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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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Fair enjoyed that, the meeting in the dragon pit was pretty tense.  I was expecting it to kick off at any second.  Wasn't at all surprised by Cersei going back on her word.  Now that Bran can see into the future, surely we will see him warn John and Dany of the betrayal.  Is Jamie heading North alone, or as commander of the Lannister forces will he be bringing the army along with him?  Also Euron may struggle to bring back elephants from Essos...

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Good to see Jon's Stark blood runs true. The realm facing wipe out form The Others, Danny needing him to help make a treaty with him and Cersi and he goes and totally Ned's the situation with his boy scout honesty. 


Lyanna started a war because she was horny for Rhaegar, Robb lost his cause he was horny and "Honourable" to the Westerling girl, Ned lost his head and nearly got his kids killed because he could not come to the conclusion a little lie was needed quickly enough, Catlyn, well she was a wrecking ball from the moment she arrested Tyrion till she freed Jaime. The list of Stark fuckups is long and drenched in blood. 


Jon had done his best to add to it. (A coulple of times, screwed up at the Battle of the b*****ds, never brought enough of the Watch onside with his Wildling peace offer and got a boner for a bird that nearly wasted the whole "kill Quorin to get in Mance's camp plan. 



Edited by dorlomin
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Just had a thought... is Theon going to essentially save the day for Jon & Dany etc. in the war with Cersei by stumbling on the Euron going to Essos plan?

Also, I thought Tyrion was just skulking about at the end there being all heartbroken because he too is in love with Dany.

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18 minutes ago, Spain said:

Just had a thought... is Theon going to essentially save the day for Jon & Dany etc. in the war with Cersei by stumbling on the Euron going to Essos plan?

Also, I thought Tyrion was just skulking about at the end there being all heartbroken because he too is in love with Dany.

Hanging around on the off chance of a threesome imho

And poor Jorah crying himself to sleep as the bed head continually bangs off the wall.

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Who is left alive from the great houses.


Jon and Danny


Ellaria Sand


Theon, Yara, Euron


Bran, Sansa, Arya








Cersei, Jaimi, Tyrion. 


Of them all only Euron, Edmure, Tyrion and Jaime seem able to marry and have children carry the family name. Wheels not needing to be broken, its pretty much fallen off

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Just had a thought... is Theon going to essentially save the day for Jon & Dany etc. in the war with Cersei by stumbling on the Euron going to Essos plan?
Also, I thought Tyrion was just skulking about at the end there being all heartbroken because he too is in love with Dany.

Don't see why there would be any other reason to keep that storyline for the final season tbh, Theon saving Yara barely registers unless there's a greater plot behind it.
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He'd sail to Pyke and spot something was up if they weren't there, or considering the way things are going now - he'll just happen across them sailing east.

Also, Gendry to be legitimised as a Baratheon if he survives?

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3 hours ago, Spain said:

Also, I thought Tyrion was just skulking about at the end there being all heartbroken because he too is in love with Dany.

Aegon\Jon brings nothing to Danny she does not have. He bent the knee as King in the North now has no title but she has his people, technically. 

Other houses should offer better marriage, bringing more but as I listed there is not much left to marry too. Tyrion and Jaime could bring the Westerlands, Edmure is spoken for and Bran is dialled into the eco-matrix so not really up for being a Queens Consort or Lord of Winterfell. 

Tyrion is all about the politics, he gets his kicks with brothels and booze, he is not "into" Danny, just thinks she is f*cking away a key to bind a powerful family to her cause. 

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Why not? Theon is a long time character, it interests me.

Just seems a bit of a flimsy storyline considering they're streamlining the show towards its conclusion now, to me.
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I don't get the whole predictable talk. Of course it's going to be predictable when obsessed VL's theorise the show to death and then everyone else spends the time reading about it.

I'm not sure I've seen that with any other TV show before. I like to just let it play out and see what happens. Curious as to why people are doing it. Do you think it's point scoring with peers, ''I called it''. Or are they just trying to prove how smart they are because they've followed the show better than anyone else and can piece it all together, thus making it super predictable when it all happens...

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Thought it was entertaining in a superficial way but it was also pretty predictable and the show has sold its soul to give the fans what it wants.

There's no need for them to squeeze it in to such a short series, there are too many big moments just fired at you with no time for reflection or appreciation and as a result the senses are just overloaded and dulled to the impact as they become run of the mill events.

The show is now relying far too much on spectacle and special effects and not enough on plot and character.

The fans are treated like idiots that need everything spelled out overtly for them to understand.

There is no subtlety any more if just in your face and lacking in depth.

They should have taken their time and not been so desperate to tie up every loose end so quickly.

It's quite Poor the way these latest writers have taken something that doesn't belong to them and ruined it.

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1 hour ago, JamieStevenson said:

I don't get the whole predictable talk. Of course it's going to be predictable when obsessed VL's theorise the show to death and then everyone else spends the time reading about it.

I'm not sure I've seen that with any other TV show before. I like to just let it play out and see what happens. Curious as to why people are doing it. Do you think it's point scoring with peers, ''I called it''. Or are they just trying to prove how smart they are because they've followed the show better than anyone else and can piece it all together, thus making it super predictable when it all happens...

The books were deliberately written for that to happen. The whole story of GRRM sitting down with the two producers and asking "who is Jon Snow's mother" before allowing them the rights is indicative. The idea of the books is you get clues and red herrings and you try to work out what is happening between each book. That is a big part of what ties you in rather than another Tolkien knock off of good vs bad. In the TV series they also do "foreshadowing" dropping hints as to what is to come. 


If everything was completely random it would feel disjointed and without purpose but hinting at the hidden pattern, knowing the story is mapped out is a big part of its popularity. Before it became a megabudget CGI fest to rival Jackson LotRs it was all about pulling people in on the dialogue and the intrigue. Now all that exposition and guessing is getting its payoff. 

Edited by dorlomin
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