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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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44 minutes ago, ICTChris said:


I mean, anything wouldve been better than how it was. The shows built it up as NK v TER, a fight that's existed since the very beginning, boths sole role seems to be to kill the other.

They finally face off, and one virtually gets stabbed in the back.

Itll be like Hound v Mountain staring off, then Pod appears to spear the Mountain through the head before either of them have drawn swords.

FWIW, Cersei is a far better bad guy than the NK, and the fight for the throne is a far better storyline than the NK one, you could almost just ignore the entire storyline from the show now that literally nobody of note was even harmed during any of the Night King appearances, apart from one dragon.

I'm still totally confused how the knife reaches her other hand aswell...


... it somehow ends in her right hand, without hitting the NK at all, and without him even noticing in time to move, from this position.

Just feels lazy how the shows written these days, as if you're meant to just ignore all the glaring holes.

Edited by RandomGuy.
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11 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

Add to that to the Dothraki charge scene in it was wedged in just for a cool moment rather than to make any sense.

Jorah should've yelled "FOR THE BUDGET!"

2 hours ago, KnightswoodBear said:

Would folk have been happy if they'd gone full Battlestar Galactica 1980 and killed off most of the main cast and went with previously unknown characters for the last few episodes?  Or would there have been as much bitching and whining about that too?

Wasn't the overall narrative about the aristocratic kids squabbling over the spoils of a heroic age while an existential horror to humanity slowly descends from the north? I'd have been happy to have seen some attempt at resolution over the iron throne before the army of the dead descended and obliterated the majority of the cast. Then when they were belatedly defeated you have barely enough characters to count on one hand*.



*Jamie's right hand.

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1 hour ago, AyrTroopMajor said:

Not particularly arsed that the Night King and his squad have been papped out, personally far more interested to see what happens now that the winning army has no common enemy left to fight. What we're left with is essentially various temporary allies who no longer find themselves under the same banner, and have gone back to being enemies. 

It is a bit of an underwhelming ending to the White Walkers, but as people have already said, some ludicrous swordfight with the Night King would have been significantly worse and out of character. 

Eh? What are you on about? Have you actually watched the show?!

There's one very significant common enemy still to fight, something they all said they would do. The North seceded when they named Jon King in the North and have accepted, albeit grudgingly, Danaerys as the queen.

They weren't enemies at all before. There is some tension, but they all hate Cersei and want to smash her armies and get her to f**k. The North have no interest in the throne; they just want to rule themselves and be left alone. Danaerys has said before she won't allow that, but there might be some compromise. It will all surely be sorted out after the battle against the Lannister/Royalist forces.

1 hour ago, bunglebonce said:

My main thoughts also.  I can forgive a lot of plot holes and miraculous life-saving elsewhere, but Bran's lack of intervention left me wondering wtf was happening.

Escapism from the horror, or deliberate procrastination because he's going to be the baddie in the end?

Bran is a cripple in a wheelchair. Not sure what folk were expecting him to do.

It seems like his plan worked as well. 

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Just now, Bairnardo said:

Jon didnt get his big moment lastnight. This leads me to belive that his moment will come in having to decide whether or not to off Dany as she slowly completes her transformation to blood thirsty lunatic.

Or to decide if he wants to become king, which I suppose would have to tie in to his thinking for the above, as if he offs her he's the guy for the throne.

Or Gendry.

It will be Gendry.

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6 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

Eh? What are you on about? Have you actually watched the show?!

There's one very significant common enemy still to fight, something they all said they would do. The North seceded when they named Jon King in the North and have accepted, albeit grudgingly, Danaerys as the queen.

They weren't enemies at all before. There is some tension, but they all hate Cersei and want to smash her armies and get her to f**k. The North have no interest in the throne; they just want to rule themselves and be left alone. Danaerys has said before she won't allow that, but there might be some compromise. It will all surely be sorted out after the battle against the Lannister/Royalist forces.

Yep, I have indeed m9.

The ending that you are suggesting is ludicrously simplistic, as is classing the relationship between them as having 'some tension'. Everyone fights together once more to defeat Cersei, and that's a wrap? So who gets the throne then? Jon or Daenerys? Jaime Lannister has no issue at all fighting against his own sister who is carrying his child? A nice wee friendly compromise to allow Sansa Stark, who openly hates Daenerys, to rule the north in blessed harmony? 

Having all the survivors fight side-by-side against Cersei would be, frankly, shite.

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Yep, I have indeed m9.
The ending that you are suggesting is ludicrously simplistic, as is classing the relationship between them as having 'some tension'. Everyone fights together once more to defeat Cersei, and that's a wrap? So who gets the throne then? Jon or Daenerys? Jaime Lannister has no issue at all fighting against his own sister who is carrying his child? A nice wee friendly compromise to allow Sansa Stark, who openly hates Daenerys, to rule the north in blessed harmony? 
Having all the survivors fight side-by-side against Cersei would be, frankly, shite.
Cersei left them all for dead. She betrayed everyone in Winterfell. That should be enough to unite them to fight against her.

I still don't know what to make of the episode. I expecting the best episode of tv ever, in that sense I was let down.

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Cersei left them all for dead. She betrayed everyone in Winterfell. That should be enough to unite them to fight against her.

I still don't know what to make of the episode. I expecting the best episode of tv ever, in that sense I was let down.

I am almost willing to give it that title because of how I felt when I was watching it. It was tense as f**k.
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Just now, sergie's no1 fan said:

Cersei left them all for dead. She betrayed everyone in Winterfell. That should be enough to unite them to fight against her.

I still don't know what to make of the episode. I expecting the best episode of tv ever, in that sense I was let down.

That's fine, but what then? They may and indeed probably will all fight against her, but there's still various major issues to be sorted out with Jon, Daenerys and Gendry having a claim to the throne

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I am almost willing to give it that title because of how I felt when I was watching it. It was tense as f**k.
It certainly was tense, don't know if it was because I was expecting a character cull, just couldn't see how they were going to win. I mean, Sam was on all fours for most of the episode, how did he survive [emoji23].
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22 hours ago, Kyle said:

If Beric was brought back from the dead for a reason, then you'd have to think Jon has been too. 

Seen a lot of this going about. Jon has still been the single most important character in the whole thing in terms of stopping the NK.

  • Brought the wildlings through the wall to stop them joining the WWs.
  • Went back and saved a bunch from Hardhome.
  • First person to actually defeat one in combat (not counting sneaky wee stabs).
  • Won back and united the North (without which the NK would have walked right over them).
  • Convinced Dany to let them mine the dragonglass from dragonstone.
  • Convinced Dany to join the Northerners in the war against the NK.
  • Led the mission north of the wall where he killed another WW, giving them the first solid evidence that killing a WW kills all the wights/WWs they created.

The books and the show are all about not always giving you what you want or expect. In other shows, you'd know that Jon has a showdown with the NK and kills him, you'd know that Clegane bowl happens and the Hound kills the mountain, you'd know the goodies win, the baddies lose and the best you'll get might be one or two sad deaths to get the emotions flowing (e.g.  Avengers). Folk might like that, they might not but I don't get how so many people can watch this for teh best part of a decade and still be surprised when they can't guess everything that'll happen cos tehy've learned the rules of TV/movie plots.

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25 minutes ago, Spain said:


Some of the other smaller complaints are equally as tedious - Jorah heard Drogon scream and flee, you saw him react to that and run off to where it came from as he knew Dany would be there. The Hound & Beric started off just behind Arya and kept following her direction as The Hound was specifically trying to save her.

The timings of those were what got me. Ayra sneaks through a library, then sprints about all over the shop randomly, while Beric/Hound stalk around corridors, yet it's exactly when shes almost killed that they come across her.

Jorah just happens to have a clear path to her to Dany the moment she needs him, yet a fraction later they're completely surrounded, did the Wights just stand back and wait until they get together?

Even the random Nights Watch managed to just save Sam before being killed.

It got beyond a joke how often that schtick was used.

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2 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

The timings of those were what got me. Ayra sneaks through a library, then sprints about all over the shop randomly, while Beric/Hound stalk around corridors, yet it's exactly when shes almost killed that they come across her.

Jorah just happens to have a clear path to her to Dany the moment she needs him, yet a fraction later they're completely surrounded, did the Wights just stand back and wait until they get together?

Even the random Nights Watch managed to just save Sam before being killed.

It got beyond a joke how often that schtick was used.

The timings were on the most part a necessity of cinematic licence.

Beric/The Hound found Arya once she'd started making moves again (back the direction she'd originally came) as opposed to hiding. No significant suspension of belief needed there.

Perhaps they did overuse it in other situations, but they had to do something to keep it moving and add some tension in. A bit more of "sometimes it worked, and sometimes they didn't make it in time" wouldn't have gone amiss granted. But it's a minor thing and most of this is massive over-analysis - likely the effect of having to wait a year and a half for this.

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