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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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shit. randomly burst into tears. can a best friend that knows what's going on mail me please?

wearing jon's t'shirt because i miss him and didn't get to see him today. i am sad. somebody mail me.

somebody come and cuddle me? :c

Just a few of the posts from a lassie on my newsfeed. I've known her for years and our families are friends, but my f**k she's annoying!

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'I'm working in a funeral home and it smells the exact same as home ec at school. So either mrs ramage smelt like death or some c***s making cookies in here! I hope its the latter'


not annoying, but i can't help but feel that this may be one of this guys last shifts.

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Rangers fans' breakdowns on Facebook the past 24 hours have been quite limited for me (most of my friends are Rangers fans as well) but the ones that have exploded their rage on Facebook have been excellent entertainment. The whole 'We Will Never Surrender' pish with lengthy comments on how the SFA are picking on them.


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I literally can't find anything from Rangers fans on my feed, I checked the guy who is normally the worst for this pish and he hasn't said anything about the Rangers administration since 13th April when he said "f**k the SPL" - which got 9 likes.

I replied "That's what the rest of Scottish Football has been thinking for years. Lets just hope that common sense prevails and that when you guys liquidate your newco have to apply to division 3, only to get beaten by Spartans on the grounds of a greater history."

That got 5 (4 from people I'm not friends on facebook with), and nobody replied. He's said nothing since, other than something about Jelavic not getting found out - which in fairness, he hasn't. "Don't do walking away" you say?

Other than that c**t, I obviously have chosen my friends reasonably well.

Edited by Mushroom
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Rangers fans' breakdowns on Facebook the past 24 hours have been quite limited for me (most of my friends are Rangers fans as well) but the ones that have exploded their rage on Facebook have been excellent entertainment. The whole 'We Will Never Surrender' pish with lengthy comments on how the SFA are picking on them.


Surprisingly the only major breakdown on my feed about this news was a Celtic fan shitting himself that if Rangers die Scottish football would die.

Proof if ever was needed that they really are two cheeks of the same arse.

Edited by CammyKTID
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My Facebook feed has also been disappointingly bereft of Rangers supporter breakdown, although the thickest one did post a link to an ant-SFA campaign which everyone ripped the pish out of.

He's since posted that Chelsea "are the way forward now and forever. Blue is the colour" :lol:

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Facebook? Pfft, Twitter is where it's at obviously :P

As far as Rangers go, I have a guy on my Facebook (who's a lawyer based in London) who posts links & opinion about off the pitch issues, that's it.

The only thing i've seen is various people changing their profile pics to one of an Irish flag with Craig Whyte's *pleasing* face on the front of it.

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Two things that are annoying me right now:

Instagram. While I quite like the app, it's making a whole bunch of folk who apply a filter to a poorly-taken picture think they're Kevin fucking Carter or something.

These pictures posted by folk who seem to have thousands of followers saying "like this if..." and then, down the comments, "subscribe to me and I'll share you for thousands of friend requests". What the f**k's going on with those?

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There's someone I vaguely know on mine who has just split up from their partner - cue google-sourced profundity on the subjects of hope and loss and whatever the f**k else might keep the old sympathy train steadfastly on the tracks.

There's an exponential decrease on the number of likes/comments that follow each one of these as well - making the whole charade all the more cringeable. They have 1000+ "friends", and the earlier ones were attracting up to 70 likes..........a couple of days later and we're down to 9...

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Two things that are annoying me right now:

Instagram. While I quite like the app, it's making a whole bunch of folk who apply a filter to a poorly-taken picture think they're Kevin fucking Carter or something.

These pictures posted by folk who seem to have thousands of followers saying "like this if..." and then, down the comments, "subscribe to me and I'll share you for thousands of friend requests". What the f**k's going on with those?

Oh god, instagram...


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A lot of Rangers fans appear to have deleted me as their friend on Facebook in the past few weeks. Shame. sad.gif I did have one post this yesterday though...

Greenock Morton Exited Administration: 08 August 2001

Deductions: None

Clydebank entered Administration: December 2000

Deduction(s): None

Airdrieonians entered Administration:Exited Administration: 21 May 2002 - Liquidated

Deduction(s): None


Club Entered Administration: 24 April 2002

Exited Administration: 20 April 2004

Deduction(s): None


Club Entered Administration: 25 November 2003

Deduction(s): None


Club Entered Administration: 03 February 2004

Exited Administration: 13 May 2005

Deduction(s): None


Club Entered Administration: 10 March 2008

08 August 2008 - Liquidated

Deduction(s): −10 pts & Demoted to Scottish Third Division


Club Entered Administration: 24 July 2009

Exited Administration: 13 August 2009

Deduction(s): Demoted to Scottish Third Division


Club Entered Administration: 27 October 2009

Exited Administration: - Present

Deduction(s): None


Club Entered Administration: 14 October 2010

Exited Administration: 12 May 2011

League(s): Scottish First Division

Deduction(s): −25 pts


Club Entered Administration: 14 February 2012

Exited Administration - Present

Deduction(s): −10 pts & £50k fine for entering administration, plus a £160,000 fine and a 12 month transfer embargo, plus the threat of relegation to Third Division, plus threatened ongoing points deductions

We still won't walk away..

After pulling him up about how Rangers deserved their punishment he then posted this...

See all these fuckers that feel the need to rip the piss outta the situation at Rangers, how would you feel if it was your team that was going through this? Need to wind yer necks in and keep quiet!!


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