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The get fit, stay fit thread

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Great effort Jailender, superb stuff.

The cutting out bread thing baffles me though, what am I to do about my lunchtime pieces? :lol:

Keep your lunchtime pieces. Just don't have toast for breakfast or toast for suppe,. it's easy enough to have something else I suppose.

Bread is about 100calories a slice and white bread is pretty shit nutritionally anyway. A roll is around 200 calories. It all mounts up without folk realising. I could easily whang through half a loaf of bread daily without thinking about it like most folk could.

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Bread is about 100calories a slice and white bread is pretty shit nutritionally anyway. A roll is around 200 calories. It all mounts up without folk realising. I could easily whang through half a loaf of bread daily without thinking about it like most folk could.

Yep, I go through about 6-8 slices per day without even thinking of the calories involved. Will need to cut it right down to two slices per day. Bread, milk and roasted peanuts is my favourite snack :(

Well done Jailender - that's brilliant :D

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At the start of November I weighed in at 17st 5lbs. (I am just a smidge under 6 foot tall)

I decided to start losing some weight, and gave up the two biggest sins I had in my life - Irn-Bru and bread

I was drink just over a litre of irn-bru a day, and would have toast for breakfast, sandwhiches for lunch, and sometimes a sandwhich in the evening.

Apart from getting withdrawl shakes for a few days after not drinking the Irn-Bru, it was easy enough - I replaced it with diluting juice (no added sugar stuff).

Bread got cut down, I still have toast int he morning, but I tend to have fruit for lunch, and I don't have the sandwhich snacks int he evening i used to.

This morning I weighed in at 12 st 5lbs.

A total loss of 5 stone (or 70 lbs) since November.

Some of you that know me, will have seen the before/after picture I had. And to be honest I have never felt better.

I've done no additional exercise (always went for walks, climb a few hills etc). But I I am now planning on doing a bit more. I'm not the type to head to the gym or stuff, but I'll probably get invloved with some 5-a-side or something.

Congrats! That's a great effort. Fewer fillings I'd imagine as well after a litre of bru a day!

Not been talked about much in this thread, but I think self-discipline is very important when it comes to keeping fit and losing weight. 'Going for a couple of pints' being just that and resisting the chip shop afterwards; choosing a healthier option when eating out; dragging yourself out for a game of fives, cycle or whatever when the weather's not great and you can't really be arsed. That's something I've struggled with in the past and I guess it's psychological more than anything else. Just got to dig in and what seemed difficult before will gradually become easier and part of your lifestyle.

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I really don't like white bread - if I eat more than two slices I really do feel a bit groggy. Brown bread is more filling, tastes better too.

Yeah, white bread tastes sweet if you chew it for any amount of time too, it's so easily broken down into sugars.

Brown/multigrain/wholemeal breads can be full of nutrients and fibre, so if you're going to cut back on slices then keep a high fruit and veg intake or you'll be on the pan for some time.

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Congrats! That's a great effort. Fewer fillings I'd imagine as well after a litre of bru a day!

Surprisingly I went to the dentist for the first time in around 5 years - my old dentist closed down and I couldn't find another one that would take us on... Until the one I now have -

So after not being in years I was quite worried about whet my teeth would be like considering the fizzy juice intake. But all I needed was a scrape and polish.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Back at the gym tonight, did a circuit on the weights and then HIIT on the bike. Just under an hour, was a bit tired beforehand but wanted to get something in before BJJ tomorrow night.

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I have just read through this thread and have finally been inspired to stop being such a fat b*****d after about a decade.

I am 6'2 and about 18 stone (it could be even more since I have been too ashamed to weigh myself for a long time! :lol: ) My main weaknesses are junk food, lager and general laziness. I have played five a side most weeks for the last 7 years but have become increasingly immobile due to creaking knees most probably caused by my fatness. I am going to start by walking a few miles a day and hopefully progressing onto jogging or cycling. I think I'll invest in one of those kettlebells as well in an attempt to lose my C cups. I think my main problem will be cutting out the utter shite I eat. I am a fairly terrible cook and have a Freaky Eaters-esque aversion to many fruit and vegetables. I also tend to sink about 7-8 pints of lager every Saturday which obviously isn't doing me much good, apart from making 4/10's appear like 8/10's. I won't say I'm cutting out alcohol completely from my life but I will at least try and drink more shorts instead of beer!

I can confirm the Jailender is looking great :wub: Someone pointed him out to me at the Clach friendly last week and I barely recognised him. Well done (formerly) big man!

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After dinner on Sunday was going for my daily run. I managed about a mile before I started to feel something weird. Everytime I planted my right foot, my leg wobbled all over the place. I wasn't in any pain at all, it just was a weird feeling. Anyway, not knowing what was wrong and not being able to run in a straight line I stopped and walked home.

I went to bed, still in no pain whatsoever and slept right through. Upon waking up in the morning, my right shin had swollen to about twice it's normal size. In a panic I made my way to A&E. Anyway, to cut a long story short, I have broken my leg :blink:.

I never fell, banged it or hit it on anything. Genuinely miffed s to how it happened, especially consdering I wasn't in any pain.:blink:

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After dinner on Sunday was going for my daily run. I managed about a mile before I started to feel something weird. Everytime I planted my right foot, my leg wobbled all over the place. I wasn't in any pain at all, it just was a weird feeling. Anyway, not knowing what was wrong and not being able to run in a straight line I stopped and walked home.

I went to bed, still in no pain whatsoever and slept right through. Upon waking up in the morning, my right shin had swollen to about twice it's normal size. In a panic I made my way to A&E. Anyway, to cut a long story short, I have broken my leg :blink:.

I never fell, banged it or hit it on anything. Genuinely miffed s to how it happened, especially consdering I wasn't in any pain.:blink:

Bloody hell.:blink:

Was it a stress fracture then?

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Back at the gym tonight, did a circuit on the weights and then HIIT on the bike. Just under an hour, was a bit tired beforehand but wanted to get something in before BJJ tomorrow night.

Didn't make it to BJJ, am off work this week so got caught up in other stuff.

Went to the gym yesterday morning, the good thing about going early is that the free weights area is pretty empty. I did a few dumbell curls and then some dumbell chest presses. Finished up with dead lifts. I am always a bit nervous about doing deadlifts as obviously they have hte potential to kill your back but I felt fine with them.

I went to bed, still in no pain whatsoever and slept right through. Upon waking up in the morning, my right shin had swollen to about twice it's normal size. In a panic I made my way to A&E. Anyway, to cut a long story short, I have broken my leg .

Fucking hell, that's a killer. Hope if heals quickly.

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I've lost about two stone in about two and a half months sticking rigidly to this...

Toast in the morning.

Gym on a Tues, Wed, Fri & Sat doing 10 miles each time on the bike, 30 reps each on the weight machines and an ab app on my phone.

Low cal meal for my dinner. (Sainsbury's and Tesco's ones are actually tasty!)

Toast before I go to bed at night.

Had to fight serious hunger pangs at the beginning as I was a fat bas but once you get over them it all seems to fall into place.

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I have lost a stone and a half over the last couple of months just by cutting out the vast majority of crap I used to eat and becoming slightly more active. After work instead of sitting around watching rubbish telly, I will occasionally go for a walk along the prom, go to the driving range, just doing something that will get me out of the house and this has the added bonus of me not being close enough to food to snack on it. I also fancy cycling to work a couple of days a week, but to start with I will cycle to the train station, get the train to South Gyle and cycle to work from there and back again. I am still a fat barsteward but it's a step in the right direction-I think I've got the sensible eating sorted out but need to do a lot more exercise.

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I have just read through this thread and have finally been inspired to stop being such a fat b*****d after about a decade.

I am 6'2 and about 18 stone (it could be even more since I have been too ashamed to weigh myself for a long time! :lol: ) My main weaknesses are junk food, lager and general laziness. I have played five a side most weeks for the last 7 years but have become increasingly immobile due to creaking knees most probably caused by my fatness. I am going to start by walking a few miles a day and hopefully progressing onto jogging or cycling. I think I'll invest in one of those kettlebells as well in an attempt to lose my C cups. I think my main problem will be cutting out the utter shite I eat. I am a fairly terrible cook and have a Freaky Eaters-esque aversion to many fruit and vegetables. I also tend to sink about 7-8 pints of lager every Saturday which obviously isn't doing me much good, apart from making 4/10's appear like 8/10's. I won't say I'm cutting out alcohol completely from my life but I will at least try and drink more shorts instead of beer!

I can confirm the Jailender is looking great :wub: Someone pointed him out to me at the Clach friendly last week and I barely recognised him. Well done (formerly) big man!

You sound exactly like one of my mates. He is a PE teacher so, by rights, he should be pretty slim. Anyways, he was always quite overweight and had really bad knees due to his horrific diet. He then changed his diet and the weight fell off him and now his knees are fine. So always light at the end of the tunnel.

After dinner on Sunday was going for my daily run. I managed about a mile before I started to feel something weird. Everytime I planted my right foot, my leg wobbled all over the place. I wasn't in any pain at all, it just was a weird feeling. Anyway, not knowing what was wrong and not being able to run in a straight line I stopped and walked home.

I went to bed, still in no pain whatsoever and slept right through. Upon waking up in the morning, my right shin had swollen to about twice it's normal size. In a panic I made my way to A&E. Anyway, to cut a long story short, I have broken my leg :blink:.

I never fell, banged it or hit it on anything. Genuinely miffed s to how it happened, especially consdering I wasn't in any pain.:blink:

Sounds horrific mate. Best of luck with that. Takes the phrase "break a leg" to a whle new level.

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30 reps each on the weight machines and an ab app on my phone.

How many reps do people do on weight machines and with free weights? I usually do 12 reps or if I am doing a particularly heavy load 8 reps.

I'm not organised enough to have a programme or anything like that but from memory this is what I did yesterday:

Seated rower - 160 lbs 12 reps; 175 lbs 8 reps

Lat Pull - 160 lbs 12 reps; 175 lbs 8 reps

Leg Press - 205 lbs 12 reps; 220 lbs 12 reps

Bicep curls - 24 kilo dumbell 12 reps x 2

Dumbell chest press - 18 kilo dumbell 12 reps x2

Deadlifts - 22 kilo barbell (a bit light but I've only just started doing them and want to get the technique right so I don't paralyse myself!)

Hip abductor - 100 lbs 12 reps x 2

Hip adductor - 100 lbs 12 reps x 2

Arm curls - 120 lbs 12 reps x 2

Tricep extension - 130 lbs 12 reps x 2

I normally use a few other machines but didn't have time yesterday. I do these reps from reading various books and articles on the best number of reps to do for each exercise.

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How many reps do people do on weight machines and with free weights? I usually do 12 reps or if I am doing a particularly heavy load 8 reps.

Using my biceps routine as an example I'd do 3 x 10. I usually start off at a weight a bit higher than I'm comfortable with and then decrease it thereafter for the other sets of 10.

The big thing for me was shifting my belly. I used to look like I was about 6 months pregnant but a combination of fat burning and that ab app have me near flat again. Last time my belly was flat was when I was 18, just before I broke my leg quite badly.

Unfortunately I've become one of those gym bores and have to tell myself to shut up before I start telling folk my boring gym stories. It's borne out of sheer amazement at the results I've seen!

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How many reps do people do on weight machines and with free weights?

How many reps you should be doing really depends on what results you're wanting. Everyone's body responds differently, but as a rough guide:

10-12 reps: improving muscular endurance

6-8 reps: building muscle

4-6 reps: increasing strength

(Yes, guys. I realise that I've airbrushed the number nine out of existence).

When I'm doing a resistance session at the gym I'll generally start out with a big compound exercise (squats, deadlifts, bench press, weighted pull-ups), working in the 4-6 rep range to build strength without adding too much in muscle bulk. I'll then move on to a 'complex', which is basically multiple sets of different lifts performed back to back with no or minimal rests. My training's aimed towards improving strength and conditioning for Muay Thai, and this is a good way of complementing the conditioning work that I'm already doing there.

Where is it that you do BJJ, out of interest?

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Cheers guys.

Bloody hell.:blink:

Was it a stress fracture then?

Aye, it must have been. But I had no twinges, aches or pains at all until I went my run and even then all I had was a weird sensation which is making it harder for me not to want to just get up and go a run :lol:

Anyway, it's not too bad. Been told to put zero weight on it at all and rest it up (I doubt that will happen). Got the air cast boot so no cast, I suppose that's a good thing, for the next 8 weeks, then I've to continue rsting up or a furhter 4 before easing myself back into my routine.

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Ive started a low cal diet recently, (1700 per day) at the very minimum I play football twice a week, or on a good week it's the football, plus a cycle from Glasgow to Edinburgh and a few 5k runs. Problem I always find is that I can't maintain any core fitness. Even if I take a week off I feel like I'm back at square 1 again.

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