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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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On 10/8/2016 at 13:49, Zetterlund said:

Exhibit A.



She's wearing white after Labor Day? Her belt doesn't match the rest of her outfit? A section of the pavement doesn't match the paving of the rest? This one's a toughie, I'll admit.

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She's wearing white after Labor Day? Her belt doesn't match the rest of her outfit? A section of the pavement doesn't match the paving of the rest? This one's a toughie, I'll admit.

They have their own day?
27 years old and I missed this.
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4 hours ago, DI Bruce Robertson said:

I didn't re-post this, as I do care what my family & friends sexual orientation is. Just so I can set them up with hotties that they may be inclined to enter into sexy relations with.

Plus you're a crossdresser who sucked off Martin Compston.

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Someone from Perth has been writing shitty reviews about Brown and Blacks restaurant. They've responded by banning said person, ensues people losing their minds.

I don't understand why you'd go back if you didn't like it?

I seen that. Four reviews she put on tripadvisor calling it shite, think they were all within six months, then she seems shocked when they don't want to serve her. Everyone on my FB started sharing it, so the place is now fucked I'd imagine. 

Faith in humanity (at least humanity confined to Perth) is restored. You guys get it.

I used to work there and have close ties with everyone there so I was dismayed to see what was going down. What's unbelievable is that the majority of people are still siding with the lassie, despite the fact that she is clearly in the wrong. I threw in my tuppence worth to reveal the side of the story the lassie had, rather conveniently for her funnily enough, left out. That only resulted in me being on the receiving end of some abuse[emoji38]. Ridiculous.

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I go on the basis that people in Perth love to gang up on a business.

I've been once for food and multiple times for drinks and always enjoyed it, never had a complaint.

Of course looking through her profile she strikes me as falling into the attention seeking category, and trying to sneer at most people:

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17 hours ago, ajwffc said:

Another random awareness/history month

The problem with this isn't the post in and of itself, IMO; it's the hypocrisy of many of the people who will 'repost' it. You can bet that some of them would be amongst the most reluctant to challenge homophobia or any other form of prejudice that they witnessed, either online or offline; and a fair chunk likely hold some prejudiced views themselves, relating to LGBT people and/or other minority groups. In other words, they're not sharing it because they believe in the substance of the message; they're posting it because they want to appear to others like a virtuous and decent individual. That certainly won't apply to everyone, mind you. 

Having said all that, I would far rather see people sharing posts like the above on social media than some bigoted dross from Britain First or any of the other similarly fascistic groups that seem to be amassing scarily big Facebook followings nowadays. I mean, if a poorly designed Facebook post about LGBT History Month encourages anybody to research further and/or attempt to educate themselves on the history/issues, or even leads to them challenging their own preconceptions - however rare or unlikely that outcome may be, then that can only be a good thing, IMO. 

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I genuinely cant find that online? I normally enjoy sticking up for business owners in these circumstances with fake positive reviews, feel free to point me in the direction and I will!

Most of the exchanges happened on Facebook but you can see her tripadvisor reviews on their website.
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Most of the exchanges happened on Facebook but you can see her tripadvisor reviews on their website.

Have you read through her page? She seems to enjoy complaining about every business in Perth....
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A video from UniLad was shared on my Facebook earlier. A group of Australian boys having a 'funeral' for their pal who recently got a girlfriend. All dressed in suits, had a fake ceremony, even had a framed photo of the c**t next to some flowers.

I was fucking shaking with anger just watching the video.

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Unilad and ladbible are the two worst things to ever happen. Tried to ban both pages from my Facebook but you can't do it from a phone. Never thought i would be so wound up by a page but the kind of people who comment and enjoy these videos on a regular basis are generally fucking imbeciles.

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Read this pish on FB recently:

In memory of little angel's❤️ a 2 year old child has died in Coupar Angus last night and a 15 year old child died in Perth last week, asking if everyone could put this as their status for 1 hour. Think of these families at this hard time, and let them know we are thinking of them and for anyone you know or love who has lost a baby or child. Take a few minutes to think of these beautiful angel's. Will you post this for 1 hour? For our special angels. 

When did empty gestures become so popular?

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