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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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If you're man and haven't already had it surgically removed. then you have a prostate. If you're an adult man you should already be aware that prostate cancer is a thing. If you've reached your forties without hearing about it, then you pretty much deserve to get it IMO.


Which reminds me of another age-related FB moan. The majority of my contacts, male and female, are roughly close to my age - forties and fifties for the most part. A depressing number of them have an unhealthy obsession with the 1980's and are constantly referring to them as some kind of golden age. Posting MTV videos of music that was shitty the first time round, "Like if you remember when..." links and of course, the perennial "Only people who were kids in the 19080's will appreciate this..." type dreck.

Apparently, very few of them were paying attention in the eighties when Bruce Springsteen sang about "Glory Days." It would appear that for many of them, nothing remotely good has happened in the last 27 years.


Edited by Shotgun
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2 hours ago, Shotgun said:

If you're man and haven't already had it surgically removed. then you have a prostate. If you're an adult man you should already be aware that prostate cancer is a thing. If you've reached your forties without hearing about it, then you pretty much deserve to get it IMO.


Which reminds me of another age-related FB moan. The majority of my contacts, male and female, are roughly close to my age - forties and fifties for the most part. A depressing number of them have an unhealthy obsession with the 1980's and are constantly referring to them as some kind of golden age. Posting MTV videos of music that was shitty the first time round, "Like if you remember when..." links and of course, the perennial "Only people who were kids in the 19080's will appreciate this..." type dreck.

Apparently, very few of them were paying attention in the eighties when Bruce Springsteen sang about "Glory Days." It would appear that for many of them, nothing remotely good has happened in the last 27 years.



Edited by Black and White Tragic
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1 hour ago, Black and White Tragic said:


Exactly. My generation didn't own iPads so that somehow makes us special. BFD. People 30 years older than us didn't have televisions when they were kids and anyone born 30 years from now will have stuff we can scarcely imagine. Who gives a monkey's chuff?

ETA: AAAAND...if you were born in the 1980's and you don't remember those things you either grew up on a different planet or you've developed early onset dementia in which case you have different issues altogether. Why would you NOT remember stuff you and your friends owned when you were younger?

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24 minutes ago, Ned Nederlander said:

Shared by my Aunt ffs - the standard response from her gang of friends has been " In sickness and in health xxxx"

This kind of pish would be much more fun if it was "share if you wouldn't".

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When some bored mum/housewife shares a shitey grainy cartoon picture saying "wine o'clock" and her pals are pure "lol so funny, remember that time we went out like 3 years ago and it was so crazy, oh my god we are mad Susan, we should do it again soon" And then never actually go out again.

The same sort of people that are unemployed and sharing low quality motivational memes from some shitey page that is just harvesting data off ye. 

Thank f**k you can unfollow everything on Facebook. 

This is a great thread by the way i've wasted far too much time reading it and the above is probably a repost, so apologies. 

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25 minutes ago, thistledo said:

When some bored mum/housewife shares a shitey grainy cartoon picture saying "wine o'clock" and her pals are pure "lol so funny, remember that time we went out like 3 years ago and it was so crazy, oh my god we are mad Susan, we should do it again soon" And then never actually go out again.

There's quite a few lassies I was at school with who are single mothers and they like to partake in a bit of this chat along with posting stuff like "The days of me being a pushover are gone" complete with about 25 fist emojis (presumably after getting pumped and dumped by some lad called Dwayne).

Cue loads of her pals giving it big licks in the comments section and saying how amazing she is with lots of hand clapping emojis and love hearts.

This will all be repeated in the next few weeks...

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There's quite a few lassies I was at school with who are single mothers and they like to partake in a bit of this chat along with posting stuff like "The days of me being a pushover are gone" complete with about 25 fist emojis (presumably after getting pumped and dumped by some lad called Dwayne).

Cue loads of her pals giving it big licks in the comments section and saying how amazing she is with lots of hand clapping emojis and love hearts.

This will all be repeated in the next few weeks...

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1 minute ago, Estragon said:



Must admit this particular one is in pretty good shape for someone who has had three kids but you'd probably want to boil your dick in detergent first.


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23 hours ago, RiG said:

Must admit this particular one is in pretty good shape for someone who has had three kids but you'd probably want to boil your dick in detergent first.


I think I would rather explain to her/ him/ non-binary the dangers of bad home electrical practices. The two TV boxes on top of each other and the large extension reel next to furniture is just an accident waiting to happen.

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