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The get fit, stay fit thread

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1 hour ago, The Chlamydia Kid said:

Add more variety to your routine. Doing 3 Big movements like that on a day, let alone every time you visit the gym is far (if your training up any level of decent intensity) too heavy a load on your body.

Do squats one day, deads another and bench another and fire in accessory work round about them

I'd recommend the opposite tbh. 3 big compound lifts like squat, dead and bench/shoulder press on the same day is a quick and effective workout. He won't break any strength records but it's a very good way to train imo. 

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3 Big compounds aye is a quick way to hit all the muscle groups. But the big 3 on one day? That’s a lot. And how long can you keep adding weight training at that intensity before he stalls? It’s a marathon, not a sprint.


He could go heavy on one specifically each day and cycle it. But i am Assuming as he’s new to it he is blasting all 3. That’s a recipe for scunnering himself at best and injuring himself at worst.



He could do something like:


Workout 1





Workout 2


Military press

Chins/lat pull downs


And just alternate. Then he’s keeping it simple, hitting all the major muscle

Groups and it’s a bit more varied and sustainable.



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That's pretty much Stronglifts that last one aye?

At the moment I'm doing big lifts followed by a few smaller lifts

Day 1 - Incline bench, flat bench, chest dips then some tricep work

Day 2 - Deadlift, barbell rows, weighted pull ups then some bicep work

Day 3 - Incline bench, military press, then delts & lats

Day 4 - Back squat, front squat then romanian deadlifts

I've seen pretty good progress with this, but I find my performance on Day 3 inclines isn't as good as Day 1 if I haven't had a rest day at some point in between. Similar with Day 4 back to Day 2.

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I only do heavy lifting generally, but I tried my hand at a couple of other disciplines the last couple of weeks too.

Went for my first run in a couple of years last weekend, 6.5k in 34mins. Was fairly chuffed with that. Calves and the front of my ankles were stiff and tight as hell all week after though. Think I need to get myself a better proper pair of running shoes. I'm definitely a fair-weather runner though, no way I'm heading out running in the snow today.

Then having never done anything crossfit before I attempted one of their AMRAPS yesterday. 19 rounds + 4 reps at "Cindy" (5 pull-ups, 10 press-ups, 15 air squats - as many rounds as possible in 20 mins), but felt I could have done more. Wasted too much time trying to conserve energy early on. Still, 2 years ago I don't think I could even have done 1 round nevermind 19.

Quite enjoyed trying my hand at something a bit different though.

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56 minutes ago, Spain said:

I only do heavy lifting generally, but I tried my hand at a couple of other disciplines the last couple of weeks too.

Went for my first run in a couple of years last weekend, 6.5k in 34mins. Was fairly chuffed with that. Calves and the front of my ankles were stiff and tight as hell all week after though. Think I need to get myself a better proper pair of running shoes. I'm definitely a fair-weather runner though, no way I'm heading out running in the snow today.

Then having never done anything crossfit before I attempted one of their AMRAPS yesterday. 19 rounds + 4 reps at "Cindy" (5 pull-ups, 10 press-ups, 15 air squats - as many rounds as possible in 20 mins), but felt I could have done more. Wasted too much time trying to conserve energy early on. Still, 2 years ago I don't think I could even have done 1 round nevermind 19.

Quite enjoyed trying my hand at something a bit different though.

Did you do crossfit at a gym or from the online stuff? I'm moving soon and found a crossfit gym near the new place. I like the sound of the exercise itself and i think i'd find the instructor led stuff a good motivator but the whole Crossfit "cult" thing sounds a bit off-putting, plus its expensive as f**k so i'm trying to find out if people think its worth it and get good results. 

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1 hour ago, G_Man1985 said:

Why don't just do 3 times a week rather than just 4 if you are concerned about performance ? That extra day of my rest might enhance your performance ?

I've already got one extra spare day to play with and (4 workouts, 2 rest days and 1 spare) and no-matter when I've taken that extra spare rest day it's not really made any difference. It's hitting the same big lift so soon after already doing it where I feel the difference. If anything I'd be tempted to add in an arms specific day.

13 minutes ago, Jambomo said:

Did you do crossfit at a gym or from the online stuff? I'm moving soon and found a crossfit gym near the new place. I like the sound of the exercise itself and i think i'd find the instructor led stuff a good motivator but the whole Crossfit "cult" thing sounds a bit off-putting, plus its expensive as f**k so i'm trying to find out if people think its worth it and get good results. 

I just stumbled on it somewhere online (can't even remember where) and thought it sounded a simple enough way to benchmark myself at home out of curiosity. I'm not at all up for getting into that whole Crossfit cult thing either. I'm happy with what I'm doing at the moment on the most part.

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You’ll lose loads of water weight from your muscles because your glycogen stores will deplete with eating no carbs. However, as soon as you reintroduce them a week later you will likely go back up in weight and become
Demoralised. It will be water though, not fat. Best just keeping steady with what you’re doing and not thinking that there is some magic cure. Calorie deficit and consistency is what works.

I've thought about this and i actually should have explained it a bit better.
On the slimming world you get 2 lists that you basically have to have something off each list every day, a "healthy extra" A and a B. The A choice is all dairy stuff so you can have 30g of cheddar or 40g light cheddar or 300ml of semi skimmed milk etc and the B choice is the bread and cereal stuff e.g 40g of Bran Flakes (or similar) or 2 slice of a wholemeal loaf, or 1 wholemeal roll.
Your still allowed 1 of each of these choices when your doing the SP. So to say i wasn't having ANY carbs was a bit of a lie, id still be having a small amount from the cereal or bread.
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23 hours ago, G_Man1985 said:

Why don't just do 3 times a week rather than just 4 if you are concerned about performance ? That extra day of my rest might enhance your performance ?

Easier said than done. :lol: I'm pretty bad for not taking enough recovery time imo.  I enjoy pushing myself with training and like to do it 6 days a week when 5 would probably be better for me.

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Slimming World is utter nonsense. Peel a banana and eat it - free. Mush it up and eat it - 4 syns. Unless you're fucking deep-throating whole bananas, they are always mushed up by the time you swallow them. Unless mashing it with a fork somehow adds calories to food that mashing it with your teeth doesn't.

Utter utter made up nonsense that's designed to keep you on their plan otherwise they make no money.

Calories in Vs Calories out - nothing else matters, literally nothing.

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Slimming World is utter nonsense. Peel a banana and eat it - free. Mush it up and eat it - 4 syns. Unless you're fucking deep-throating whole bananas, they are always mushed up by the time you swallow them. Unless mashing it with a fork somehow adds calories to food that mashing it with your teeth doesn't.
Utter utter made up nonsense that's designed to keep you on their plan otherwise they make no money.
Calories in Vs Calories out - nothing else matters, literally nothing.

Absolutely your opinion and you're entitled to it.
I started it not because i personally felt i was at the stage of being so overweight that i HAD to do something, i went to give my father in law support, as he was being diagnosed with obesity related health problems and he's not the type of guy that can confidently walk into anywhere and start speaking to just anyone, where as I am.
As it turns out, i enjoy going, i enjoy cooking the meals, i enjoy finding out new recipes, and to be honest, the Craic at the class is pretty funny as well.
I'm well aware that I could stop going, but carry on with the changes I've made and still lose more weight.
But i don't want to stop going.
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14 minutes ago, ++Ammo - Airdrie++ said:

But i don't want to stop going.


Their whole M.O. summed up in one statement.

That's fine if you get what you need out of it, I just don't believe lying to people is helping them. It's exploiting people who want to make a change and will put their faith (and money) into something they think will get them where they want to be. But it's not designed to get people where they want to be, because then they don't need it. It's designed to keep you coming back and therefore by extension, not achieving your goal.

Edited by Al B
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Lazy 6 weeks or so over Christmas and January for various reasons. Decided to nip it in the bud and join the gym in an attempt to re-motivate myself. Knowing I have paid 6 months up front and being a tight fisted b*stard I am pretty sure I will get my moneys worth and look like a finely tuned athletics machine in no time.

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The CrossFit cult was new to me but recently got chatting to a dedicated follower. Found myself edging to the door in fear.

34 minutes ago, Ross. said:

Lazy 6 weeks or so over Christmas and January for various reasons. Decided to nip it in the bud and join the gym in an attempt to re-motivate myself. Knowing I have paid 6 months up front and being a tight fisted b*stard I am pretty sure I will get my moneys worth and look like a finely tuned athletics machine in no time.

Decent threads for the gym is the next important step. 

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1 hour ago, Ross. said:

Lazy 6 weeks or so over Christmas and January for various reasons. Decided to nip it in the bud and join the gym in an attempt to re-motivate myself. Knowing I have paid 6 months up front and being a tight fisted b*stard I am pretty sure I will get my moneys worth and look like a finely tuned athletics machine in no time.

You seem a right decent bloke (especially for a Bankie), but in general, New Year, New Me gym users rip my knitting.

Roll on March, when they've all given up, and go back to sitting on the couch eating biscuits in the evening again.

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1 hour ago, Al B said:

Their whole M.O. summed up in one statement.

That's fine if you get what you need out of it, I just don't believe lying to people is helping them. It's exploiting people who want to make a change and will put their faith (and money) into something they think will get them where they want to be. But it's not designed to get people where they want to be, because then they don't need it. It's designed to keep you coming back and therefore by extension, not achieving your goal.

Does it work with cakes?

Image result for homer simpson eating like a duck gif

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Absolutely your opinion and you're entitled to it.
I started it not because i personally felt i was at the stage of being so overweight that i HAD to do something, i went to give my father in law support, as he was being diagnosed with obesity related health problems and he's not the type of guy that can confidently walk into anywhere and start speaking to just anyone, where as I am.
As it turns out, i enjoy going, i enjoy cooking the meals, i enjoy finding out new recipes, and to be honest, the Craic at the class is pretty funny as well.
I'm well aware that I could stop going, but carry on with the changes I've made and still lose more weight.
But i don't want to stop going.

Good to hear it’s working for you.

Scottish Slimmers works for me, never been to a class but the calorie (check) checker on the app works really well for me.

Would 100% recommend it, even for anyone just casually looking to keep an eye on themselves or whatever.
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34 minutes ago, G_Man1985 said:

At least they are giving it a go , instead majority of our nation is full of obese people.
I have no issue with them. We should encourage rather than it letting you " rip my knitting "

That's a fair point. 

Peehaps I'd be less irritated if they'd follow basic etiquette of de-weighting and wiping down machines after they were finished with them.

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