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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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People posting a status about their car and referring to it with a name like Tony or Sarah. Die.

Mines called Maxine.. Maxine car.

It's a civic max and was named by my niece

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Not really annoying, more fucking stupid, but I just saw someone comment on a photo on Facebook by saying "LOL, that photo looks like it was taken in the 80's".

The photo of course WAS taken in the 80's.

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Anyone over the age of 15 doing that must be mentally deficient.

Too be fair, the two culprits that do are just attention seeking arseholes at the best of times. Both 21 as well. Its sad.

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I have quite a few Nigerians on my facebook and they all seem to be pretty deep into their religion. However, this is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever seen. I cannot believe that anyone believes this (especially the person who shared it, as he's quite an intelligent guy).


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I have quite a few Nigerians on my facebook and they all seem to be pretty deep into their religion. However, this is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever seen. I cannot believe that anyone believes this (especially the person who shared it, as he's quite an intelligent guy).


i shared it too.maybe hes doin it for the lulz

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I have quite a few Nigerians on my facebook and they all seem to be pretty deep into their religion. However, this is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever seen. I cannot believe that anyone believes this (especially the person who shared it, as he's quite an intelligent guy).


Mars-rover-landing-sequence-landed_57831_600x450NASA announced today that its Curiosity Rover has found an unambiguous message from God written on tablets in a Martian cave.

According to an official press release two giant stone slabs the size of small elephants were located deep inside a cavern abutting Aeolis Mons, a large mountain.

Upon one tablet is a copy of the Ten Commandments and the text of John 3:16 written in 12 languages - including English, Spanish, Chinese, Basque and Hebrew. On the other tablet is a simple message in English reading "The SPL needs a strong Rangers"

Fixed that

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This guys reply was the best:

Femi Adeniyi-Omotoso

This is absolute nonsense. NASA should stop that shit and find something else to tell the world. You cant fool the world with the name of god again. If the message was found in mars, then it was not meant for the inhabitants of the planet earth. It is certainly for the inhabitants of the planet mars. But, is god afraid of man that he would always send messages in confusing ways?. He must be a confusionist. Or else, some powers are just trying to cause confusion in his name for their own greedy benefits. Personally, this has to do with the fulfulment of the arrangement of the ''new world order''. They want to enslave, fool and controle our life forever. This new discovery is shit, it was man made. How can god hide a message in the cave in another planet?. To hell with god who is afraid to talk to man publicly, instead causing confusions with his messages. To hell with god who is afraid to clearify the vast confusions brought about his name. The world is yet to come out of the confusions brought about god or his name. Mankind have siffered, killed, maimed, destroyed in his name more than any other thing on earth. To add the worse, he hide a message agin in a cave. NASA should stop this shit. They are working for the freemasonry and illuminatti. Enough of confusion about god.

· Yesterday at 18:52

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Oh my! A lass I know posted this morning she'd received a DM the partner of a guy who was tagged in a status she liked. The friends of the seether have picked up on this and it has resulted in a 100 comment, perma-rage festival of anger. Threats of doors getting kicked in and general scumbag antics from council goblins.


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