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The get fit, stay fit thread

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The 2k run I'm fairly confident I can rattle out in about 8-8:30 minutes and the row in maybe about 4:30 if I'm pushing it. No idea how long it'll take me to cycle 5k, I haven't cycled in years! If I can do this in under half an hour I'll be delighted.

Did six miles last night in 45:01, fairly happy with that.

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my split currently is 

Chest and bi's

bench press

Incline press 

cable fly (up and down)

Strict curls

Hammer curls 



Leg Press

Hamstring curls

Leg extensions 

Calf Raises

Shoulders Tri's

Seated smith press (alternating sets between overhead and behind head)

Cable cross overs

Lateral Raises 


Tricep pushdowns 

overhead tricep extensions 


Sometimes deadlifts

Lat pull down 

Cable pull overs (dunno the name for them)

Barbell row 

Plate Shrugs


Run 5-10k

Crunches/Russian twists/ Leg raises

Maybe some curls if I need them.




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On 26/08/2019 at 20:34, Ross. said:

Fucked up on the bike. Took me 30 seconds to work our how to get it started and then when I jumped off at the end there was no blue roll nearby so had to nip to the other side of the gym to get some and clean the sweat off. Run was a bit of a toughie but given the weekend I had I am surprised I managed it at all. Be disappointed if im not at least 90 seconds quicker the next time I try this.


267BF32B-7334-42D8-8EAC-6CD8BA7DCE92.thumb.png.411b8ab28addbf3c7e1711128859b430.pngNow, I know it looks like a 7 second improvement, but I was actually 45 seconds quicker. Started the stopwatch, locked the phone, pocketed it then realised I hadn’t set the resistance on the rowing machine and it was down at the easiest level. Had to unhook myself, shift, set it, hook myself back in and then start. Timer on the machine actually had me at 4:45 to the 1k point, but I’m adding 15 seconds for the clean up.

Bike is where I expected it to be. Running I was 11kph the whole time. Slowed that a little after going too hard the last time. I should be able to take 45-60 off that in the next few weeks if I stick at this. Setting myself a 25 minute target by the end of October.

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on the topic of triathlon style events,

I propose a challenge.


Bench, Squat, Deadlift.

instead of calculating results based on sheer weight lifted, i'd prefer maybe to do it In relation to bodyweight, anyone interested/wanting to make suggestions around this?

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3 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

I'd be up for it but the idea of squatting and deadlifting heavy on the same day fills me with terror

It doesn't have to be done on the same day, can be done over say 5 days or so?

I watched the Westside Barbell doc on Netflix and now I may be hooked on powerlifting 

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5 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Aye OK yer on. I'll get nowhere near your numbers but it'll be a good laugh, end of next week?

I think you'll be surprised as I generally avoid deadlifts but it'll be good fun.

I'm gonna film my lifts I think, might not post them in here but just for the fun of it.

Anyone else up for the challenge??

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43 minutes ago, staggy1929 said:

on the topic of triathlon style events,

I propose a challenge.


Bench, Squat, Deadlift.

instead of calculating results based on sheer weight lifted, i'd prefer maybe to do it In relation to bodyweight, anyone interested/wanting to make suggestions around this?

I'm game for this too! 

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12 hours ago, Adam101 said:

Doing the last minute of the run at speed 18 helped bring the time in, don't know if I can get it to sub 20 as that again just about killed me.


I'm fairly confident I can go sub 25, and I think if I really went for it I could go sub 24. Sub 20 however, would without question result in me dying in action.

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4 hours ago, staggy1929 said:

It doesn't have to be done on the same day, can be done over say 5 days or so?

I watched the Westside Barbell doc on Netflix and now I may be hooked on powerlifting 

Watched the documentary too and was inspired to get back into trying to lift heavy again. That and I recently moved from a Goodlife Fitness, a chain gym which is everywhere in Toronto, to a place called Torque Barbell which is a proper old school powerlifting gym. The founder and owner is a competitive powerlifter  who did an internship at Westside Barbell and was clearly inspired by it, they have the same record board up on the wall etc.

After my knee starting making a cracking sound every time I stood I just started squatting the bar with a plate on either side, but I'm now trying to squat heavy again so I'm up for the challenge too

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6 minutes ago, Torpar said:

Watched the documentary too and was inspired to get back into trying to lift heavy again. That and I recently moved from a Goodlife Fitness, a chain gym which is everywhere in Toronto, to a place called Torque Barbell which is a proper old school powerlifting gym. The founder and owner is a competitive powerlifter  who did an internship at Westside Barbell and was clearly inspired by it, they have the same record board up on the wall etc.

After my knee starting making a cracking sound every time I stood I just started squatting the bar with a plate on either side, but I'm now trying to squat heavy again so I'm up for the challenge too

Quality,  Your man from westside bench pressing right after surgery is ridiculous, don't think i'd ever be that committed.

I'd love a gym like that round here.

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1 hour ago, staggy1929 said:

Quality,  Your man from westside bench pressing right after surgery is ridiculous, don't think i'd ever be that committed.

I'd love a gym like that round here.

It's an unreal place mate, such a difference from working out at a big box chain gym. When I was at the chain gym I'd end up frustrated spending half my workout waiting on benches or racks to free up, I didn't really enjoy going by the end. Now I look forward to going to this place, I've only ever had to wait for a shower after as they only have one. It's old school, no air conditioning, most of the equipment looks like its seen better days but they have every type of bar, rack, machine etc you could think of, there are buckets of chalk around the gym and occasionally someone will have their dog with them while they work out.  There are some guys who like to slam the weights around and grunt a lot but in their defense they are usually lifting some serious weight.

They have a prowler sled which I absolutely love, while the weather is warm you can take it out the back of gym and run around with it on the concrete, they also have a couple of basketball hoops and an ice hockey net out the back I like to shot on after working out. It's a shame but I don't think there are many, if any, gyms like it in Scotland


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I went to a gym like that in Aberdeen. £20 a month (cash, whenever they asked for it). Full of massive guys, old equipment and no working showers. It was brilliant though, never too busy and everyone was really sound and would pass on advice. It didn’t last long though - fairly sure they were punting roids tbf. 

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I cycled 9k in 22 minutes something, can that count as my triathlon? More than a year after fracturing my knee and tearing nearly everything I still can’t bend it fully so rowing probably won’t work and running kills it.

I went to a gym like that in Aberdeen. £20 a month (cash, whenever they asked for it). Full of massive guys, old equipment and no working showers. It was brilliant though, never too busy and everyone was really sound and would pass on advice. It didn’t last long though - fairly sure they were punting roids tbf. 

What gym was this Muz? I think my mate may have went (genuinely a mate, not “a mate” = me) and he may or may not have been got on the roids...was always quite a toned guy but got pretty massive pretty quick...
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Had a go at your triathlon this morning. Not as quick as you guys
, 31 minutes. Done a five mile road run last night so still suffering from that (aye excuses) but enjoyed it this morning and will give it a go more often. My running is abysmally slow mind you.

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