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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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I only keep the lassie on my friends for pure comedy purposes as she's good for at least one breakdown a week and before anyone asks, no I wouldn't, I'm not particularly attracted to fat gingers but this is cringeworthy:

wants a wee girlfriend for my wee chihuahua louis boo ♥ .. if anyone knows anyone let me know xxx

I'll do it.

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Pretty fucking similar to one of my mates and his girlfriend. It's actually so soul destroying that they moan about missing each other on their facebook walls every night of the cunting week when a simple 5 minute walk round the corner could address it. Fanny.

Don't know if his wall is visible if you don't have him as a friend but the lord loves a trier.


I deleted him a while back. Luckily enough for me, I only seen "I love (whatever her name is) loads xxxxxxxxxx" because I didn't have his burd as a friend. Another thing I noticed was that he has a new girlfriend literally every few months :huh:

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I like that Thomas Smyth asks a question as if it was the actual player that set it up! I hope to God it isn't or that would actually be more tragic than the group...

I clicked on the group founder's page, and found this gem from David Reid, "yhur a great player nd hope to c yhu play every game score goals don't b like higdon". :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I absolutely love stuff like that. Has anyone seen the facebook page for DundeeBarrys Leigh griffiths blog?

The number of mongs on there that actually thought it was Leigh Griffiths was incredible. Some of the comments made me genuinely surprised that the person posting had the ability to breathe and type at the same time.

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Yahoo have been reading P&B. :lol:

This is their top 5:

"1. The gushing couple

Not content with being in a happy and stable relationship, this couple feel the need to rub our noses in it on a daily basis by posting gag making status updates like: "I woke up next to the most beautiful woman in the world this morning. My wife. I am the luckiest man alive." Seeing as he woke up next to her, couldn't he have just told her that himself without making the rest of us feel queasy? Worse still, she responds with "David darling, I'm the lucky one. You're amazing." And so on ad nauseum. De-friend.

2. The bitter venter

"That's it, I'm giving up on women, they're all crazy."

"All men are liars. Prove me wrong."

Okay so it sounds like they're not having much luck on the dating and relationships front at the moment, but venting about it on Facebook isn't going to help their cause much. There's just no excuse for bad mouthing an entire gender. Besides, have they not realised they've just alienated around half of their friends?

3. Baby bore

Pregnancy and parenting is an amazing and wonderous journey apparently, but we're really not sure what we supposed to say when someone posts a photo of their 12 week old foetus in utero. It just looks like some fuzzy white blobs on a black background to us. Worse still, we're already bracing ourselves for what's to come. Endless photos of baby's first everything. Yawn. And crowing posts about how motherhood is the best job in the world without a thought for any friends who may have not have met the right person yet, are having trouble conceiving or who just aren't into babies. Thanks but no thanks.

4. Bridezilla

"3 sleeps until the big day." "Spa day for me and the bridesmaids – woo hooo!" "Excited about dress fitting tonight!!" "Honeymoon in the Carribean or Greece? Any advice?"

Hey, is someone getting married then? We'd never have guessed. We hope you have a lovely day and everything but spare a thought for those of us who are single and stop flaunting the upcoming nuptials in our news feed please.

5. The bragger

"Cocktails on the beach tonight with my hot new Brazillian boyfriend. I knew this gap year was a good idea!" Thanks very much. While we're slaving over a hot computer with the heating turned up to max, they're off living it up somewhere hot and sandy with the beautiful people. Call us petty, but we don't wanna hear about it unless we're invited. It just serves to highlight everything that's wrong with our own lives."

Pretty accurate. However I enjoy the P&B version. The yahoo one just doesn't have enough "fucking die in a fire, you c**t" for me.

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My friends' comments on events that I'm not going to are showing up in my newsfeed. I thought you only got that if you were invited/attending. Panicked me a bit the other day because one was asking "What time's the march?". :mellow:

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TiTp is Classss

Titp is Amazing


That good ur on facebook. skud aff

My feed has been like that since Friday. Everyone seems to think they're the only person going to the most exclusive event in fucking world history, as if everyone not going is missing out on some life-changing occasion.

If i ever fancy experiencing the Battle of Passchendaele while listening to a high percentage of bands i have no interest in whatsoever, i'll buy a fucking ticket.

In general however, my facebook seems to be clogged with less pish ever since i fell out with a couple of moronic Rangers fans. Either that, or i'm simply running out of things to rant about.

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One of my pals moved down to Derby and now he's involved in what he calls, gang life :lol: . Anyway, he changed his profile picture to him and a group of lads standing, pointing their fingers at the camera, pretending they have guns. I asked him why they where doing this. This was his answer "Holdin tha gun pullin tha trigga " :lol: . When i told him it looked gay, i got a few heated replies from him and his pals that are just pricless. Here are my favourites "Yeah u wont say tha if u cum down here ! Ur head will get taken off or you will av a shank stuck in ya chest !" , "oi danny who the fuk u talkin to go shuv ur nob up lewis's arse DICKHEAD !!! and my favourite " COME TO THE ENDZ AND SEE HOW WE GET DOWN INIT IF YOU WANNA BRING BEEF". Priceless, but thats not the best part. A few of them sent me mails saying "CLF for life". When i asked what CLF meant, they told me it stood for "Chad Lads Forever". :lol: I would delete him but some of his arguments are just hilarious.

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One of my pals moved down to Derby and now he's involved in what he calls, gang life :lol: . Anyway, he changed his profile picture to him and a group of lads standing, pointing their fingers at the camera, pretending they have guns. I asked him why they where doing this. This was his answer "Holdin tha gun pullin tha trigga " :lol: . When i told him it looked gay, i got a few heated replies from him and his pals that are just pricless. Here are my favourites "Yeah u wont say tha if u cum down here ! Ur head will get taken off or you will av a shank stuck in ya chest !" , "oi danny who the fuk u talkin to go shuv ur nob up lewis's arse DICKHEAD !!! and my favourite " COME TO THE ENDZ AND SEE HOW WE GET DOWN INIT IF YOU WANNA BRING BEEF". Priceless, but thats not the best part. A few of them sent me mails saying "CLF for life". When i asked what CLF meant, they told me it stood for "Chad Lads Forever". :lol: I would delete him but some of his arguments are just hilarious.

That is brilliant :lol:

I always get amused by the younger neds who think they're hardcore because their photo shows them and their ned mates holding up bottles of buckie while trying to look threatening.

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One of my pals moved down to Derby and now he's involved in what he calls, gang life :lol: . Anyway, he changed his profile picture to him and a group of lads standing, pointing their fingers at the camera, pretending they have guns. I asked him why they where doing this. This was his answer "Holdin tha gun pullin tha trigga " :lol: . When i told him it looked gay, i got a few heated replies from him and his pals that are just pricless. Here are my favourites "Yeah u wont say tha if u cum down here ! Ur head will get taken off or you will av a shank stuck in ya chest !" , "oi danny who the fuk u talkin to go shuv ur nob up lewis's arse DICKHEAD !!! and my favourite " COME TO THE ENDZ AND SEE HOW WE GET DOWN INIT IF YOU WANNA BRING BEEF". Priceless, but thats not the best part. A few of them sent me mails saying "CLF for life". When i asked what CLF meant, they told me it stood for "Chad Lads Forever". :lol: I would delete him but some of his arguments are just hilarious.


Would you ever go see him? You should bring down a ham shank and a fine cut of beef if you do.

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One of my pals moved down to Derby and now he's involved in what he calls, gang life :lol: . Anyway, he changed his profile picture to him and a group of lads standing, pointing their fingers at the camera, pretending they have guns. I asked him why they where doing this. This was his answer "Holdin tha gun pullin tha trigga " :lol: . When i told him it looked gay, i got a few heated replies from him and his pals that are just pricless. Here are my favourites "Yeah u wont say tha if u cum down here ! Ur head will get taken off or you will av a shank stuck in ya chest !" , "oi danny who the fuk u talkin to go shuv ur nob up lewis's arse DICKHEAD !!! and my favourite " COME TO THE ENDZ AND SEE HOW WE GET DOWN INIT IF YOU WANNA BRING BEEF". Priceless, but thats not the best part. A few of them sent me mails saying "CLF for life". When i asked what CLF meant, they told me it stood for "Chad Lads Forever". :lol: I would delete him but some of his arguments are just hilarious.

Chad lads? They look up to that little bits of paper that come out when you use a hole punch? :unsure:

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My friends' comments on events that I'm not going to are showing up in my newsfeed. I thought you only got that if you were invited/attending. Panicked me a bit the other day because one was asking "What time's the march?". :mellow:

Tell them that it's after the February.

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5th July; "Got a brand spanking new blackberry so pins and numbers in :)"

5th July; "BBM isn't letting me add anyone or latting anyone add me.. Text me your numbers x"

6th July; "bbm's working now, delete the old one, add the new one, thanks a bunch [number] :)"

7th July; "[number] add add add add add add add add add add add add add add add add add add! I know your all going to add me because your all a bunch of such lovely people :)"

No comments. No likes. Nothing.

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