sure a number of these players would gladly get themselves as far away from TFS as possible if the money is right. No one in that team has any fire in their belly to fight for the club or their place in the team.

If they play and lose, then so what? There’s not exactly a queue of replacements lining up for their shot at glory.

We have pretty much entered the perfect storm here. Surprised there hasn’t been a call from the board to hold a stadium meeting, take the heat pre AGM, and then beg everyone to help, because it’s their club.

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28 minutes ago, Duncan Freemason said:

Wait a doggone minute. You use Alloa as an example of us getting a clean sheet, and that one and only example is sufficient for you to justify why we should sit in and not attack (because it proved we can get a clean sheet on one occasion).

Why then, would you not consider that self same Alloa game equally justifiable for us being a more attack minded side (given that it proved we can win a game on one occasion).

You have effectively nullified your own argument.

Because we weren't attack minded in any sense of the word against Alloa. We set up to be hard to break down and scored 2 goals on the counter attack, because Ray knows this is the only way for us to grind out results(which we successfully did on that occasion). Alloa were all over us for most of the second half.

We'd be looking at conceding 6 or 7 easily against Ross County if we went out attacking like you seem to be suggesting.

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5 hours ago, Hughsie said:

My big issue with the big January rebuild is who’s going to be available?

I just can’t see who, realistically, we’re going to be able to bring in that is of the quality required to salvage this. It’s not six jersey fillers we need; we need six game changers. It ain’t happening.

It's not just about availability. Players who are available will have other, possibly more appealing choices. We will be competing with Dundee  united looking for a charge into the playoffs,with Partick and their lottery winners trying to stay up.St mirren trying to stay up etc etc  It is a big ask for someone to be convinced we are a good career move at the moment. We have no momentum I'm afraid. . As It's going to take players with guts and real character to turn this round it will be a minor miracle if Ray can persuade the right guys to gamble on us. 

Edited by Stainrod
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7 hours ago, BountyBairn said:

Reality is that we’d need to be talking about the calibre of player that would walk into any other starting 11 to make an impact.

the board will need to part with serious cash to make that happen. 

Serious loans not cash, if they get it wrong then we will be really fu__kd as they almost certainly want their money back when we are in league 1. It's not about more money it's about the decisions that got us into this mess. I for one wouldn't sanction the same decision makers to put us further into debt if that's their intention 

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I was thinking of absolute dross teams in the league in the early part of the season in recent years who turnt it around.

Dumbarton (under Murray) and The Midden (under Ross) both managed it but there was an instant impact with the new managers each time which you don't have. St. Mirren also had the luxury of a few young players they sold off to fund the new players coming in.

Your situation is more akin to us under Allan Moore when he offered absolute charlatans like Kabba Cham 2 year deals. Our new manager spent half the time trying to get the guff he had signed to leave and signed practically anyone (Gary O'Connor FFS) in the hope it fitted. No settled squad, the ones that remained lost all belief, and the hope that the guys coming in would be any good was flung directly into the bin because we'd spunked our money signing shite, paying off Moore and appointing Kenny Shiels.

Yer doon.

St Mirren started to win games after January, even if that, we played them maybe end of jan or feb and we beat them they kicked on after that
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Serious loans not cash, if they get it wrong then we will be really fu__kd as they almost certainly want their money back when we are in league 1. It's not about more money it's about the decisions that got us into this mess. I for one wouldn't sanction the same decision makers to put us further into debt if that's their intention 

We don't have any debt and we have cash in the bank.

I agree about the decision making but that is from McKinnon to spend thankfully
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2 hours ago, COYB_97 said:

St Mirren started to win games after January, even if that, we played them maybe end of jan or feb and we beat them they kicked on after that

That's how I remember it going down as well. They were rancid under Ross for his initial time there.

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1 hour ago, Principal Flutie said:

That's how I remember it going down as well. They were rancid under Ross for his initial time there.

Yes, he got into arguments/discussions with fans at the end of a home game.  The turnaround did not seem to be happening, until it arrived spectacularly and in the nick of time.

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In the end up it may just come down to money for players. You're going to have at least 8 other teams who will want to strengthen in January.

You'll will have teams who want players in for the title /promotion playoff's and teams who want to stay away from the relegation zone.

What Jack Ross achieved with St Mirren was a minor miracle. But even in that he still ended up with the same points as Dumbarton and Raith, avoiding 9th place on goal difference.

If you are offering players the same money as teams going for promotion then it's only natural they will go to the top end of the table teams. Offering better money will probably be the only incentive for a player to get involved in a relegation dog fight 

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January is a long way off and even when we get there recruiting the right type of player and offloading some our shit will be a difficult task. However as much as I feel for McKinnon and hope he gets the support and patience needed, if he consistently plays Paton and Haber and consistently ignores Robson then my patience will severely tested. Yes this is not a mess of his making, but its his now and the selection of these two ‘players’ in my opinion is hampering any chance of putting points on the board.

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I get him trying to play a settled back line, but for me, the manager not changing the RB is suicidal every week.

Aero at RB just gives space away as he is constantly out of position and then when he has the ball he just gives possession away with a trade mark diagonal punt forward, every f'n time. He can't even cross  a ball if he is up the wing without skidding it off the nearest defender.

I don't mind if Ray wants him in at CH, but get him moved and at least play one of our crap almost right backs there.

Then add in the painfully slow, ineffective Paton running about scowling I'm just struggling to understand how this pair are getting in the ever-changing starting lineup.

Edited by Super Tuesday
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1 hour ago, Monkey Tennis said:

Yes, he got into arguments/discussions with fans at the end of a home game.  The turnaround did not seem to be happening, until it arrived spectacularly and in the nick of time.

Jack understands the game and has the passion necessary to succeed. He didn't hide from the supporters when the going got tough. Compare that to Mr Campbell who has run off and put his heid up his mammy's skirt. He's no speaking till it awe goes away!! Fanny

Edited by Stainrod
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Rays post match interview was pretty frank.

That said... He mentioned a couple of points about keeping possession and about not pressing Jordan Marshall.

So that Paton and Muirhead without any requirement to name them. Get them fucking dropped for Tuesday then Ray.

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You can drop this one that one and the other one all you wish but the reality is out of the whole squad no more that 2/3 are of the required standard. You only need look at the goalkeeper yesterday. Everyone thinks Fasan is shite, happy to have Mitchell in and he lets in a howler to know we have nothing waiting in the wings that is better than we have at the moment.

What people seem to forget is that Jack Ross had the backbone of 2/3 decent young players and one or two decent senior pros. In some respects Hartley had that too last season.

We won’t be the only side recruiting in January. We will have to pay over the top to get the standard required. I see little prospect we will be close enough by then to even have a chance.

You could by then argue we write it off, keep our cash and buy our way back up.

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11 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Rays post match interview was pretty frank.

That said... He mentioned a couple of points about keeping possession and about not pressing Jordan Marshall.

So that Paton and Muirhead without any requirement to name them. Get them fucking dropped for Tuesday then Ray.

Not listened to yet, if the 2nd half wasn't bad enough my ears are still ringing from the repetative shouts from an older female fan next to me, I'm still crabbit this morning and can't be enthused to listen to yet.

Fingers crossed.

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You can drop this one that one and the other one all you wish but the reality is out of the whole squad no more that 2/3 are of the required standard. You only need look at the goalkeeper yesterday. Everyone thinks Fasan is shite, happy to have Mitchell in and he lets in a howler to know we have nothing waiting in the wings that is better than we have at the moment.

What people seem to forget is that Jack Ross had the backbone of 2/3 decent young players and one or two decent senior pros. In some respects Hartley had that too last season.

We won’t be the only side recruiting in January. We will have to pay over the top to get the standard required. I see little prospect we will be close enough by then to even have a chance.

You could by then argue we write it off, keep our cash and buy our way back up.
If it doesnt matter then whats the point in even being a fan? Are you saying you are happy to continue to watch Paul Paton and Aaron Muirheads performances, fully sure that a quarter of the way through a season, our fate is sealed?

Whats the point in going to the games then?

Will we all just chuck it?

Lewis Kidd and Joe McKee are better than Aero and Paton. I am not saying they are good, I am not saying they are good enough. I am simply saying they are better than the current nick of these two clowns.

Petra on the right in place of Sammut and move Sammut infield is better than Paton.

Literally anything is better than Paton. If we go down we will have deserved to go down, but I cant sit here and accept that wage stealing c**t get a game because "ach wer fucked anyway"
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