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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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I thought it was OK, in the same way that the final episode of each season was there to tie things up this is what this done. 

I appreciate the season has came in for allot of stick but I'm gutted it's all over, genuinely the best thing I've ever watched on T.V. 

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2 hours ago, Rodhull said:

Decent article about the casts reaction to Daenerys’s twist in the last few episodes.


I'm the hot chick I'm supposed to win etc etc. The seethe on this is wonderful to watch unfold. This was an ending crafted by a book reading nerd for fellow book reading nerds. The beautiful people are just going to have to deal with it, because this was the ultimate Revenge of the Nerds.

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I was disappointed to see Bronn survive. I think he should have been casually killed, in an offhand manner to demonstrate that such commoners are only important to those in power when they're useful. As soon as they become a threat, they're dropped. A fitting end for Bronn would have been being nailed to the gate of Highgarden. 

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16 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:

Perfect ending IMVHO although for a terrible moment I thought they were going to take Sam on and the last half hour was going to be about them establishing a representative democracy

There was a missed opportunity here for something truly epic in windup of the mainstream fanbase terms, such as adopting the following as the symbol of the new order to replace the three-headed dragon:


but think they got the balance right on how far democracy would be pushed in that sort of historical context and drawing a parallel with Triumph of the Will with Dany's speech at the beginning to echo Holywood's usual penchant for a pseudo-fascist blockbuster aesthetic was good to see for a change.

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We'll no doubt have to wait until she no longer commands big money off the back of her OK but far from Oscar winning level acting in GoT. Suspect she'll die in the books when Dany goes mental on Drogon but that was a step too far on gritty realism for HBO.

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Ok first things first Peter Dinklage was outstanding in the final episode.

Anyway Brann being king is going to take a while to sink in and it might not even sink in but the more I think about it, who else could’ve been king or queen??

As much as I loved Dany she had lost her mind.

Jon didn’t want to be king and the only place Jon was ever happy was at the wall or beyond the wall.

Arya just wanted her gap year moment and Sansa just wanted to rule the north.

Again the only thing I’m disappointed with was how they got to the ending.


edit Also I kinda though the Starks came across as heels in this episode a tiny bit but other than that it was ok

Edited by Pulp
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1 hour ago, young_bairn said:

No problem with the ending just shit how they got there.

That's exactly it. I said from very early on (in my viewing timeline, so about 3 weeks ago when I started it) the throne belonged to the Starks, though I went a completely different direction to get to that conclusion. 


Ned had the opportunity to take the throne, but stood aside and gave it to Robert. The throne was intended for Ned. Head lobbed off, it goes to Robb. Robb dies, as does his heir, the next male child is Bran, though I had an idea that it would be Sansa ending up in power. In the last few episodes, I got the feeling that Tyrion would end up with a high standing post, either as being her husband again or as her hand. 


I'll wait until other people have had a chance to see it before I dissect anymore of what actually happened. 

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I also thought Sansa. Mainly as she had said she didn’t want to be ruled by a Southerner, and thought she’d take the throne and rule the north as well. As I couldn’t see Arya, Jon or Bran taking it.

Although Bran taking the throne, and manipulating all the events so that he can take the throne, shows him as a bit of a c**t. Was that the only scenario in which he would rule, therefore he allowed it to play out that way?

I thought the episode started excellently and petered out. Although when I heard the horn at Castle Black I was hoping it would have been three toots!

A democracy so the wheel is broken.

Anyway Jon is a dafty, he should have just said she flew away with Drogon. Would have liked to see a trial by combat for killing the queen and grey worm getting killed. He deserved a gruesome death.

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24 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

Best part of (an average) episode was everyone pissing themselves laughing at Sam’s suggestion of a democracy.

I did enjoy this. Under better circumstances, I would have enjoyed the small council meeting at the end too.

Why wasn't Jon murdered on the spot? How did anyone even know it was him that killed Dany? Did he just admit to it? Why is there a Night's Watch if the white walkers are no more? Why do the other families in Westeros suddenly not give a shit about who is in power? Why did Tyrion decide who should be King, when he was in handcuffs as a prisoner? Why, if you can just claim to be "independent" like the North, does everyone not just do that? Why was Jon being a Targaryan utterly meaningless in the end? How in the f**k  does Bran have "the best story"? Would Jaime and Cersei have survived if they'd just moved a bit to the left since there was a massive clearing with no rubble?

Mr Martin must be a little relieved that his ending to the series almost has to be better.

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Jon is too honest and noble to have lied. 

Bran has the best story because he literally HAS ALL the story of everything ever. 

Jon wasn't going to the Night's Watch. He was going north of the wall because they became his people. Bran would have known what he was going back to and that it wasn't a punishment to him. 

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