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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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lassie on mine who posts videos from creamfileds every 2 minutes and saying how she is actually crying she is no longer there followed by a lot of birthday caird pish about special people, memories etc etc. f**k off

She's maybe just in the middle of a monster comedown.

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I friend of mine just posted this. Not sure if serious.

even if scottish nationalist were comperable to nazis how would not having to leave the country today whereas 70 years ago they would have to go to europe to find these type of people represent deja vu. the wtwo situation could not be more different infact. and this is coming from a staunch no voter.

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People posting pics of their postal votes. I'm dreading the onset on referendum selfies on the 18th.


I knew this was going to happen. I was just saying to my mate yesterday that there'll be pics of folk with selfies of their choice on the Yes/No or photos of them posting their vote.

You can write an X and post a card - well done.

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Is it just me who has a load of women posting pictures of spiders that have appeared in their house onto their timeline? Honestly it's every day they are appearing and it's giving me the willies.

It's that time of year again. The tabloids like a "GIANT KILLER SPIDER FOUND IN TESCO BANANAS" headline around about now too.

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I spent a few years bobbing about on HMS Illustrious but other than a few of the stop-overs it was a pretty shit !!

With its decommissioning last week my Newsfeed is suddenly full of folk greeting about how fucking wonderful it was and how sad it is that it will probably now be turned into razor blades - there are even folk complaining that it only merited a couple of lines in the press !!

It was a shithole full of utter bellends, most of the places we went were crap, there were a couple of good runs but one of the bonuses was that we weren't stuck on that heap of shit for a few days !!

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I occassionally get videos of some fucking goon Morton supporter called Ryan O'Donnell appearing on my newsfeed due to a couple of my friends liking his status. Each video usually consists of the boy filming himself in his car shouting some pish which he presumably reckons is funny into the camera.

The guy obviously fancies himself as a bit of a crazy japester when in truth he is an absolute roaster of the highest order.

Has anyone else been subjected to this pish?

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I occassionally get videos of some fucking goon Morton supporter called Ryan O'Donnell appearing on my newsfeed due to a couple of my friends liking his status. Each video usually consists of the boy filming himself in his car shouting some pish which he presumably reckons is funny into the camera.

The guy obviously fancies himself as a bit of a crazy japester when in truth he is an absolute roaster of the highest order.

Has anyone else been subjected to this pish?

I just submitted myself to it. Christ it is truly awful.

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