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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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Note the key phrase from the thicko bint, "the police told us your dad made an anonymous phone call". Uh-huh. Sure.

I've just seen that :lol:

To me it looked like the usual, the scheme goblin wanting to show up grabbing the first person she knew wouldn't fight back to show off.

She'll be wanting to keep her head down for a while I'd imagine.

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There's a girl on mine who has shared a post from a different friend who's apparently picked up someone's wallet and phone. This third party "would love to get it back to *names person* - so has set about attempting to have people share this until the guy is contacted.

Hand the fucking thing into the police station and don't be such an attention seeking cunto. The guy might not even have a facebook account.

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Can't be bothered going back through all 349 pages to see if it's been covered, so will just add in...

Grandparents or just really old people on facebook!

  • Why do they feel the need to comment on every single post that their family members are tagged in - including ones that were posted by friends or work colleagues that the elderly relative doesn't even know? Like a photo of a work night out gets a comment of "ooh Gavin, was that the night your mum said you came home crying about no-one liking you at work - you know I love you! xxx Granny Mabel"
  • Their constant need to share every single "silversurfer's cartoon" like they are the funniest thing in the world.


  • Their inability to understand the difference between sending someone a private message and posting something on their wall! "Edna, did you get the doctor to look at your rash yesterday?" Really? FFS, phone them to discuss that!!!
  • And their lack of understanding that the adverts down the side of the screen are not pages that your friends have put there for you to click on, until they start getting email messages from random seniors saying they'd like to go out on a date. Then it's all - "ooh, what have I done?"

*Gavin, Mabel & Edna may or may not be entirely fictitious people in terms of this post

ETA hilarious silver surfer cartoon!

Edited by dee_62
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Photos of children going to school. 1st day at primary school acceptable but going into 3rd year at High School. f**k off.

I've 3 different people on my timeline with - "oooh *name* is away to Primary 3 today! Where does the time go?"

Each one has comments from people saying stuff like "aww how grown up he looks" etc. Normally from people who see him every week! He's wearing the same fecking uniform he's worn the last couple of years!

Edited by The Minertaur
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There's a girl on mine who has shared a post from a different friend who's apparently picked up someone's wallet and phone. This third party "would love to get it back to *names person* - so has set about attempting to have people share this until the guy is contacted.

Hand the fucking thing into the police station and don't be such an attention seeking cunto. The guy might not even have a facebook account.

The police destroy the cards so tbf if you get in contact quick enough you could save some hassle.

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