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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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Not sure on his return scenes. Don't get me wrong, absolutely ecstatic he's back, hate it when characters are unconfirmed for so long. You had to feel something was going to happen when Arya mentioned him.



Would've preferred a scene like bandits or whatever stumble upon a hooden figure in a tavern or whatever, follow him, try to rob him only to get slaughtered. Last one alive asks who he is. And the Hound rips off his hood.


Least that's how I would've liked it. 'stead of him joining the slaughtered lumberjack cult it seems

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The hounds back, predictable but still exciting. Not enough Ian McShane before he was killed.

It was obvious that the old lady on the bridge was the waif, but did not see the stabbing coming.

Nothing much to get excited about in the North other than a few small houses pledging to the Starks. Then there was the letter from Sansa, to whoever.

The Blackfish is the boy, definitely need a lot more of him.

It's all building up nicely to kick off.

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Not so keen on that episode.  Pretty much a slow paced two parter which basically brought back many fan favourites, allowing the casual viewer to catch up.  Guess it's necessary.


Couple of thoughts: Ian McShane basically reprised Lovejoy there - a sarcastic jack-the-lad, only a bit older.


Also: Changing accents are almost as bad as poor accents.  Littleflinger being the worst culprit but a couple of bad 'uns this week too.  The guy who plays Jamie Lannister seems to be trying to mimic Peter Dinklage.  Which is fair enough, but a little late.

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I'm assuming the letter Sansa is writing is for Llittlefinger


Although, is there any chance Blackfish/Brienne/Jamie can come to some sort of arrangment where the Lannister army helps them get rid of the Boltons in exchange for something? Although I'm not sure what they could offer up in exchange

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I actually felt the episode flew by. Good, just without a lot to show for it - a lot better than most of the slow burner episodes.


Assuming Sansa's letter was to Littlefinger to summon support from the Vale.

Delighted to see The Hound back, and good to see The Blackfish & Bronn back too. I'm hoping shit's going to kick off a bit more next week (looks like it will in some bits).


Episode 8 Preview:


Just had a thought though, Jorah's going to appear in the north at some point and Melisandre's going to cure him isn't she?

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This weeks episode was really good.


The hound is back! AWESOME! C L E G A N E B O W L H Y P E!

I'm hoping Arya is playing the waif into following her to finish the job and she will strike. Maybe she had bags of pig blood? and she only got knicked a little bit? The whole Arya part just looked way off and didn't feel right at all. After all her training, why is she walking about Bravos looking like a lady, a westerner, with loads of cash somehow and publicly getting a ride back home. She knew what the faceless men are like using other peoples faces, she never seemed cautious about anyone when she was walking around and never even had needle.


Sansa was definitely writing a letter to Littlefinger, he has the men that they need and she wrote it right after arguing with Jon about how little men they had.


Shit's gonna hit the fan in the last few episodes, can't feckin wait!!

Edited by BlueKillie
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I'm hoping Arya is playing the waif into following her to finish the job and she will strike. Maybe she had bags of pig blood? and she only got knicked a little bit? The whole Arya part just looked way off and didn't feel right at all. After all her training, why is she walking about Bravos looking like a lady, a westerner, with loads of cash somehow and publicly getting a ride back home. She knew what the faceless men are like using other peoples faces, she never seemed cautious about anyone when she was walking around and never even had needle.


Why was The Girl suddenly right handed when she's left handed?


Small clue in there... ;)

Edited by WaffenThinMint
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Why was The Girl suddenly right handed when she's left handed?


Small clue in there... ;)


Yea i thought of that, But Maisie i'm sure somewhere said before that she had tried to keep true to Arya being left handed but when it came to filming it kept causing problems? Maybe i'm mis-remembering, also i think where she was standing and where the camera is, using right hand is more convenient and a better shot ¯\_ツ_/¯

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Ridiculous theory from the internet:

The Waif doesn't exist and is a hallucination brought on by the 'water' the Faceless Men made Arya drink when she first turned up. The Waif is actually some weird Fight Club version of Arya destroying her previous life.


Not buying it myself

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Yea i thought of that, But Maisie i'm sure somewhere said before that she had tried to keep true to Arya being left handed but when it came to filming it kept causing problems? Maybe i'm mis-remembering, also i think where she was standing and where the camera is, using right hand is more convenient and a better shot ¯\_ツ_/¯


Yeah, she mentioned that here:-




Some shots from last week:




Poisons the rum with her left hand.




Accuses the young understudy actress of being the contractor pointing with her left hand.




Draws Needle with her left hand (for no reason whatsoever).


I get the feeling they were trying to emphasis something.

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Also: Changing accents are almost as bad as poor accents.  Littleflinger being the worst culprit but a couple of bad 'uns this week too.  The guy who plays Jamie Lannister seems to be trying to mimic Peter Dinklage.  Which is fair enough, but a little late.


I hope Euron changes his accent, I had to re-watch his scenes as his thick Danish is hilarious. Speaking of his scenes, how stupid do they have to be to let Yara & Theon get away so easily?

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