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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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I now have a few aggressive "Independent Herbalife Distributors" on my friends list and their constant marketing is wearing a bit thin.

I don't care if you lost 3 stone in a month - your product is expensive, disgusting and will stop working as soon as you stop using it, resulting in you ballooning up again. Have a salad.

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Whjat is with everyone posting "so and so has been missing since yesterday, share this blah blah"

Newsflash! they're either on benders or end up dead

This is really just to raise awareness that they are missing and so that people know what they look like so if they see them wandering about then they'll recognise them. Happened with a guy who went missing at a festival and somebody off Facebook recognised him wandering about London.

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What an absolute bellend. There's so many things in that post annoying me.

1. Yes you are judging these people, and yes you do most definitely think you're better than them.

2. Who just buys nothing but melons? And as above, how many melons does this p***k eat?

3. I make a point of making sure everyone knows I get all my food from real foods, farms and local independent stores = I'm a pretentious twat.

4. Going to the supermarket can be scary?! Fucking hell.

5. Sensitive to energies. Enough said.

6. He used the term 'absolute crud'


Edited by pandarilla
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A mate's bird put on that there was a used needle on a bridge she has to walk over to get her wee boy to school and warning others to watch out, fair enough. Another mate's bird then pipes up 'can you report it to the police, they might be able to do tests on it and see who's it was'

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An hour and a half into the day and already got a grief merchant.

I do expect more as the day goes on, I've got a fair amount of Americans so perhaps slightly more justified than someone who was about 10 when it happened.

My brother moved abroad for a year yesterday and was getting a wee bit of cash from my gran's house getting sold to help him get out there.

Apparently flights are cheaper on September 11th.

= More reddies for me.

Scenes smug-1.png


This guy wears a pair of those John Lennon specs.

'more sensitive to energies.'


^ ^ ^ Insensitive to energies.

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A mate's bird put on that there was a used needle on a bridge she has to walk over to get her wee boy to school and warning others to watch out, fair enough. Another mate's bird then pipes up 'can you report it to the police, they might be able to do tests on it and see who's it was'

Good to see people concerned about fish more than people. Otherwise she would have carefully picked it up and dropped it over the bridge. Power to the fish!

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My brother moved abroad for a year yesterday and was getting a wee bit of cash from my gran's house getting sold to help him get out there.

Apparently flights are cheaper on September 11th.

= More reddies for me.

Scenes Posted Image

^ ^ ^ Insensitive to energies.

:o Reddie Reddie REDDIE :P

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Be brilliant if a local fisherman caught a scrawny, emaciated, smackheid Salmon.Can just picture it now...Salmon: 'Aaawrite pal, any chance ye can geeeez a fag n a pound? Aaaahv jist had ti swim 5 mile to get here...'Fisherman: 'Aye right! Heard it a hunner times, away back in the water ya junkie b*****d!'Salmon: 'Geez yer wallet or I'll splash ye, I mean slash ye!!Fisherman cracks the c*nt over the head... :D

that made me laugh alot more than it should have haha

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this c**t needs a boot in the stones and force fed a kebab!

Hate people who try to tell others that they should live their life they way they do! If u want to eat nuts fruit and veg and nothin else then by allmeans on u go but dont try and sell it to me if i am not interested you tedious p***k who would probably overdose on a mars bar!

Phew rant over am off for a pizza crunch and a fag.

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