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She Hulk was alright (the stuff with Wong was great, was good but weird to see Daredevil, the episode at Blonsky's retreat was amusing) but it all felt pretty pointless. After that last episode, where does She Hulk fit in to the MCU? Are we supposed to forget she went to Marvel Studios and spoke to a fucking robot if she were to pop up in a Hulk film for example? Likewise if we see Daredevil in a more serious role, are we supposed to forget he was goofing around for a bit? Also his new outfit has a dreadful colour scheme


Was it all a set up for Banner to say he has a kid, who is pretty grown up by the way, so that must have happened a long time ago? Also how can a woman carry a Hulk baby? Surely the first time it kicked it would kick the maw to bits, like literal bits? Presumably it was Bruce who did the fucking, other Hulk really would have 'smashed', in all senses.

Plus where the f**k does the son fit in? Why is he on earth?

Oh and the CGI for She Hulk was so bad. It was pretty jarring every time and took me out of it. 

I think the folk over at Marvel need to cool it down with new characters. There's too many now. We'll be getting another main one next month and probably more in whatever Marvel movies are out next year. It's dificult to tie it all together. It's also difficult to see any threat to Earth now given just how many superheroes there are and how there are so many different powers now.

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3 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

Was it all a set up for Banner to say he has a kid, who is pretty grown up by the way, so that must have happened a long time ago? Also how can a woman carry a Hulk baby? Surely the first time it kicked it would kick the maw to bits, like literal bits? Presumably it was Bruce who did the fucking, other Hulk really would have 'smashed', in all senses.

They set up in Thor Ragnarök that time is kind of wonky on Sakaar so I'm assuming that'll be partly how they explain how grown up he is.

Plus the MCU is an extra five years ahead because of Endgame and the snap, so that would factor in too I guess.

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The She Hulk finale was awful. My 12 year old daughter was just confused. A real shame as we were both enjoying what was a light hearted wee show. 

Build up to a big fight scene, nonsense 4th wall breaking shite, happily ever after. 

Ranks up there with the finale to Star Trek Enterprise in the awfulness scale. 

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Something that slipped by for many this year was the passing of William Hurt.

In the MCU that meant a loss of the actor that had played General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross. A role on the margins, but about to gain some importance.

Instead of finding a new random character from the Marvel box of superheroes & villians. They've chosen to recast the part.

With Harrison Ford. Due to be in Captain America: New World Order and Thunderbolts.  Seemingly fallen in love with those Disney cheques.

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On 17/10/2022 at 21:00, FairWeatherFan said:

Something that slipped by for many this year was the passing of William Hurt.

In the MCU that meant a loss of the actor that had played General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross. A role on the margins, but about to gain some importance.

Instead of finding a new random character from the Marvel box of superheroes & villians. They've chosen to recast the part.

With Harrison Ford. Due to be in Captain America: New World Order and Thunderbolts.  Seemingly fallen in love with those Disney cheques.

Hurt took on the role of Ross in The Incredible Hulk and continued with it into the MCU. Pre-The Incredible Hulk, Sam Elliott played him in Ang Lee's Hulk. 

Am fine tbh with the casting of such (peripheral) roles without any explanation. 

Don Cheadle being brought in for Terence Howard as War Machine much more of a major MCU character re-cast, and one that doesn't result from the death of the actor. Am sure there are a few others (not of course including re-boots). 


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On 28/10/2022 at 11:21, Mark Connolly said:

Black Adam is not very good.

James Gunn has been put in charge of the DC Movie Universe. Good luck mate

It's just kinda.... there. Two hours of The Rock smashing things. The two younger superheroes were so underwritten that you barely cared or even remembered they were there. It just felt like they'd put an algorithm into a computer to make a new superhero film.  Famous song by a rock band during a fight scene, check. Precocious teenager, check. Slow motion, check. Cgi buildings blowing up, check. Shite bad guy, check.


For the record, growing really big is a shite superpower 

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There's been some excellent DC TV in Doom Patrol and the first few seasons of Titans (3rd wasnt as good), Constantine was also really good, and the Arrowverse started well but I think they suffered in the movies from having to many different people doing different things. Gotham, Pennyworth etc are all also pretty decent and play into the material from a different perspective

Marvel have struggled getting the XMen, Spiderman, Fantastic 4 etc back under their control but they do seem to have a single vision of where they are going, with DC it doesnt seem joined up, or any clue as to what they are doing. They could probably do with a complete re-boot and starting again, but would anyone want the 4th Batman origin story, or the 3rd Superman origin story etc.

Marvel have also managed to have the same people playing the characters on TV and then brought them into the Movies, and also had consistent actors across movies, whereas DC for example had different actors playing the same character at the same time on TV and the movies which just feels disjointed.


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There's been some excellent DC TV in Doom Patrol and the first few seasons of Titans (3rd wasnt as good), Constantine was also really good, and the Arrowverse started well but I think they suffered in the movies from having to many different people doing different things. Gotham, Pennyworth etc are all also pretty decent and play into the material from a different perspective
Marvel have struggled getting the XMen, Spiderman, Fantastic 4 etc back under their control but they do seem to have a single vision of where they are going, with DC it doesnt seem joined up, or any clue as to what they are doing. They could probably do with a complete re-boot and starting again, but would anyone want the 4th Batman origin story, or the 3rd Superman origin story etc.
Marvel have also managed to have the same people playing the characters on TV and then brought them into the Movies, and also had consistent actors across movies, whereas DC for example had different actors playing the same character at the same time on TV and the movies which just feels disjointed.
Its also the lack of a big overarching storyline like the infinity stones or the multiverse which doesn't help.

The crazy thing is that DC has so much material that does just that yet chooses not use it.

There's also a feeling that DC films take themselves far too seriously - you can see that they've tried to introduce humour in Black Adam but it just doesn't work.
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DC shat themselves when the Avengers film came out so rushed out Justice League, to the obvious result that it was pish and introduced too any characters at once that folk had no idea about or who had no storyline investment. 


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15 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Its also the lack of a big overarching storyline like the infinity stones or the multiverse which doesn't help.

The crazy thing is that DC has so much material that does just that yet chooses not use it.

There's also a feeling that DC films take themselves far too seriously - you can see that they've tried to introduce humour in Black Adam but it just doesn't work.

I thought it worked in Birds of prey. 

Going back a bit it worked in the Christopher Reeves Superman. 

I don't think it's the idea of having humour that's wrong, more the execution.  The Rock is not amongst the premier comic actors of his generation or even the among the competent ones. 


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At what point are they going to bite the bullet with Ezra Miller and just recast him?

He's a fucking massive wrongun and a liability. He's going to do something really bad to himself or someone else at the rate he's been going over the last 5 or 6 months.

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