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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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I know you've not said anything major there, but spoilers Kiddy!

I presume they'll have Osha, Rickon and Shaggy split with the rest in the next few episodes, after her story about her partner coming back as a wight and how she won't go north of the wall. Probably just dragged it out this long to keep the actress around so she's only fucking off for three seasons rather than four (I'm guessing she'll appear in the next book). Also means someone the audience already knows is hanging around Bran for a while rather than just the Reeds and Hodor, and having her leave later doesn't change the plot in any significant way.

I fear we're not going to get Belwas at all, if we were going to get him we'd have had him appearing along with Selmy. It's Meereen where he does said party piece and we'll have Daario by then so maybe just have him do it? Would fit with the recklessness of his character which is useful down the line for the TV show to illustrate to non-book reading viewers how much of a loose cannon he can be.

Also as said, that scene with the dragons was outstanding. I've been kind of annoyed at having needless shots of dragons taking up the CGI budget when we've hardly seen the wolves at all this series, but that was just brilliantly done. Some of their previous appearances have just been a case of, 'yeah, there are dragons, whatever' but Drogon was extremely intimidating there.

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I've not read the books so I can't comment on that side of things.

With regards to the screen, I do think that there may be a bit of 'character overload' and by the end of S2 it's a bit hard to know exactly who is where and doing what or if they are alive or not and who they are allied to etc .... ;)

Still a great series though and I'll do my best to get my head around it all. :)

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There is a distinct lack of evilness in all the characters at the moment, aside from Tywin.

Even Joffrey looked like he was being bullied a bit by his grandfather the other night.

There needs to be good and evil to make a show like this work. Too many edges have been blurred at the moment, and we cannot root for all the characters.

Nae offence like, but if you are 'rooting for' Joffrey who, the episode before last, killed a woman with a crossbow for a laugh merely because this week he acted like a snivelly coward who was put in his place by his grandfather then there is something a little bit wrong with you. Rest assured he is a bad guy, even when he is letting his hot fiancee manipulate him or his grandfather bully him - he just happens to be a bit of a coward and a bit of an idiot.

I don't think the man who cut Theon's penis off is particularly blurred around the edges either tbh (although I thought the way they portrayed the women in that scene as beautiful, willing participants in the whole thing was a really poor choice (unless they address it this Sunday of course)).

I can't be arsed with folk moaning about how they've changed things from the books. The whole point of adapting it is that TV is a totally different medium and let's you do things that pages of a book can't. By its very nature an adaptation isn't going to remain totally faithful -what works in the book isn't necessarily going to work on screen. That's the beauty of doing it.

Who gives a flying f**k if some random character is swapped with Gendry? He's about as unimportant a character at this point in the series as there is and it means people who haven't read the book don't find it any more confusing than it already is with dozens upon dozens of characters fighting for screen time.

Osha hasn't split from the others, again, who actually cares? It's pretty obvious the TV has strayed slightly from the book but to actually stay faithful to books that can be up to 1,000 pages long would make for one of the worst TV series ever. Thank feck the producers know what they're doing.

I am personally enjoying the cutting of peripheral characters - I completely lost track of half of them in the books, although admittedly Belwas was one of the more memorable ones. It's inevitable that characters will get cut or amalgamated into one in an adaptation like this and re Gendry

It'll make what happens to him far more impactful than if it was some random b*****d

Re Bran & Co.

I could've quite happily had Bran's silly storyline omitted altogether, although admittedly the near-meeting with Jon should be alright

i think you can tell that george rr martin isn't too interested in the form of a tv episode from the structure of that one.

He was a TV writer before releasing this series, his most famous work being in The Twilight Zone.

I'd also add that reading the wiki and having people tell you pretty much what happens will suck the fun out of an adaptation far more than reading the books will, although I still wish that I'd come to the second and third series fresh as I did with the first. It's one of the few occasions where the adaptation seems generally better than the original source.

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Personally I'm not going to be happy with how faithful it is to the books until I see people breaking their fast on salt cod. In every scene.

No one's even hollowed out their bread to make a trencher yet, it's a mummer's farce.

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Personally I'm not going to be happy with how faithful it is to the books until I see people breaking their fast on salt cod. In every scene.

No one's even hollowed out their bread to make a trencher yet, it's a mummer's farce.

:bairn I want my Mummers! :bairn

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There is a distinct lack of evilness in all the characters at the moment, aside from Tywin.

Even Joffrey looked like he was being bullied a bit by his grandfather the other night.

There needs to be good and evil to make a show like this work. Too many edges have been blurred at the moment, and we cannot root for all the characters.

I wouldn't say Tywin is evil, merely he is very much a product of the world he is in. He'd clear suspicions that the girl he'd working for him was far more than the commoner she was pretending to be, & with Ayra Stark known to have vanished it ought to set alarm bells ringing for him. Yet not only did he do nothing, but he gave Ayra a very direct nod that he knew she of noble birth & on the run:

Tywin Lannister: Girl, m'Lord. Low born girls say m'Lord, not my Lord. If you're going to pose as a commoner, you should do it properly.

Arya Stark: My mother served Lady Dustive for many years, my Lord. She taught me how to speak proper... properly.

Tywin Lannister: You're too smart for your own good. Has anyone told you that?

Arya Stark: Yes.

He also spoke to her a lot more candidly than he did his own men about the future of his House, & left her behind when he returned to relief King's Landing. The impression I got was he knows he's losing his touch with advancing years - the regular cuffings from Robb Stark's forces show it - & is hoping that a little indirect kindness towards the youngest of the Starks now may help in time undo the damage done by her father's judicial assassination. Directly handing her back to the Starks being out of the question, giving her every chance to escape was the next best option. Along with his son Tyrion and Ollena Redwyne of Tyrell - Westeros' equivalent of Lady Bracknell - he's probably the smartest of the characters around, and the most likely to survive.

The only possible fly in his ointment is the Tyrells deciding that they can't do deals with a family that regards everyone as a potential enemy needing to be bought, bullied, blackmailed, & if all else fails butchered. I've also a feeling that nasty little Joffrey is finally beginning to smell the coffee that he's only a puppet ruler, & that could turn matters sticky.

Personally I'm not going to be happy with how faithful it is to the books until I see people breaking their fast on salt cod. In every scene.

No one's even hollowed out their bread to make a trencher yet, it's a mummer's farce.

Yew knaw noothin'! :P

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Episode eight - plenty Mother of Dragons

including a welcome return for her nudity

, and a cracking wedding. Fucking lovely!

Joffrey has to get a proper slap soon, though, surely?

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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I've not even heard of them however I was very distressed to discover that they pronounce it 'Eggon' tbh.

On an unrelated point, tonight's episode was the tits, both literally and figuratively. Apparently there's a 2 week wait for episode 9 - why God, why?

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No one's even hollowed out their bread to make a trencher yet, it's a mummer's farce.

Fucking hell. I forgot how much they did that. The bread is Westeros seems to be hard as f**k. Seems like you could beat a man to death with those bloody trenchers.

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I've not even heard of them however I was very distressed to discover that they pronounce it 'Eggon' tbh.

On an unrelated point, tonight's episode was the tits, both literally and figuratively. Apparently there's a 2 week wait for episode 9 - why God, why?

Memorial Day in the US next Monday so it's a public holiday; apparently last year when they broadcast that weekend they had a significant drop in viewing figures despite it being the Blackwater episode so they decided to take a week off this time. f**k that.

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best episode of the season (and i'd say since ned got the chop) and not just because of dany and mel.

it's so much better when they take the time to really focus on a few storylines rather than jumping around.

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