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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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Quote of the episode

'He really was a c**t, wasn't he?' - Olenna about Joffrey


'Gentle or rough, a finger in the bum?' Euron to Jamie about Cersei.

Both had me chuckling.

Really good episode, going to be interesting to see if they can keep it going.

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48 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

I dont think Euron is intended to be the "bad guy focal point" in this season. Hes just another player in the game now.



He's been mentioned in that role quite a few times itt though.  Bit too pantomime for me, prefer the quiet menace of the other two.

Edited by Boostin' Kev
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34 minutes ago, well fan for life said:

Lady Olenna's line about Joffrey, followed by her admitting she had him killed was fucking great. I'm going to miss her because she was absolutely hilarious. 

Going by the arguements a few pages back - you can't be sure she is dead as you never saw her actually croak it.

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On 7/29/2017 at 09:04, Christophe said:

Thankfully I've avoided it (the spoilers and pishing my pants), however asking what was involved the second all the dust had settled and posts were deleted was pretty fucking stupid.

You are trying to elicit spoilers out of people and when called out on it resort to pish like "don't wet your panties" instead of reasoning that it's really not on? Absolute worst type of c**t on a topic like this, and won't be the last time you attempt it.

f**k off, Christophe. It was a joke, because my earlier prediction was deeply unlikely, so unless the writers have some sort of breakdown it won't happen. Hence "was my theory in there?".

Wind yer neck in. As for the last sentence :shutup

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It was a good episode, but I have to be critical of the gold grab. If you're that cash rich you have a big army. Whether home-grown or bought in. You have a heavily fortified stronghold and rations to outlast any siege.

They tried to explain that away with the throwaway line "we never were very good at fighting", but that doesn't really cut it, and felt like lazy writing to me.


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24 minutes ago, milton75 said:

It was a good episode, but I have to be critical of the gold grab. If you're that cash rich you have a big army. Whether home-grown or bought in. You have a heavily fortified stronghold and rations to outlast any siege.

They tried to explain that away with the throwaway line "we never were very good at fighting", but that doesn't really cut it, and felt like lazy writing to me.


The house that produced Loras Tyrell - known as one of the best fighters in the history of Westeros - are not very good at fighting. 

Totally agree. The scene between Jaime and Olenna is up there with the best one on one scenes in GoT history. Diana Rigg is a huge loss to the show.

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Worth bearing in mind that the Olenna was the last Tyrrell though by the sound of things and while she may be pretty cunning, I doubt she's much of a General. Whereas Jaime is. That and they would have been caught by surprise. I'm pretty sure they were a pretty inexperienced army too, don't think they partook in any of the recent wars did they?

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1 minute ago, Spain said:

Worth bearing in mind that the Olenna was the last Tyrrell though by the sound of things and while she may be pretty cunning, I doubt she's much of a General. Whereas Jaime is. That and they would have been caught by surprise. I'm pretty sure they were a pretty inexperienced army too, don't think they partook in any of the recent wars did they?

The Tyrells had a castle, more men and money and more than enough to provisions to survive a long siege (they were donating huge amounts of grain to King's Landing because they were over subscribed). The Dothraki could have easily broken the siege quite quickly, bearing in mind this would've been a battle in the open field where they are supposedly unbeatable, and taken out the vast majority of the Lannister/Tarly army in the process, bearing in mind Casterly Rock is already taken and Hornhill is pretty insignificant

The Tyrells have either had one of the biggest arse collapses in military history or the show runners have wasted too much time on ultimately meaningless story lines previously for there to be any lengthy siege. Almost guarantee the Lannisters/Euron will suffer some heavy losses in either the next episode or the one after, otherwise Dany will be in real danger of losing (which doesn't really make narrative sense).

I really enjoyed this episode, even allowing for the usual logic jumps in the story. The other big issues I had was the dialogue between Bran and Sansa (I know you were raped but at least you looked pretty :huh:) and Jorah's miraculous recovery. He had 24 hours left at the Citadel in episode 2, yet in episode 3 he was completely cured of greyscale, no longer infectious and allowed to leave without the maesters having a real look at him.

Note Dany's line to Jon when they were outside 'Two of the dragons are named after my brothers, but they are gone now'.... Two dragon deaths incoming.

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5 minutes ago, Spain said:

Worth bearing in mind that the Olenna was the last Tyrrell though by the sound of things and while she may be pretty cunning, I doubt she's much of a General. Whereas Jaime is. That and they would have been caught by surprise. I'm pretty sure they were a pretty inexperienced army too, don't think they partook in any of the recent wars did they?

They helped save Kings Landing from Stannis back in the day but I'm pretty sure the Lannister army was also there, led by Tywin.

Randyll Tarly (and possibly some other Tyrell supporters) sided with the Lannisters after Jaime had that wee chat. That likely aided in the downfall of the Tyrells as they'd have been left only with the core of men at Highgarden and not their full army. Still, the ability to hold out under siege has been common in the series (The Blackfish at Riverun) and the books (lots of reference to Stannis holding Storm's End for a year during Robert's rebellion) so Highgarden falling quickly is a change from the norm.

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Best episode so far this series. Liked the meeting at Dragonstone. Also loved Varys getting taken down a peg of the shagtastic witch. Cersei was great too, turnig into her old man by the day. Just a couple o questions, why didn't Jon tell a few of his men to keep an eye on the little finger fellow and why does Euron fight like a demon but have patter like Kevin the teenager. 

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Yeah, but she would have known that the Lannisters knew she was meeting with Dany. If ever there was a time that you manned your borders this was it.

Also, bear in mind that House Tyrell would have relations with the rest of the houses and barons, etc. Some would owe them money, some would have had cordial relations for years and years. She could have used that to ensure that the Lannisters got a frosty reception from all of her neighbours en route. 

Instead we see the Lannister army ride up unopposed. It even looked as though they rolled up to open gates :lol:
Then cut/scene to Jamie wandering past a few dozen guard's bodies.
And that's it.

It's really a pretty poor element of the episode. And the fact that they stuck that line in suggests to me that the writers were painfully aware of how unlikely it was, so tried to make light of it, simply because they needed to move it along.

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Anyone else think Cersei might be at it? And she's going to make Ellaria live for a few days knowing her daughter is going to die, which is arguable worse. Then Cersei will come in and get the Mountain to paint the walls with her brain? Seems a bit too straightforward for her to simply use the same method as was used on Myrcella.

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1 hour ago, dirty dingus said:

...but have patter like Kevin the teenager. 

Robert Carlyle would have been a natural for that part playing a pirate version of Franco Begbie. Think they just got the casting badly wrong on that character.

On the why no siege of the Tyrell's castle angle, it's not even clear why the defection of the Tarley's would be such a big problem on manpower given they are supposed to be allied with Dorne now and that's right next door, but I guess Dorne is just supposed to be the Sand Snakes and a few hangers on in the TV series rather than a huge peninsula with a very strong army.

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2 hours ago, Kyle said:

The Tyrells had a castle, more men and money and more than enough to provisions to survive a long siege (they were donating huge amounts of grain to King's Landing because they were over subscribed). The Dothraki could have easily broken the siege quite quickly, bearing in mind this would've been a battle in the open field where they are supposedly unbeatable, and taken out the vast majority of the Lannister/Tarly army in the process, bearing in mind Casterly Rock is already taken and Hornhill is pretty insignificant

The Tyrells have either had one of the biggest arse collapses in military history or the show runners have wasted too much time on ultimately meaningless story lines previously for there to be any lengthy siege. Almost guarantee the Lannisters/Euron will suffer some heavy losses in either the next episode or the one after, otherwise Dany will be in real danger of losing (which doesn't really make narrative sense).

Note Dany's line to Jon when they were outside 'Two of the dragons are named after my brothers, but they are gone now'.... Two dragon deaths incoming.

Olenna say's that the Tyrell's where never that great at fighting and according to the wiki they had a standing army of 5k at most. The only real reason the joint Lannister/Tyrell army won the battle of blackwater was due to the surprise attack/calvary. I mean we see during the battle of the b*****ds how devastating a charge can be. 

The Lannisters attacked a smaller force with more seasoned and better trained troops and who is to say the entire Tyrell army was defending that one castle?

Plus you have to consider distance/surprise as a factor, if anything Grey worm's force would have had an easier time reaching Highgarden(which is where i assume Olenna was) as Highgarden and Dragonstone are literally the opposite sides of Westeros from each other. 


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3 hours ago, dirty dingus said:

 why does Euron fight like a demon but have patter like Kevin the teenager. 

You never seen the transformation in a Dane/Norwegian after a few bottles of moonshine ?

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