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The get fit, stay fit thread

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I'm planning on starting THIS fitness plan and a 3000 calorie per day diet plan in a bid to gain some weight, as im a right skinny p***k right now.

Hopefully il have gained a stone by the end of the summer.

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If all that you're interested in's weight gain, there are better ways of doing it than army fitness type plans. Those'll give you overall fitness; you'll maybe put on a bit, but bear in mind that the army are training guys to do army things, not to have big muscles for the sake of being able to grease themselves up and flex in front of a mirror.

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Have been back at Jiu Jitsu for the last two weeks and went to the spar-a-thon yesterday. Haven't been at the gym as much, trying to get there at least twice a week as well as two sessions of BJJ.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm really struggling for motivation to just get off my arse and go to the gym.

Been doing well since the start of the year, lost a decent amount of weight and going to the gym regularly. Just seem to have hit a brick wall with it at the moment though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I tried doing something HIIT-y at the gym tonight - went on the bike and after warming up with five minutes at a steady pace, did one minute full pelt, one minute slower for the next 15 minutes.

Is this likely to get decent results?

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I tried doing something HIIT-y at the gym tonight - went on the bike and after warming up with five minutes at a steady pace, did one minute full pelt, one minute slower for the next 15 minutes.

Is this likely to get decent results?

Yes it will work, I used to do similar things on the bike/treadmill etc however I found it really boring and therefore hard to stick with.

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Yes it will work, I used to do similar things on the bike/treadmill etc however I found it really boring and therefore hard to stick with.

I find it helps getting rid of the boredom. The whole time I'm on a treadmill I don't take my eyes off the time, bored out my tits saying "FS, another 17 minutes to go". Doing the one minute fast/slow breaks the time down and makes it seem like it's going in quicker.

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I find it helps getting rid of the boredom. The whole time I'm on a treadmill I don't take my eyes off the time, bored out my tits saying "FS, another 17 minutes to go". Doing the one minute fast/slow breaks the time down and makes it seem like it's going in quicker.

Its undoubtably better than a long steady state session on a treadmill or a bike but I still find cardio machines in the gym pretty boring, also having to piss about with the controls got on my tits, Id rather do sprints, skipping, burpees etc for cardio. Thats just me though, plenty folk I know prefer the treadmill to going a road run.

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Hi guys. Wonder if any of you could give some advice. Over the last few weeks i've started doing alot of sport again as I got paid off from my work so started playing tennis, badminton and football again. Ive started working again doing some slabbing and edgings but on a much larger scale than I have been used to probably since I was 18. When I was younger I used to play 5's 2 nights a week and alot of walkling after work but i'm really struggling now. I am doing alot of work during the day (today I layed 200 2x2 slabs weighing about 40kgs each). I still play sport at the weekend but do you think my job is enough during the week to be doing as it's not really cardio work i'm doing, more heavy lifting. I want to lose about a stone before but having weighed myself tonight I haven't lost any weight even though I do feel fitter. I don't go to gym as I find it far to boring and I can't seem to focus but i'm struggling top build up the energy to go and play something at night. My diets quite good but any other advice to kick start the weight loss would be greatly appreciated

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I'm seriously contemplating going off the drink altogether until T in the Park next month, it would make a huge difference to my fitness and diet. Was also thinking of getting more stuff to do in the home, are kettlebells any good and what would be a good option in weight/exercise for a fairly substandard specimen like myself?

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Been cycling for the last few weeks or so. Love it. Cycling through the city can be a pain in the arse but, living on, or at least close to, the periphery of Dundee, I can get out to the open countryside in about five minutes. I've always found jogging chronically tedious, but cycling is good fun. Would recommend it to anyone hoping to get some exercise.

Does anyone know if cycling alone will flatten a flabby beer belly? I'm doing about 40 miles a week on the bike, with plenty of hills, combined with a healthy diet with copious amounts of fruit and veg, and much less beer. I feel that bit more solid underneath the flab, but not sure if my gut has shrunk all that much.

Edited by shedboy82
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Hi guys. Wonder if any of you could give some advice. Over the last few weeks i've started doing alot of sport again as I got paid off from my work so started playing tennis, badminton and football again. Ive started working again doing some slabbing and edgings but on a much larger scale than I have been used to probably since I was 18. When I was younger I used to play 5's 2 nights a week and alot of walkling after work but i'm really struggling now. I am doing alot of work during the day (today I layed 200 2x2 slabs weighing about 40kgs each). I still play sport at the weekend but do you think my job is enough during the week to be doing as it's not really cardio work i'm doing, more heavy lifting. I want to lose about a stone before but having weighed myself tonight I haven't lost any weight even though I do feel fitter. I don't go to gym as I find it far to boring and I can't seem to focus but i'm struggling top build up the energy to go and play something at night. My diets quite good but any other advice to kick start the weight loss would be greatly appreciated

Im no expert but reading this I thought Id try and help out.

To lose weight (fat) you need to be burning more calories than you are consuming. Lifting weights (your job) will burn more calories than the average person but I imagine it is alot of repetitive movements which won't get your heart rate up. Other than going on a low calorie diet, you will have to get to the gym or go out for a run.

If you are feeling tired after a shift then I suggest looking at your diet in more detail. Make sure you stay away from fatty foods and eat plenty fruit and veg. If you have an iphone/internet use a calorie counting app/website.

If motivation is a problem join a club of some sorts (martial arts, boxing) or set yourself a goal like a 5k or 10k run.

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Yes it will work, I used to do similar things on the bike/treadmill etc however I found it really boring and therefore hard to stick with.

Snap, I end up falling off the wagon with HIIT because of this,even with the shorter times.

I'm seriously contemplating going off the drink altogether until T in the Park next month, it would make a huge difference to my fitness and diet. Was also thinking of getting more stuff to do in the home, are kettlebells any good and what would be a good option in weight/exercise for a fairly substandard specimen like myself?

T's only about a month away so definitely doable , I'd question whether it'd be worth it for a three day blowout though!

Kettleballs are meant to be superb, somone noted earlier in this thread not to get anything too heavy, as you'll be swinging it all over the place.

Motivation would have to be a key factor though, i tried exercising at home for a while and just couldn't do it. I read somewhere that it's harder for some people to adjust to "work" in an enviroment where they notrmally relax, given my marathon stints in the Library when no Uni work was ever brought home, I guess I fall into that category :lol:

I've been back at teh gym pretty consistently for the past week - the month before I had the age old lethargy/motivation problem and would half arse some cardio or something once a week - pointless, would've been as well taking it all off.

Still, feeling better for it now. Like ICTChris, I start off with something HIIT-ish for about 15 minutes, do a weights circuit -biceps/back/legs or chest/triceps/shoulders and then go for a swim. I feel better, which is pretty much my number one aim from exercise to be honest/

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T's only about a month away so definitely doable , I'd question whether it'd be worth it for a three day blowout though

To clarify a bit, I'm only aiming to go off the drink until T, though sadly I have an event tomorrow night that I pretty much have to be drinking at. :(

Apart from that I should be good: I intend to maintain the diet/exercise thing though for the forseeable future. It is a diet (as opposed to a proper change of lifestyle at the moment) and it shows, I've been excellent today in terms of nutrition but really hungry for periods. I'm not actually starving myself though.

Kettleballs are meant to be superb, somone noted earlier in this thread not to get anything too heavy, as you'll be swinging it all over the place.

I got one today, its only 7.5 kilos but even carrying it home was a workout in itself. You can feel the core muscles constantly having to readjust to the weight if you move it even a little bit.

Edited by vikingTON
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Apart from that I should be good: I intend to maintain the diet/exercise thing though for the forseeable future. It is a diet (as opposed to a proper change of lifestyle at the moment) and it shows, I've been excellent today in terms of nutrition but really hungry for periods. I'm not actually starving myself though.

What's your diet like?

I got one today, its only 7.5 kilos but even carrying it home was a workout in itself. You can feel the core muscles constantly having to readjust to the weight if you move it even a little bit.

I've been tempted,seems like a great bit of kit for exercise- did it come with any suggested routines or anything?

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What's your diet like?

Nothing terrible in actual foodstuffs, I eat a fair share of fruit and veg, quite a lot of salad and fibres. Too much processed food of course but above all I think it's just that the portion sizes are too big.

I've been tempted,seems like a great bit of kit for exercise- did it come with any suggested routines or anything?

There's lots of instructions and videos online through a quick Google, as a complete novice (and someone who hasn't done any weights whatsoever for over a year) I've been sticking to fairly beginner stuff. Sit-ups with pushing the kettlebell to the top at the end of the rep, crunches from side to side and squats.

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