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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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Read this pish on FB recently:

In memory of little angel's[emoji173]️ a 2 year old child has died in Coupar Angus last night and a 15 year old child died in Perth last week, asking if everyone could put this as their status for 1 hour. Think of these families at this hard time, and let them know we are thinking of them and for anyone you know or love who has lost a baby or child. Take a few minutes to think of these beautiful angel's. Will you post this for 1 hour? For our special angels. 

When did empty gestures become so popular?

My bird's pal shared that pish last night. It's dreadful stuff, pretty much hijacking someone else's grief for likes and shares.

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Thing is, you can't even call people out on this stuff without the danger of being labelled a scumbag by the idiots of FB.

Indeed. The full time mummy brigade would be fucking fuming!!!!11111

Elsewhere, absolute chaos on Kirriemuir's local Facebook page with a couple of posts about local wee neds vandalising stuff, cue everyone going mental, fall outs etc.

Cliché bingo was complete when a retired cop bemoaned the fact that they can't do "proper police work" now which presumably means battering a bunch of 12 year olds, and another old c**t lamented the inability to birch the offending wee shites.

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29 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

All that post demonstrates is that there is no God. If God existed he wouldn't give knuckledraggers like that the ability to breed.

If you need something like that to demonstrate god doesn't exist then I feel for you. 

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16 hours ago, Boghead ranter said:

Lots of upset mummies re service one of them got from a pram retailer in Falkirk. All the usual comments, topped by this belter.



My dad was an English teacher, he always hated his job.  I imagine being forced to read stuff like that on a daily basis might have played a large part in souring his attitude to his profession.  You should leave primary school able to write more coherent stuff than that.

Of course it could be argued if folk like him had done a better job people wouldn't be leaving secondary school still unable to write better stuff than that and they'd at least be posting their made up rants on facebook in readable English.

Edited by Redstarstranraer
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1 minute ago, Redstarstranraer said:

Of course it could be argued if folk like him had done a better job people wouldn't be leaving secondary school still unable to write to write better stuff than that and they'd at least be posting their made up rants on facebook in readable English.

* swishes cane * ... "Punctuation, Redstar" ... "See me after class". 

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10 minutes ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

* swishes cane * ... "Punctuation, Redstar" ... "See me after class". 

More of a typographical stutter than punctuation really.  At least it was vaguely readable.

As an aside I thankfully never had to suffer the potential awkwardness and social embarrassment of being taught by my father as he worked at a different school.  I suppose he can't really be blamed for the errors I make; those are the responsibility of Mrs Kilpatrick, who sadly* spent more of her time in class ranting about her ex-husband in general than teaching us the finer points of grammar.



*In retrospect, at the time we all thought it much funnier to wind her up than listen to her waffling on about sentence structure.  On the other hand I distinctly remember her asking us if she'd spelt something correctly on the blackboard, so maybe we wouldn't have learnt that much.

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Lots of upset mummies re service one of them got from a pram retailer in Falkirk. All the usual comments, topped by this belter.



I don't even know what she's complaining about.

A blind child, with no fingers, could write a more coherent sentence.
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