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The get fit, stay fit thread

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Your info is always good. But what works for you won't necessarily work for other people. Everyone is different.

My issue is that people don't even know if it'll work for them and never will because they refuse to try.

We're conditioned into thinking that we 'need our morning carbs' because of government propaganda aimed at keeping farmers onside and studies funded by the cereal industry.

Edit: I actually think that you've proved this quite nicely with this post. Why assume that there's some special kind of genetic weirdness leading to this being specific to me?

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Edit: I actually think that you've proved this quite nicely with this post. Why assume that there's some special kind of genetic weirdness leading to this being specific to me?

Pretty fair assumption from reading your posts, tbh

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I think when people say that eating a certain diet won't 'work' for them they probably mean that they wouldn't or couldn't do it rather than it not physically being possible for them. It's like the Atkins Diet - when it was a huge fad I knew a few people who lost a tonne of weight on it but there's no way I could be arsed with doing it, even if I did lose loads of weight.

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Pretty fair assumption from reading your posts, tbh

Why are you even reading this thread, porkchop?

I think when people say that eating a certain diet won't 'work' for them they probably mean that they wouldn't or couldn't do it rather than it not physically being possible for them. It's like the Atkins Diet - when it was a huge fad I knew a few people who lost a tonne of weight on it but there's no way I could be arsed with doing it, even if I did lose loads of weight.

Yeah, but I still think the same applies; people seem to assume that they won't be able to do things without ever trying them. It says quite a lot about their self respect, to be honest.

I used to think that I couldn't do without carbs in the morning, but since I stopped eating them my energy levels are actually miles better. The only drawback to the way I eat now is that, if you don't have the time to prepare your food in advance, it can be quite difficult to pick up a lower carb option on the go.

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Weighed myself at the gym this afternoon, I'm at 12st 10lbs which, considering when I signed up for the gym at the end of July I was 13st 13lbs, I think is pretty good. Without a doubt the fittest I've been since I was about 12, and I can actually run for longer than 2 minutes on the treadmill now, every time I go I'm able to increase the time or speed by a little bit. Still got a lot of weight I can lose though, I'm 5'10 and still have a lot of flab on my gut and thighs so I'm hoping to drop at least another stone and everything will start toning up.

Like most people I just cut out booze and eating crap like takeaways and crisps, and I managed to stick to it for the first few weeks but the last two I've fallen off the wagon having been to four 21st's (including my own) so I probably could have lost a little more weight in that time. Also replacing stuff like rolls & sausage for breakfast in work for cereal bars I thought was pretty good, having read the last few pages though I realise I still have much to learn!

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Why are you even reading this thread, porkchop?

It was near the top of the page and it's often quite a funny read. I was just stunned at a rare moment of self-awareness.

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I just don't get why you'd be fine with something as heavy as porridge but not be okay with fish. unsure.gif

I don't actually get how people struggle to eat in the morning tbh.

Now that I'm in control of buying all my available food in the house I've been on quite a mean regime. This morning I had a poached egg on two pieces of bread, with some orange juice. Wholewheat spaghetti bolognese is fast becoming my go to evening meal also, lots of vegetables with a reduced portion of ground beef. Will hopefully try and build more exercise (other than walking everywhere) into the routine but it's far too warm at the moment to lose any more sweat.

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Consider switching to 93/7 ground turkey. Assuming your sauce is tomato/veggie loaded you really won't notice the difference.

I was in Michigan last month and barely went indoors because the weather was so nice. I see it's 27 C where you are. Well, it's 40 C here. That's what warm is :P

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Your info is always good. But what works for you won't necessarily work for other people. Everyone is different.

I used to think similar.

But really, the basic principles of health and fitness, and how to look good are the same for everyone. If you're looking to get fit, in the simplest terms; cut out fast food, fizzy juice and processed food. Eat more fish, lean meats, vegetables, butter, pretty much anything that occurs naturally or can be made by hand. Drink more water. Start lifting weights. Depending on what weight you are and your current body composition (what % of your body is fat) you'll aim for either a caloric deficit if you're wanting to lose weight (while still lifting weights and getting enough calories from protein that your body will retain more muscle than fat, otherwise you'll end up burning muscle and still look flabby despite losing overall mass which is fair to assume isn't your aim) or a caloric surplus (while still lifting weights and consuming shitloads of calories and protein)

That's my understanding of the basics from what I've read, anyway.

Anyway; I tried tinned anchovies for the first time yesterday. Possibly the saltiest thing I have ever tasted, and I once ate a great big heaping bowl of salt (yorkie bar to anyone getting the reference) I also have porridge and carrot sticks in the fridge, along with some spinach.

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At the minute I'm probably the least fit I've been in about 5 years. I'm not overweight, I weigh about twelve and a half stone and I'm six foot two but I feel pretty sluggish. Over the past year or so my diet has gone right downhill, I eat from too many bad carbohydrates and up until about a month ago wasn't exercising enough either. I've started going swimming at least a couple of times a week but ideally just as much as possible, I don't know if that's the best option but I find it infinitely more enjoyable than going to the gym. Anyway, come Tuesday I'm going to have to start shopping for myself too (I realise that's my own fault for being lazy and I always had the option to buy and cook for myself) so this seems like as good a time as any to change the things I eat and lean up my currently doughy physique. I quite fancy this quinoa stuff, what do you eat it with?

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What are the best exercises to do if you're just starting out? Looking to build some muscle so what exercises should I do with dumbells?

Squats, deadlifts, seated overhead press, standing overhead press, bent over rows, stuff like that. bicep curls if that matters to you.

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