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The get fit, stay fit thread

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Ahh the chin ups and pull ups. I've never been able to manage even two of those. Just find it far too hard!

I used to be the same, could only do a couple. I started to do 2 or 3 when I walked past the bars in the gym. So everytime I was in the gym I'd maybe do 3 or 4 sets of 2. Gradually, every week, I pushed myself to do 4 per set, then 5.

I can now do 3 sets of 10 with 30 secs rest between them, stick with it and you will find it gets easy. The main factor for me was getting Over the embarrassment factor of only being able to do 2 in the gym and then giving up...... The longer I've been at the gym though the less self-conscious I've became.

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Ahh the chin ups and pull ups. I've never been able to manage even two of those. Just find it far too hard!

One of the best exercises you'll ever do though. Worth persisting with.

Try them in sets of three at first. Work up to sets of five then you can mic them up as much as you like. I'll sometimes just crank out as many as I can until I fall over, sometimes I do sets of five or sets of eight as part of a routine.

Ive been doing a 10, 8.6,4 and trying to do it as slowly as I possibly can lately. That is a real killer! First few times you manage to do a few sets you will feel your shoulders are totally fucked from doms, your back muscles hurt and obove all else your stomach muscles will be utterly mangled. I find it much much better than planks, although you dont do the side on effort of course. Try them and master them! That is proper core strength that even a lot of the big fannies that inflate their muscles with monkey chemicals cant master properly.:P

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I used to be the same, could only do a couple. I started to do 2 or 3 when I walked past the bars in the gym. So everytime I was in the gym I'd maybe do 3 or 4 sets of 2. Gradually, every week, I pushed myself to do 4 per set, then 5.

I can now do 3 sets of 10 with 30 secs rest between them, stick with it and you will find it gets easy. The main factor for me was getting Over the embarrassment factor of only being able to do 2 in the gym and then giving up...... The longer I've been at the gym though the less self-conscious I've became.

Most folk just ignore them altogether. They are well worth mastering.

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One of the best exercises you'll ever do though. Worth persisting with.

Try them in sets of three at first. Work up to sets of five then you can mic them up as much as you like. I'll sometimes just crank out as many as I can until I fall over, sometimes I do sets of five or sets of eight as part of a routine.

Ive been doing a 10, 8.6,4 and trying to do it as slowly as I possibly can lately. That is a real killer! First few times you manage to do a few sets you will feel your shoulders are totally fucked from doms, your back muscles hurt and obove all else your stomach muscles will be utterly mangled. I find it much much better than planks, although you dont do the side on effort of course. Try them and master them! That is proper core strength that even a lot of the big fannies that inflate their muscles with monkey chemicals cant master properly.:P

When i started at the gym I could not even do one. I reckon I could do ten sets of ten pretty easily now. I have slackened off lately. Still have a bar set up in the house so will get back to them eventually!

Basically what I am saying is everyone has to start somewhere. This post was aimed at the guy who said he could not do one so f**k knows why I have quoted you haha!

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When i started at the gym I could not even do one. I reckon I could do ten sets of ten pretty easily now. I have slackened off lately. Still have a bar set up in the house so will get back to them eventually!

Basically what I am saying is everyone has to start somewhere. This post was aimed at the guy who said he could not do one so f**k knows why I have quoted you haha!

My bro in law had a bar in the beams of his garage which I remember being able to crank out maybe ten or so the first time I tried it. Next few days were hellish with doms. If you do miitary presses with the weights and stuff like that youll probably be not too bad at chins and pull ups. You should be strong enough to at least crank out enough to give you an idea of what you are looking at. Palms facing away (pull ups)are the ones most folk struggle with.

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Looking for a bit of advice. Bought some dumbbells today (2 bars, each 1.5 k, and eight 1.25 k disks). I'm wanting to have bigger upper arms than I currently have. What's the best way to approach this? I've been doing reps (six reps at 9k, then switching arm). How many times should I be doing reps, and should I be doing them each day?


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Looking for a bit of advice. Bought some dumbbells today (2 bars, each 1.5 k, and eight 1.25 k disks). I'm wanting to have bigger upper arms than I currently have. What's the best way to approach this? I've been doing reps (six reps at 9k, then switching arm). How many times should I be doing reps, and should I be doing them each day?


Do press ups instead and chin ups. You weigh more than your dumbells anyway, once you are doing those with ease buy heavier weights.. Do bent over rows, dips and stuff like that. Work the shoulders and work the triceps more than the biceps. The biceps are puny in comparison to the meat on the opposite side of the arm.

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When I lived at my folks I used to have a chinning bar that fastened to my bedroom doorframe, but they moved house about 6 years ago and I think it got thrown out.

I think it cost about a tenner from Argos and was a great investment- even if you can't do one, you could stand on a stool, jump up and then lower yourself as slowly as possible. This is what I try and do now at the gym- I know you can get the assisted machine but any time I try and use that I don't feel it gives you the same effect.

I always try and get a few sets of pull ups and parallel bar dips in as well, they're another great exercise.

Also, I'm wary of doing dumbbell presses with too much weight; I know at least I won't end up with a barbell pinned to my windpipe but I'm scared I'll rip my shoulder to bits if I can't put it down safely, or at the very least I'll look like a diddy if I have to drop them so I normally just stick to the machines for those.

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Looking for a bit of advice. Bought some dumbbells today (2 bars, each 1.5 k, and eight 1.25 k disks). I'm wanting to have bigger upper arms than I currently have. What's the best way to approach this? I've been doing reps (six reps at 9k, then switching arm). How many times should I be doing reps, and should I be doing them each day?


Reps of what exercise?

Best exercises to do with dumbells, off the top of my head, are the dumbell shoulder press, dumbell bent-over row, and dumbell chest press.

Have a quick look here, it's worth a wee read; http://newbie-fitness.blogspot.co.uk/2007/01/stripped-5x5.html

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Yep, but the stuff that works your core tends to involve lots of leg based stuff which you cant do just now. Swimming will burn plenty of calories until your are fit enough to mix things up a bit more. Three or four weeks in the pool isnt going to do any harm. Swimming is pretty tedious but so is distance running for a lot of folk. Can you get on a bike or get on a rowing machine or something? Maybe that will ease the boredom for you just now?

Sorry fellae missed your post. I never even thought of that, they'd be fine for getting a sweat on. Thanks for the help.

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Most folk just ignore them altogether. They are well worth mastering.

I bought one of the bar things that hang over your door about 6 months ago in Tesco's. It was £10 and hasn't yet fallen to bits (although I'm sure I'll get a sore one one day).

I just hang it up when I'm at home and try to do a few every day - the difference to my shoulders/back has been fantastic.

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Looking for a bit of advice. Bought some dumbbells today (2 bars, each 1.5 k, and eight 1.25 k disks). I'm wanting to have bigger upper arms than I currently have. What's the best way to approach this? I've been doing reps (six reps at 9k, then switching arm). How many times should I be doing reps, and should I be doing them each day?


Do press ups instead and chin ups. You weigh more than your dumbells anyway, once you are doing those with ease buy heavier weights.. Do bent over rows, dips and stuff like that. Work the shoulders and work the triceps more than the biceps. The biceps are puny in comparison to the meat on the opposite side of the arm.

I agree with Reynard on the triceps thing. My pullup bar I mentioned previously doubles as a tricep workout when you put it on the floor. I had severly skinny arms and, since my triceps have grown, my full arm seems to be growing along with it including my biceps.

In terms of reps, and I'm looking for some more advice here, I was advised by a guy I know who does TKD that its best not to count your reps but simply to do reps until you can't do any more, take a 30 second break and then do more reps, another 30 second break, and then a final set of reps. So count 3 sets but don't count the reps in the sets. Again, I've found this to really help around the arms but what thoughts do you guys have on that advice?

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I bought one of the bar things that hang over your door about 6 months ago in Tesco's. It was £10 and hasn't yet fallen to bits (although I'm sure I'll get a sore one one day).

I just hang it up when I'm at home and try to do a few every day - the difference to my shoulders/back has been fantastic.

Ive had one for about three years now and although the rubber bumper stuff has long fucked off it still seems to be hanging together.

I also have a bar set up in the eaves of one of the outbuildings and I do a few cranks on that when Im passing it.:P

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Chris you've mentioned that pure gym place, is that the one that's open 24 hours?? I was talking about it at work today, who the f**k wants to go the gym at 3am??

Someone who works until the early hours, or someone who starts work at 4-5am maybe.

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