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Oh and I also had to sit the Foundation computing exam in Standard grade (and the General one). It was almost offensive in how simple it was. One of the questions had 4 pictures (keyboard, mouse, monitor and hard drive) and the 4 terms for them. You had to match them up..

Standard grade craft and design was the same. Pretty sure for that I had to sit all three levels of exam for some reason, foundation has questions that had a picture of a hammer then four options for what it was. "Hammer." "Bandsaw." "File." "Clamp." "Christ."
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Standard grade craft and design was the same. Pretty sure for that I had to sit all three levels of exam for some reason, foundation has questions that had a picture of a hammer then four options for what it was. "Hammer." "Bandsaw." "File." "Clamp." "Christ."

We only had to sit a general and a credit one IIRC

Standard grade craft and design was a mystery to me.

I was so shit at it (I failed my general and credit prelim) yet somehow managed to get a 2 in the exam.

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Standard grade craft and design was the same. Pretty sure for that I had to sit all three levels of exam for some reason, foundation has questions that had a picture of a hammer then four options for what it was. "Hammer." "Bandsaw." "File." "Clamp." "Christ."

That's 5 options.

I was good at Maths.

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That's kind of the whole point, though. We should be comparing with the expected CFE standard - it's a CFE Higher.

There are just too many daft wee things in it that a C candidate will not pick up on. There's a derivative question that's dT/dt, too many folk will integrate it with respect to x, not t. There's a compound angle question involving tan2x, which is easy if you realise that tan2x = sin2x/cos2x, but loads of folk won't.

Here are some of the harder questions:


That's an insane question to give a 16-year old. Thing is - what's the first part even asking? Time taken to do what? Swim across? Eat the zebra? Start talking about upstreams and you've got folk thinking it's a vector question.

Am I correct in saying:

a) (i) Calculate T(20)

(ii) Calculate T(0)

b) Minimise T with respect to X

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I was finished school being utterly shite at maths. Which is strange, because I used to be good at it. First couple years at high school I was on a fast track course and whilst the I found it tough, it was manageable.

Things started getting a bit worse during Standard Grade but much to my surprise I was able to get a 2 in my Credit exam.

So in fifth yeah I decided to take Higher and it was probably the worst subject choice I made at school. Right from the start I was struggling with it and anytime I was beginning to get the hang of something, we moved onto something even more challenging and I couldn't keep up. Didn't help that our teacher kept on saying that he expected about 6 of the class of 30 to get an A or a B. Actually dreaded going to maths in 5th year!

So unsurprisingly I failed in 5th year and didn't bother trying again in 6th year. For someone who was much more into subjects like history and English, I figured that a credit pass in standard grade maths would probably do me.

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