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To be fair, at least it makes logical sense that Johnny Storm could be black (though they'd need to say he's adopted or make Susan black too, and their parents if they make the film early enough), Heimdall being black is illogical. (the same with Hogun being Japanese) It's nothing to do with the actors and it's not even to do with them changing things from the comics, it's do to with the fact that Asgard is a closed community and you see no other characters who aren't white. They're all pure-Asgardian so how does Heimdall get bred into that community? That's my problem with them casting Elba as Heimdall.

I spotted another black guy in Thor: The Dark World! One of the guards who brought Loki to Odin near the start when he was in chains was black!

It's not really a spoiler but is something in Thor 2 which went a little way to explaining the problem I had with the casting of Heimdall and Hogun;

Hogun is left on that world that Thor et al help defend at the start (where Thor destroys the rock monster thing). Can't remember the name but it's not Asgard, it's one of the other nine worlds, I think. So I guess that Hogun comes from there, Heimdall could come from another one of the worlds so it's not as closed off a community as I thought.

But holy shit, what a film. Makes up for the slight disappointment that Iron Man 3 left me with.

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Thor is indeed quality. Highly recommended.

The mid credit scene is exceptional. Utterly worth the wait. I nearly jizzed

Aye, my friend (who is a massive fan of that) was so fucking giddy after that scene.

Apparently there's one after all the credits too which I didn't realise so I'll need to go and see it again now! I'm so furious I have to watch that again! :o

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Your spoiler is the mid-credits scene, not the after credits scene.

I wouldn't say it was better than the first, but that's purely because Loki absolutely stole the show in the first and it was out of nowhere with Hiddleston being pretty unknown at that point. It'd take something special for one of the individual films to get a villain who was better than Loki was in Thor. (Avengers (and it's subsequent sequels) are different because they're a collective so the effort put in is far greater).

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Saw Thor and really enjoyed it. Thought Loki was the best character again by a mile. I saw the mid credits scene (which I didn't understand really,are we meant to know who that is?) but didn't realise there was an after credits one as well. Can someone spoiler that for me?

Edited by DavidMcG
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Saw Thor and really enjoyed it. Thought Lori was the best character again by a mile. I saw the mid credits scene (which I didn't understand really) but didn't realise there was an after credits one as well. Can someone spoiler that for me?

Lori? :P Is her ghost bothering Asgardians now!?!

Mr Brightside's spoiler is that second credits scene.

As for the first one;

You don't really need to know what's going on, but Benecio Del Toro is The Collector and will appear in Guardians of the Galaxy, so it's basically just tying that film into the Marvel Universe before it comes out next year.

It also kind of confirms that they're heading towards the Infinity Gauntlet story but they've changed the Infinity Stones to actual items.

The Tesseract from Avengers is the Space Stone. The Aether is the Power Stone. Chances are we'll see another turn up in Guardians next year and probably another in Avengers 2 before Thanos appears in Avengers 3.

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Lori? :P Is her ghost bothering Asgardians now!?!

Mr Brightside's spoiler is that second credits scene.

As for the first one;

You don't really need to know what's going on, but Benecio Del Toro is The Collector and will appear in Guardians of the Galaxy, so it's basically just tying that film into the Marvel Universe before it comes out next year.

It also kind of confirms that they're heading towards the Infinity Gauntlet story but they've changed the Infinity Stones to actual items.

The Tesseract from Avengers is the Space Stone. The Aether is the Power Stone. Chances are we'll see another turn up in Guardians next year and probably another in Avengers 2 before Thanos appears in Avengers 3.

Yeah I've been a lot of reading up on things and it appears that Thanos is the big big bad and is influencing shit all over the place. He was behind the Chitauri invasion and will have a hand in the Guardians Of The Galaxy stuff too. The Thor mid credits scene shows that the Collector is after all the Infinity Stones, and he's supposedly one of the two big bad guys in G.O.T.G. We also know that the Infinity Gauntlet is in the Asgard weapons room (you can see it briefly in the first Thor film). The Avengers have to deal with Ultron first, but that will somehow link in to it all as well. There are going to be Thor 3, Cap 3, Ant Man, a Hulk film and maybe a second Guardians film before Avengers 3, so they have plenty of time to establish shit. And it's looking to be ace.

Cap 2 is looking better all the time. Georges St Pierre is a bad dude in it. And the motivation of the Winter Soldier is going to be interesting, especially since we don't know how long he's been around for.

Edited by DA Baracus
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f**k knows how your spoiler tags didn't work there. They seem fine. But you had better change that.

I didn't think it was as good as the first one, because the elves simply weren't interesting, nor was the Aether. Loki and Thor were great together and Hiddlestone, again, was magic. Also liked the abundance of comedy in there and a lot of it hit the spot.

An entertaining film.

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f**k knows how your spoiler tags didn't work there. They seem fine. But you had better change that.

I didn't think it was as good as the first one, because the elves simply weren't interesting, nor was the Aether. Loki and Thor were great together and Hiddlestone, again, was magic. Also liked the abundance of comedy in there and a lot of it hit the spot.

An entertaining film.

I wrote 'spolier' in the first set of [ ].

Where was the Aether stored when Jane was transported there from London? Is that supposed to be deep under Asgard, or is it on the Dark World? Also how did it get contained in that box that is given to the Collector? Fans of the rules of thermodynamics will be delighted that it can't be destroyed mind.

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Yeah I've been a lot of reading up on things and it appears that Thanos is the big big bad and is influencing shit all over the place. He was behind the Chitauri invasion and will have a hand in the Guardians Of The Galaxy stuff too. The Thor mid credits scene shows that the Collector is after all the Infinity Stones, and he's supposedly one of the two big bad guys in G.O.T.G. We also know that the Infinity Gauntlet is in the Asgard weapons room (you can see it briefly in the first Thor film). The Avengers have to deal with Ultron first, but that will somehow link in to it all as well. There are going to be Thor 3, Cap 3, Ant Man, a Hulk film and maybe a second Guardians film before Avengers 3, so they have plenty of time to establish shit. And it's looking to be ace.

I don't think he was behind the Chitauri invasion, that was still Loki but he's picking up the pieces left behind after Iron Man sent the nuke through the wormhole and blew it all to shit.

I don't think he'll be in GOTG too much, either The Collector could be working for him or he'll come in at the end and take what pieces The Collector has when he's inevitably defeated by the Guardians.

The problem is that if they're going the route where the Infinity Stones are actually objects (the Aether, the Tesseract etc) then how do they connect to the Infinity Gauntlet? The stones slot into the gauntlet quite easily but they'll need to drain the objects of their power or something. I guess it depends how they explain the other stones, the Aether could just inhabit the being like it did in Thor 2 to Jane and Malekith.

Yeah, they've got time. Didn't realise they had Thor 3, Cap 3 or another Hulk but they have a lot of other films (rumours of Hawkeye, Black Widow, Nick Fury, Dr Strange and Black Panther films - with the latter two having been involved in a lot of Infinity Stone stories, especially the division of the stones after Thanos is defeated) where they can introduce them.

Where was the Aether stored when Jane was transported there from London? Is that supposed to be deep under Asgard, or is it on the Dark World? Also how did it get contained in that box that is given to the Collector? Fans of the rules of thermodynamics will be delighted that it can't be destroyed mind.

I think it was just one of the nine worlds but it's not specified because it's not known, nor does it matter terribly.


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Astonishingly, this actually happened;


Clay Quartermain: Helluva way to earn our keep, isn't it Vaughn? Babysittin' a corpse. Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker. Last of the great global boogeymen.


Clay Quartermain: Ours not to reason why, ours but to do and die

[Vaughn shoots him]

Nick Fury: Contessa Valentina de Allegro Fontaine. Quite a mouthful when you try and wrap your tongue around it. Don't let the blue blood fool ya, Pierce. Val's an old hand at the sexpionage game, aren't ya?

Is this interesting? Interesting?

Jack Pincer: So, we meet again, Fury.

Nick Fury: Well, I'm not surprised, Pincer. Guys like you tend to cling to the bowl no matter how many times you flush.

Nick Fury: Beauty is trust and trust is beauty. That's all ye on this Earth know and all ye need to know.

Gail Runciter: Is that part of the recognition code?

Nick Fury: No, I just felt like saying it.

Gail Runciter: Is it true what women say about you?

Nick Fury: Well, it depends on your talking to one of my ex-wifes or my mother.

Andrea Von Strucker: Pleasant dreams, Fury, I told you revenge was mine and now Zola will be too.

Nick Fury: [Fury has been injected with deadly Columbian tree frog poison] Brilliant. How long do I have before Kermit bites me the big one?

Nick Fury: Gabe, I do not intend to spend the last few hours of my life on this planet in the Helicarrier's sick bay. I'll get that vampire's blood if I have to suck it from her neck.

Andrea Von Strucker: [as a hologram] Rest assured against a force such as ours there is no protection. Against Hydra there is no S.H.I.E.L.D.

Kate Neville: You alright, Col?

Nick Fury: Between you and me and the ESP chip in your head, I'm beginning to feel the effects of Viper's cocktail.

Nick Fury: No takers, Pincer. Catch you on the rebound.

Jack Pincer: [on viewscreen] Don't you dare cut me off, you comic-book cowboy!

Nick Fury: [to Viper] I danced on your poisonous father's grave. I'll dance on your grave too, sweetness.

Andrea Von Strucker: [flips up Fury's eyepatch] An electronic lock-pick!

Nick Fury: Oh, there it is. I thought I left it in my other patch.

Valentina de Allegro Fontaine: Head nurse to Surgeon. Operation over. Patient sedated.

Nick Fury: You know he's a bit uglier than I remember, your frozen pop-sicle. Get it, Andrea? Pop-sicle?

Nick Fury: [no answer from Andrea] You know that's the problem with you and the Third Reich: no sence of humor.

Nick Fury: This is Hydra headquarters calling S.H.I.E.L.D. on the wave of the orca, is anybody listening?

Valentina de Allegro Fontaine: Nick! Thank God. I thought you were dead.

Nick Fury: [on viewscreen] I was. But now I'm better.

Andrea Von Strucker: I will see you in Hell for this.

Nick Fury: We'll do lunch.

Andrea Von Strucker: I thought I'd lost you, father.

Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker: I have walked through the fires of Hell, looked into the face of the Beast and I have returned. Let the world tremble this night. Our work has just begun.

Nick Fury: [Fury's body is being scanned for poison] I feel like a damn bratwurst here. Either get me out of here, or get me some mustard.

Alexander Goodwin Pierce: You see, the eh, charming thing about the electronics industry, is the remarkably tidy records that they keep.

Gabriel Jones: Are you really up to leading a field operation?

Nick Fury: Of course not, Gabe! But who the hell else is gonna do this? The LMD?

Alexander Goodwin Pierce: I was top of my class in advanced silent killing. I can do this in my sleep.

Valentina de Allegro Fontaine: Nick, what do you want me to say? That it happened too fast between us? That Clay got in the way? I got scared, I walked.

Nick Fury: Yeah, into someone elses bed!

Valentina de Allegro Fontaine: Well, I learned that move from you.

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