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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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So in summary, from a few indoor athletics season slots that are available (really just mid-Jan to mid-March, and several weekends are already taken each year), his complaint is in two parts:

1. The governing body has "no excuses" for choosing a date that lies in a period his son's school has chosen for prelims; and

2. It's not fair, because other schools won't have prelims in the same period.

Yet he's unable to make the logical leap to seeing that there's no way of choosing a date that suits everyone, and this time his son may have slightly lost out.

(Or may actually benefit from a bit of a break and some sport...)

Just selfishness, really, and typical of what passes for pointing out "common sense" solutions on FB: the pointer is almost always a bit below average thinking power, and projects that same deficiency onto everyone else.

Also, he should probably decide on which argument he's trying to stress: that many others share the same prelim dates (so the data is generally bad), or it's not a level playing field, because others don't share them (so the data is good for some, bad for others).

It all smacks of, "Oh come on, Auntie Beeb!"

Who gives a f**k about prelims?

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Apologies to Boghead Ranter.

I'll contact Optical Express later regarding a refund this laser eye surgery.

Why don't you phone one of the numbers to find out where the perverts are? Is it out of curiosity or for your own benefit?

It's more down to the sudden reticence after she starts to tell us. I'm just wondering what made her change her mind.

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I like the Lochee Aldi story. You always get things like this on Facebook where people say "I'm not someone who normally starts bother". Aye, of course not that's why you end up in the centre of forty-a-side brawls every time you venture out of your house you vile scumbag.

And their kid sounds like a disgusting, ill-mannered horrid little b*****d. Who lets their child take a scooter into a supermarket? Aldi security guards should be armed and allowed to use lethal force in these situations.

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Where do these bullshit claims come from? Does someone sit down and make them up?

I've often thought about starting one...but I don't really have the time, nor do I associate with people who peddle this pish - so it probably wouldn't make it very far. It might be interesting to see how far a P&B "BE A WEAR" message would travel though.

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It's a nice idea and all but surely if you knew somebody well enough to be able to tell them this place is open for lonely bassas, surely you should just invite them to yours instead? Unless they're lonely because they stink of pish, I guess.

Edited by carpetmonster
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attachicon.gifImageUploadedByPie & Bovril1450791533.775495.jpg

It's a nice idea and all but surely if you knew somebody well enough to be able to tell them this place is open for lonely bassas, surely you should just invite them to yours instead? Unless they're lonely because they stink of pish, I guess.

I also like the way you seem to have to book in advance.

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There was an English guy from the police/security on BBC radio Scotland this morning urging people to report ANY suspicious behaviour they see, including dodgy behaviour/looks/activity to the police and wider public in an attempt to thwart any future terrorist attacks.... The public are the most important people in stopping these attacks supposedly.

Just made me think of this thread, so be a wear guys, your news feeds might be going overboard with the dropped wallet stories the next few months.

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The Britain First Facebook page is the meeting point for these types of arseholes.

Barely legible English and Union Jack avatars everywhere.

It's the shocking grammar on those pages that annoy me more than their mad rants. The spelling is appalling.

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