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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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If you notice a black dot on your other halves hand mind and kick the **** out of her that'll teach her a lesson about using a "secret" sign to contact someone without her abuser knowing (unless he's been on Facebook!!) The black dot "campaign " an idea full of holes being shared by the stupid on Facebook now!

(Only kidding about kicking the **** out of them, lol)

In conjunction with your signature, this post is brilliant.

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WARNING EVERYBODY: New hackers on Facebook and what they write is aggression from you and it insulting. It's really nasty and it appears to come from you. You do not see it, but your friends do. One result of this can be that you will be deleted on your friends list.

I just want to say if you get something that is offensive, malicious, vulgar etc., it is ABSOLUTELY NOT from me! Copy this and let your friends know. If you get anything like this from me, please tell me and report it immediately to Facebook. Apparently it can come in messages too. PLEASE do NOT share. COPY AND PASTE.

God damn hackers coming on here and trying to make me lose friends on Facebook. Tempted to copy and paste and then send angry messages to the people who have already posted it. Perfect cover.

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WARNING EVERYBODY: New hackers on Facebook and what they write is aggression from you and it insulting. It's really nasty and it appears to come from you. You do not see it, but your friends do. One result of this can be that you will be deleted on your friends list.

I just want to say if you get something that is offensive, malicious, vulgar etc., it is ABSOLUTELY NOT from me! Copy this and let your friends know. If you get anything like this from me, please tell me and report it immediately to Facebook. Apparently it can come in messages too. PLEASE do NOT share. COPY AND PASTE.

God damn hackers coming on here and trying to make me lose friends on Facebook. Tempted to copy and paste and then send angry messages to the people who have already posted it. Perfect cover.

Yeah, I've seen this posted. Basically a perfect excuse to call everyone a c**t.

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WARNING EVERYBODY: New hackers on Facebook and what they write is aggression from you and it insulting. It's really nasty and it appears to come from you. You do not see it, but your friends do. One result of this can be that you will be deleted on your friends list.

I just want to say if you get something that is offensive, malicious, vulgar etc., it is ABSOLUTELY NOT from me! Copy this and let your friends know. If you get anything like this from me, please tell me and report it immediately to Facebook. Apparently it can come in messages too. PLEASE do NOT share. COPY AND PASTE.

God damn hackers coming on here and trying to make me lose friends on Facebook. Tempted to copy and paste and then send angry messages to the people who have already posted it. Perfect cover.

Yeah, I've seen this posted. Basically a perfect excuse to call everyone a c**t.

Or a perfect excuse for folk to sit back and wait for their friends to call them c***s and have a full blown meltdown because "I HAS CAUGHTED YOU IN A WEBZ OF LIES, BE A WEAR!!"

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WARNING EVERYBODY: New hackers on Facebook and what they write is aggression from you and it insulting. It's really nasty and it appears to come from you. You do not see it, but your friends do. One result of this can be that you will be deleted on your friends list.

I just want to say if you get something that is offensive, malicious, vulgar etc., it is ABSOLUTELY NOT from me! Copy this and let your friends know. If you get anything like this from me, please tell me and report it immediately to Facebook. Apparently it can come in messages too. PLEASE do NOT share. COPY AND PASTE.

God damn hackers coming on here and trying to make me lose friends on Facebook. Tempted to copy and paste and then send angry messages to the people who have already posted it. Perfect cover.

Somebody clearly trying to cover their arse after a drunken, abusive night of posting on fb.

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So what's everyone's favourite/most ridiculous facebook post on the refugee crisis so far? Here are my two nominations:

I don't think I've actually said that they are going to claim benefits but no matter how you label it they might not be claiming jobseekers allowance but they will most definitely be suported by the state, the UK tax payer. Shelter, heating, sanitation, transport, food, water, medical care, education, clothing, management, policing, administration, and more, will all be funded by the state. It might not be JSA or incapacity benefit, but it will all be funded by the state. Do we need to quibble over the tilte or label of the financial support they recieve? You say that they are the equivalent of you and I, but they aren't are they? These are not families. These are not women and children. Strangely it is a massive number of men who all seem to have left their families behind - why is that? Again, sticking with 'you and I' they are not my equivalent. These are people who have been offered shelter in a foreign country, offered water, offered food, and thrown it away because it doesn't meet their expectation of the wonderful life, golden ticket. I can't speak for you but if I was seeking shelter from persecution and war, I would be grateful to anybody prepared to lend me a tent and give me water. It also concerns me that far from showing gratitude, a large number of refugees (we'll use that term for now but in reality it might not be the right word to use) seem to resent the people of the countries they enter. They all too often seem hostile, aggressive, disrespectful of the cultures and communities they enter. Again, that isn't 'me'. I think it's also worth pointing out that there has been an immigration problem for many years and well before the Syrian conflict/ISIS kicked off and people have been taking desperate steps throughout that time to enter the UK, not because they are fleeing war, but becauise they want a better life. How can you be sure that the 'refugees' we are seeing are not just more of those seeking that easy life in Britain, Germany, etc?


I worked on a very large Construction project in Manchester a few years ago and was asked to design a well wishing Christmas message to go on a large banner. I drafted a design, put it forward and was then told that I had to take the word 'Christmas' off it. But obviously, our culture is not under threat? You could do with looking into the ratio of white British in the UK over the last couple of decades because the minority are breeding themselves into the majority and the UK our grandparents fought so hard to keep is slowly disappearing into 'PC' world. Agree completely that we should help those affected by war, persecution, hostility, but I'm growing increasingly concerned that the refugees now filling our screens are far from what they are purporting to be. I see far too few women, far too few children, far too few elderly. I see a massive number of men of working age. Noting the comments about immigration contributing more than it costs I'm not so sure that is actually the case when you take off the blinkers and look at the big picture to include illegal immigration and associated costs such as border security etc. I also doubt that it takes account of the cost of providing benefits to UK nationals who are left out of work because their job has been taken by an immigrant. Skilled potential workers is a laughable comment. We have big problems with unemployment but you expect that somebody is going to invent jobs for refugees? Construction takes on a large number of immigrants and I see many more doing unskilled work than skilled and even those people who do have experience/knowledge struggle to apply it in the UK because of language difficulties etc. I was recently talking to a Lithuanian man who is an experienced petrochemical engineer and has run big teams and multi million pound projects in Lithuania. He now works as a labourer and pushes a broom all day - a job that could otherwise be done by almost any willing school leave. I don't begrudge him that and I don't oppose people seeking a better life but many of the refugees seem far from genuine. The lack of women and children, the burning of papers, the lack of gratitude for the support they have been offered, increasing hostility and a lack of respect for their 'host' nation. I've argued in favour of providing support for refugees but as this saga drags on I've had increasing reason to question the motives of many of those on the move. Sadly, I also have to question the ethical standards of many of those on the move. Do they want to come to the UK to be like us? Or do they want to bring their culture and values here? I can't and won't apply this to everyone but sadly many immigrants seem to have moral standards well below what I would expect and radical seems to be their middle ground.


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If you notice a black dot on your other halves hand mind and kick the **** out of her that'll teach her a lesson about using a "secret" sign to contact someone without her abuser knowing (unless he's been on Facebook!!) The black dot "campaign " an idea full of holes being shared by the stupid on Facebook now!

(Only kidding about kicking the **** out of them, lol)

I shared it under the wording "attention seeking"

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