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The get fit, stay fit thread

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I absolutely knackered my legs after doing deadlfts yesterday :lol:

it's actually only the second time I've attempted them, but find I have that staisfying soreness today.

I want to just focus on compound lifts for my lifting, but I train alone and I'm new to lifting that doesn't involve barbells or machines - I attempted a squat last night with just the bar, and found it really awkward to hold.

Any other lifts I should be doing?

Squats, deadlifts, bench press, shoulder press pull ups and chin ups.

Im the same in that I do my weight training alone and squats are a tricky one- you see a lot of people doing them wrong! Theres a few good instructional videos on youtube, watch a couple and practise the technique with just the bar before moving up the weights slowly. If your gym has a squat cage use that as it gives you abit of a mental boost knowing the safety bars are there.

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Not a fan of the Smith machine personally: you lift heavier, but you use less of the small stabilising muscles when using it as you're constrained into going vertically up and down, and therefore don't need to use them to keep balance to the same extent.

I'd rather just lift a lighter weight personally.

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Seeing as this is now a bit of a Q&A thread, I have a couple of nutrition questions.

Normally when I focus on my nutrition, it's "don't eat and drink crap and make sure you get enough protein", but I've decided to take it a wee step further at the moment as I'm pretty much down to trying to lose the last wee bit of fat round my belly, so I decided to cut back on starchy carbs, especially on non-gym days.

I've always previously thought that on workout days you should eat (largely) carbs before workout and protein afterwards so you had something to burn and then refuel, but on one of the "losing fat advice" posters on the gym wall, it says if you're having say, a plate of pasta, then have it after workout rather than before due to your metabolism being speeded up. I don't think it'll make a massive amount of difference, but which situation is more in line with becoming leaner?

Also, is yazoo milk actually good for refuelling? I've seen a couple of footballers mention it recently, I just assumed normal milk would be better as it has the same protein content without all of the sugar and flavourings. Fucking love yazoo though.

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Seeing as this is now a bit of a Q&A thread, I have a couple of nutrition questions.

Normally when I focus on my nutrition, it's "don't eat and drink crap and make sure you get enough protein", but I've decided to take it a wee step further at the moment as I'm pretty much down to trying to lose the last wee bit of fat round my belly, so I decided to cut back on starchy carbs, especially on non-gym days.

I've always previously thought that on workout days you should eat (largely) carbs before workout and protein afterwards so you had something to burn and then refuel, but on one of the "losing fat advice" posters on the gym wall, it says if you're having say, a plate of pasta, then have it after workout rather than before due to your metabolism being speeded up. I don't think it'll make a massive amount of difference, but which situation is more in line with becoming leaner?

Also, is yazoo milk actually good for refuelling? I've seen a couple of footballers mention it recently, I just assumed normal milk would be better as it has the same protein content without all of the sugar and flavourings. Fucking love yazoo though.

People actually tend to underestimate the amount of carbs that they need if they're training regularly. A meal high in good carbs with a bit of protein 2-4 hours before your workout is important, but post-workout you should be aiming to take on around 3g carbs for every 1g protein. So the answer is really both. As far as the rest of the day goes, how many carbs you need will depend on the type, frequency and intensity of your training as well as your goals, but it's a common misconception that you should be going 'low carb'.

The short answer regarding Yazoo milk is that it's a wee bit better than normal milk because of the added sugar. As I said, you're wanting 3g carbs for every 1g protein, so the extra carbohydrate helps. In the post-training window, some would even argue (although it isn't entirely uncontroversial) that quick release carbs (ie sugars, as found in Yazoo) are better than slow release as the quicker absorption allows your muscles to restock glycogen more quickly. So if you're wanting to treat yourself a wee bit with a bottle of Yazoo then the post-training window is definitely the time to do it, although there are better ways to refuel and I wouldn't really recommend it as a recovery snack.

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People actually tend to underestimate the amount of carbs that they need if they're training regularly. A meal high in good carbs with a bit of protein 2-4 hours before your workout is important, but post-workout you should be aiming to take on around 3g carbs for every 1g protein. So the answer is really both. As far as the rest of the day goes, how many carbs you need will depend on the type, frequency and intensity of your training as well as your goals, but it's a common misconception that you should be going 'low carb'.

The short answer regarding Yazoo milk is that it's a wee bit better than normal milk because of the added sugar. As I said, you're wanting 3g carbs for every 1g protein, so the extra carbohydrate helps. In the post-training window, some would even argue (although it isn't entirely uncontroversial) that quick release carbs (ie sugars, as found in Yazoo) are better than slow release as the quicker absorption allows your muscles to restock glycogen more quickly. So if you're wanting to treat yourself a wee bit with a bottle of Yazoo then the post-training window is definitely the time to do it, although there are better ways to refuel and I wouldn't really recommend it as a recovery snack.

I always have a chicken tikka kebab after a game of squash. And a Camel cigarette. :D

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A chicken shish kebab can't be that bad for you - grilled chicken, pitta, salad? Certainly better than anything from the elephant leg at the back.

It's the ten pints of lager that precede the kebab that do the damage though.

I had a a baked potato with some chili con carne for my post-BJJ tea. Edit: And two more Raoul Moat Ripped Fuel High Protein Death Shakes.

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A chicken shish kebab can't be that bad for you - grilled chicken, pitta, salad? Certainly better than anything from the elephant leg at the back.

It's the ten pints of lager that precede the kebab that do the damage though.

I had a a baked potato with some chili con carne for my post-BJJ tea. Edit: And two more Raoul Moat Ripped Fuel High Protein Death Shakes.

Its very healthy actually. The fag less so.:lol:

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Im a little overweight 14 1.

From the start of the year(17 days ) Ive only had at max 10g of fat per day and 1700 cals. I've been doing 1000 cals at the gym every day other than the 1st, 2nd) but I've lost only 3 pounds in 17 days. I know its something but I was hoping for about 9 pounds by now. I have not cheated/lying etc etc. Any hints to change?

I do 10k on the treadmill and 15k on bike. everyday.

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Im a little overweight 14 1.

From the start of the year(17 days ) Ive only had at max 10g of fat per day and 1700 cals. I've been doing 1000 cals at the gym every day other than the 1st, 2nd) but I've lost only 3 pounds in 17 days. I know its something but I was hoping for about 9 pounds by now. I have not cheated/lying etc etc. Any hints to change?

I do 10k on the treadmill and 15k on bike. everyday.

How hard are you training though? I could run 10k everyday but I would be sacraficing quality for quantity. Mix up your training and have rest days. Include HIIT (high intensity interval training), weight routines, hill work.

Here is a breif example of my training.

Monday: 30 mins HIIT, 5 a side & weights (chest).

Tuesday: Long Run. 10 - 12 miles.

Wednesday: 5-10k slow recovery run. Compound exercises (squats, lunges, deadlifts, shoulder press)

Thursday: 10k @ race pace or lots of hill reps.

Friday: Weights back. chin/pull ups.

Saturday: Park Run 5k

Sunday: Rest.

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Im a little overweight 14 1.

From the start of the year(17 days ) Ive only had at max 10g of fat per day and 1700 cals. I've been doing 1000 cals at the gym every day other than the 1st, 2nd) but I've lost only 3 pounds in 17 days. I know its something but I was hoping for about 9 pounds by now. I have not cheated/lying etc etc. Any hints to change?

I do 10k on the treadmill and 15k on bike. everyday.

I'd echo young_bairn by suggesting more high-intensity training. Plodding along on a treadmill for 10k isn't the most effecient way of burning fat, try some interval training and really push yourself. There's nothing wrong with that weight loss either, you're hoping to lose around 3-4lb a week which for someone who is only a little overweight is tough going. Losing weight at a slower consistant rate is usually better in the long run.

Edited by Diamonds are Forever
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Im a little overweight 14 1.

From the start of the year(17 days ) Ive only had at max 10g of fat per day and 1700 cals. I've been doing 1000 cals at the gym every day other than the 1st, 2nd) but I've lost only 3 pounds in 17 days. I know its something but I was hoping for about 9 pounds by now. I have not cheated/lying etc etc. Any hints to change?

I do 10k on the treadmill and 15k on bike. everyday.

Well first of all, that diet's just not very good. If you look up the Harris Benedict equation on Google, it'll tell you how many calories you should be burning a day given your age, weight and level of physical activity; I'd aim to take on 500 kcal less than that per day; any more and you'll go into a catabolic state, burning lean tissue instead of fat.

Further, if you stay on a caloric deficit for too long your body will go into 'famine mode'. This means that it'll adjust to your caloric intake, burning less calories to compensate for the fact that you're eating less. Having a 'cheat day' every week or two where you eat whatever you feel like will help to prevent this, and is actually beneficial for this reason.

Most importantly, though, only having 10g fat a day isn't healthy at all. A moderate intake of dietary fat does not equate to increased bodyfat; quite the opposite, in fact. If you don't take on enough dietary fat, it'll lead to all sorts of health problems; you should be aiming for fat to make up about 15-20% of your overall caloric intake, just making sure that it comes from heart healthy sources such as olive oil, oily fish, nuts, seeds and avocado. Your lack of weight loss could well be directly linked to the fact that you aren't eating enough fat.

It'd also be a good idea to shake up your training: an overreliance on protracted steady state cardio will also put you in a catabolic state. High intensity interval training and resistance work both have a more prolonged metabolic effect.

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Squats, deadlifts, bench press, shoulder press pull ups and chin ups.

Im the same in that I do my weight training alone and squats are a tricky one- you see a lot of people doing them wrong! Theres a few good instructional videos on youtube, watch a couple and practise the technique with just the bar before moving up the weights slowly. If your gym has a squat cage use that as it gives you abit of a mental boost knowing the safety bars are there.

Thanks very much. I want to move to just compound lifts for the next while, as I know their so much better. They also seem a bit time saving seeing as you're working more muscles at once.

Could anyone suggest a helpful breakdown, as doing 5 of these lift in one go probably isn't the best way to go. I was think


Barbell Row

Pull Ups



Bench Press

Clean and Press

Good idea?

Also, does doing HIITT whilst swimming strike people as a good fat burner?

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Cabn anyone recommend a protein shake to buy , i have started doing the weights and looking to take a good protein shake to help me along cheers.

I would recommend hurricane XS from myprotein.com


Its fairly cheap and it doesn't taste too bad.

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Also, does doing HIITT whilst swimming strike people as a good fat burner?

It'd be very tough, but I'd think probably better than more 'traditional' forms of HIIT if you were able to maintain a high enough intensity due to the constant element of resistance.

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Apologies for being about the 87th person to use mhak as a sounding board. But i'm trying to lose roughly 1.5 stone (I'm 14-4 at the moment and 5'11). I'm also trying to build up a bit of strength and generally get as fit as i can. I'm doing the following:

Monday: Badminton then RPM (45 minute bike class thing)

Tuesday: 2.5mile run at lunchtime, Weights after work (2 circuits of 3x8 of about as much as i can lift/manage), 30 mins intervals on X Trainer (30 secs on high resistance at 200+ steps/min and 30secs on medium resistance at 160 steps/min)

Wednesday: RPM

Thursday: Same as Tuesday

Friday: Fives then RPM

Saturday: REST

Sunday: Same as Tuesday & Thursday

In terms of eating, my diet isn't dreadful. Although i could do with cutting out the bread a bit. Eat a lot of chicken breast based meals, using Quorn instead of mince and go through a fair bit of soup.

I've been doing this for about 2 months, and although i haven't lost a lot of weight, I do definitely feel a good bit fitter. Any advice, changes you can recommend would be appreciated.

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After saying I need to get fit for ages finally took the step of joining a local gym for 16 pound a month which isn't too bad, got a program made up for me which involves starting on the bike then treadmill then the rowing machine. After about 15-20mins I move onto the weights, all I can manage at the moment so unfit.

3 days a week enough to start with? What's with these protein shakes? Should I be taking them after my workout?

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I'll be getting back into the gym in the next couple of weeks. I haven't been in months so I'll ease myself in :ph34r: I've also taken up jogging on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings.

I've also reduced the amount of shite I eat so hopefully I'll have an acceptable level of fitness by the time I'm back up the road for summer.

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In my opinion, weights are definitely better than running/cycling (that sort of cardio stuff) for fat loss [unless of course you need the fitness for other activities]. Get on a solid routine involving the big compound exercise and try to make sure you keep increasing the weight each workout.

Up the protein and good fats and reduce the amount of carbs.

If anyone is really interested, you could also try intermittent fasting. I've been doing it for a few months and it's made life easier for me. You essentially try to get all your calories in a shortened feeding window. The guy who owns the site has quite a few solid research studies which back up his claims.

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