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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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Just now, DA Baracus said:

Didn't one of them suggest that?

Yeah, I think Cersei broached it.   I think the Targaryans only got away with it because they were Valyrian and that's how things worked in Old Valyria.  


I'm not sure exactly how I feel about the end of the series.  I think it was always going to be a disappointment, the final seasons of big shows are always a bit clunky.  Tying up threads has to happen to an extent and it's hard to do so without seeming rushed or overly plotted.  The way that GoT has been written as well is that the threads can't really be tied off and some of them won't make any sense.  In one sense the show runners are damned if they do and damned if they don't, criticised for bending to fan expectations and simultaneously criticised for blowing character arcs like Dany and Jaime.  Also, the show has a whole world and it's not all going to tie up, fans get obsessed with details of bits here and there that can't be properly covered in a TV programme.

I find the religions in Westeros kind of fascinating.  Why do they not all worship the Lord of Light?  He is clearly real and there's something in the Old Gods as well, given Bran and tree man.  What happened to the Faith of the Seven after Cersei blew them up?  How do these religions explain the dragons, how does anyone explain them?  Targaryans had tried to hatch eggs before but none succeeded and Daenerys did it - why?  If we got answers to it then it'd probably be too much exposition though.

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19 minutes ago, Antlion said:

Of all the crummy things this season, the whole plan to capture and show Cersei one of the undead (and everything around it) was the weakest. It’s a shame because the actual visuals of the creatures standing around the broken ice were really good; it’s just the plan and execution that made no sense. 

Last night I watched the episode where Tyrion suggested it. I can imagine all of the actors standing around before that scene going 'how the f**k do we work with this?'. He says something along the lines of 'Cersei doesn't believe in white walkers and dragons - let's show her a wight' and everyone chips in. It's so amateur when the show was so masterfully crafted in the early days. It also happened in the same episode as Jaime was dragged out of a lake in full armour 500 yards from where he fell in. And Jon arrived back North standing on a cliff edge (why? what is he doing there?) before Dany could get there on her dragon. I think it was this episode that broke me.

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13 minutes ago, DiegoDiego said:

Could everyone stop parroting "heel turn" please?


Shocking heel turn from DiegoDiego here.

Did not see that coming 

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6 minutes ago, alr said:

Last night I watched the episode where Tyrion suggested it. I can imagine all of the actors standing around before that scene going 'how the f**k do we work with this?'. He says something along the lines of 'Cersei doesn't believe in white walkers and dragons - let's show her a wight' and everyone chips in. It's so amateur when the show was so masterfully crafted in the early days. It also happened in the same episode as Jaime was dragged out of a lake in full armour 500 yards from where he fell in. And Jon arrived back North standing on a cliff edge (why? what is he doing there?) before Dany could get there on her dragon. I think it was this episode that broke me.

? I'm not really sure why Jon standing on a cliff edge on Dragonstone as Dany returns with her Dragons is an issue. Is he only allowed to sit in the castle or the caves or something?

Other complaints are fair enough, the going beyond the wall was a pretty dumb story probably just done as whatever the books had planned was so convoluted it didn't work in a shorter season.

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6 minutes ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:


Shocking heel turn from DiegoDiego here.

Did not see that coming 

Plot armor needed to survive this one.

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1 minute ago, Rodhull said:

? I'm not really sure why Jon standing on a cliff edge on Dragonstone as Dany returns with her Dragons is an issue. Is he only allowed to sit in the castle or the caves or something?

Aye me neither tbh but it annoyed me. I think previously Missandei was standing looking out to the water when Jon and Davos approached her. I also get fed up of his brooding and 'I've looked the night king in the eye, I've seen the army of the dead' x 1000. Also it's just something that bothers me on all shows but happens a lot of GoT. People who are approached for dialogue are rarely in the middle of something. They're just standing around on a cliff edge or whatever waiting for someone to bring them their scene. Then one person finishes talking and walks off to leave the other deep in thought. Maybe I just get annoyed easily. I do enjoy the show and am looking forward to the finale.

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Kings Landing blows up and takes every c**t with it.

Sansa, Yara, Gendry and Bronn all have strongholds now, if Bronn does actually get Highgarden, and a new war between the regions begins. Need another to make it a war of five kings again.

That's my prediction. 

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1 hour ago, RandomGuy. said:

Kings Landing blows up and takes every c**t with it.

Sansa, Yara, Gendry and Bronn all have strongholds now, if Bronn does actually get Highgarden, and a new war between the regions begins. Need another to make it a war of five kings again.

That's my prediction. 

It's possible but are those mentioned particularly power hungry to be the overall ruler? They all now have exactly what they wanted(although Bronn may be an issue) , the only way I see them entering conflict is together against dany if she is threatening a tyrannical rule over them. Which looks like she is and the game starts all over again ,which could be the ending...although how we'll get to that in one episode is a puzzler.

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Before the start of this season the Australian Red Cross complied a list of all the war crimes carried out.

Danaerys was at number 2.


Also lets took a look at some of her previous behaviour:

Season 1: Danaerys burns Mirri Maz Duur
Season 2: Danaerys burns the House of the Undying
Season 3: Danaerys burns much of Astapor
Season 4: Danaerys crucifies the Meeren masters
Season 5: Danaerys burns nobles
Season 6: Danaerys burns Vaes Dothrak
Season 7: Danaerys burns the Lannister wagon train and then the Tarleys

Season 8: Danaerys burns Varys



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Petitions to get things remade because they haven't panned out exactly like you wanted :lol:.

I didn't enjoy it, but there's nothing I can do about it (other than howl impotently into the void, if i choose).

I'm away to start one to get the last 2 seasons of Lost remade.

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12 hours ago, Swarley said:
10 minutes ago, KnightswoodBear said:


Petitions to get things remade because they haven't panned out exactly like you wanted :lol:.

I didn't enjoy it, but there's nothing I can do about it (other than howl impotently into the void, if i choose).

I'm away to start one to get the last 2 seasons of Lost remade.

A petition to have the last season re-written. Ffs.



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19 minutes ago, KnightswoodBear said:


Petitions to get things remade because they haven't panned out exactly like you wanted :lol:.

One of the downsides of the internet is it gives a platform to noisy minorities that know how to shout the loudest and once they start deciding something is bad and it becomes the trendy in thing to be complaining about, it all snowballs from there. The problem appears to be that a sizable chunk of the television audience simply can't cope with what appears to probably be GRRM's preferred bittersweet book ending because they have not been looking at the series any deeper than she's got a nice rack or that dragon's really cool and have completely missed that GRRM was aiming for an adult version of Tolkein with no clear-cut binary good vs evil thing going on.  Jon killing Danerys is going to  break the internet in proverbial terms if it happens. Fingers crossed it will, because the fallout should be absolutely hilarious.

Edited by LongTimeLurker
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