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25 minutes ago, Skyline Drifter said:

Never in a month of Sundays is there going to be a registrations ban over this though, even if Falkirk were found to have tapped him up.

We claim not to have tapped him up and are therefore confident of winning tomorrow. Nobody at FFC I've spoken to expects us to lose.

Having said that, I do know of one individual who's been involved at the club for a long time and who cautions against tribunals made up of other club officials who've previously voted against us based on prejudice rather than evidence.  The old "we know you're innocent but we don't like you so we'll find you guilty anyway" mindset.

From your obvious knowledge of regulations and procedures, is such an outcome possible tomorrow? Or will the "jury" be independent and therefore impartial? (assuming there is a jury)

Either way, I'm really looking forward to seeing how Morton can prove that something which didn't happen - did.

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Think we’ve got 3 pretty rotten goalkeepers and an area I’m hoping McKinnon addressees long term. Also wonder if he will eventually bring in the goalkeeping coach he’s worked with consistently. I’m not sure our guy has shown much signs of improving those he has responsibility for. What do others think?

Although he is enthusiastic at crossbar halftime challenge.

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We claim not to have tapped him up and are therefore confident of winning tomorrow. Nobody at FFC I've spoken to expects us to lose.
Having said that, I do know of one individual who's been involved at the club for a long time and who cautions against tribunals made up of other club officials who've previously voted against us based on prejudice rather than evidence.  The old "we know you're innocent but we don't like you so we'll find you guilty anyway" mindset.
From your obvious knowledge of regulations and procedures, is such an outcome possible tomorrow? Or will the "jury" be independent and therefore impartial? (assuming there is a jury)
Either way, I'm really looking forward to seeing how Morton can prove that something which didn't happen - did.

Unless of course it did........
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By all accounts the Morton chairman gave one account then changed his own story as pretty sure he mentioned that permission was given to speak to falkirk and then changed it  and 6 hrs later RM was announced i mean lets face it if someone offered you a better gig elsewhere you wouldnt take 6 hrs to mull it over

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Given we were fined 30K and made to replay a game after making a genuine mistake of signing the same player in the same season. I would expect the authorities to throw the book at us, they always do I doubt they’ll even consider the facts. They’ve already made the usual west coast decision.

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Regardless of which way the decision goes, the meltdown on here will certainly make people smile. If it goes in our favour,  it will be let's all chuckle at Morton or it will be let's get rid of the inept people running/ruining our club.  Surely all in all its a win win. 

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3 hours ago, Bainsfordbairn said:

We claim not to have tapped him up and are therefore confident of winning tomorrow. Nobody at FFC I've spoken to expects us to lose.

Having said that, I do know of one individual who's been involved at the club for a long time and who cautions against tribunals made up of other club officials who've previously voted against us based on prejudice rather than evidence.  The old "we know you're innocent but we don't like you so we'll find you guilty anyway" mindset.

From your obvious knowledge of regulations and procedures, is such an outcome possible tomorrow? Or will the "jury" be independent and therefore impartial? (assuming there is a jury)

Either way, I'm really looking forward to seeing how Morton can prove that something which didn't happen - did.

I for one am shocked to hear one of the parties in a case of he says, she says is stoutly maintaining innocence before the case is heard!

I have no idea if Falkirk acted improperly. I also have no idea who is sitting in judgement of the issue. Will await the outcome with interest though.

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Never let it be said that BPM allowed a chance to have a snide dig at the board pass him by.


The nativity of people thinking players and managers don't get tapped up is staggering. McKinnon is building a squad for January do you think he is not having conversations behind the scenes?


You just don't get caught doing it. Who knows if we have or if we haven't but we will find out soon.


Let's all be honest though we got ourselves to here by our own making scrabbling about for a manager 3/4 days before a transfer window closed because of the shite we created ourselves. The signs on Mckinnon are promising but for me more by luck than design considering he was 2nd or 3rd choice.


In CC and ML defence mind you Ayr praised us for how we handled things so not sure why 2 days later we would mess up the protocol.

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I for one am shocked to hear one of the parties in a case of he says, she says is stoutly maintaining innocence before the case is heard!
I have no idea if Falkirk acted improperly. I also have no idea who is sitting in judgement of the issue. Will await the outcome with interest though.

I read it was an independent lawyer not "clubs with grudges"
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12 hours ago, Bainsfordbairn said:

We claim not to have tapped him up and are therefore confident of winning tomorrow. Nobody at FFC I've spoken to expects us to lose.

Having said that, I do know of one individual who's been involved at the club for a long time and who cautions against tribunals made up of other club officials who've previously voted against us based on prejudice rather than evidence.  The old "we know you're innocent but we don't like you so we'll find you guilty anyway" mindset.

Falkirk would probably be Scotland's third force if they weren't so clearly held back by all these biased officials.

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58 minutes ago, Back Post Misses said:

In CC and ML defence mind you Ayr praised us for how we handled things so not sure why 2 days later we would mess up the protocol.

That point together with Rae publicly saying Falkirk approached him openly and asked permission, which he gave, make this whole thing a nonsense.


I'm still of the opinion that McKinnon contacted Falkirk about the vacant position and Falkirk then contacted Morton.  6 hrs to do a deal isn't difficult when he's already decided he wants to come to us.


I understand the Morton players being pissed off they weren't told by him but I'd guess he was run off his feet trying to get players in before the deadline and then it's too late to go back to Cappielow the next day after the news has broken. 

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Permission denied. Then permission granted. Management team resign. Resignation refused. Sign multi-year deal at Falkirk. Morton complain. Spfl  say evidence enough for a tribunal. 

Morton must have concrete, indisputable evidence that Falkirk tapped directly. Would somebody mentioning to a reporter that an approach had been made and rejected count as tapping? 

if falkirk are found guilty, we take our medicine and move on. We've got bigger problems with our league position to worry about.

If not guilty, it's the end of it. Both clubs move on and concentrate on the day job which is, afterall, what we as fans pay to watch.

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Falkirk would probably be Scotland's third force if they weren't so clearly held back by all these biased officials.

I agree with this. Sometimes our whinging about being hard done by does my tits in. Most of our problems have been due to our failure to have the foresight as a club to plan for the longer term.
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12 hours ago, Bainsfordbairn said:

We claim not to have tapped him up and are therefore confident of winning tomorrow. Nobody at FFC I've spoken to expects us to lose.

Having said that, I do know of one individual who's been involved at the club for a long time and who cautions against tribunals made up of other club officials who've previously voted against us based on prejudice rather than evidence.  The old "we know you're innocent but we don't like you so we'll find you guilty anyway" mindset.

From your obvious knowledge of regulations and procedures, is such an outcome possible tomorrow? Or will the "jury" be independent and therefore impartial? (assuming there is a jury)

Either way, I'm really looking forward to seeing how Morton can prove that something which didn't happen - did.


8 hours ago, brokeville said:

Given we were fined 30K and made to replay a game after making a genuine mistake of signing the same player in the same season. I would expect the authorities to throw the book at us, they always do I doubt they’ll even consider the facts. They’ve already made the usual west coast decision.

So what you're saying is that if you're found not guilty it's because you're not guilty, and if you're found guilty it's because you're not guilty but the panel are biased against Falkirk?

This is Old Firm level paranoia. If you're cleared then the logical conclusion is that the Morton board have made an absolute mess of the whole situation and will have a lot of explaining to do. If the complaint is upheld it's safe to assume the same of the Falkirk board, not the SPFL care enough about a Championship club to engage in a conspiracy against them.

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1 hour ago, Back Post Misses said:


The nativity of people thinking 

Little donkey, little donkey

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Just now, falkirkzombie said:

I hope the Morton lawyer holds up a print out from p&b of newbornbairns post that he seen ray at the stadium on the wed, that would just been fantastic.

Thats Raes evidence laptop with all the pie and bovril quotesand comments  bookmarked and highlighted.

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2 hours ago, Back Post Misses said:


The nativity of people thinking players and managers don't get tapped up is staggering. McKinnon is building a squad for January do you think he is not having conversations behind the scenes?


You just don't get caught doing it. Who knows if we have or if we haven't but we will find out soon.

This is the crux of the matter. Falkirk approached, Rae was dingying it til after the Partick game, then McKinnon came in asking why he wasn't given permission to speak to Falkirk. At some point Falkirk have given word to McKinnon, directly or indirectly, that their approach was rejected.

Everyone can see that Falkirk approached McKinnon (or vice versa) without permission from Morton and some tapping up was going on. All clubs do it. Either Falkirk have been stupid enough to be caught doing it or Morton have wrongly assumed a lot of circumstantial evidence is enough to prove it.

Either way, taking away all hyperbole from the matter, I hope Falkirk get relegated and Ray McKinnon catches herpes x

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