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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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They also seem to think George Bernard Shaw was English

Maybe they think it was a reference to Martin Shaw, who used to be in 'The Professionals". I'll bet children today don't learn about him in school.

ETA: Although I missed that too. :oops

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I'm sure the victims' families are eternally grateful for 'wee Kirsty the Hairdresser' sharing pictures of the Eiffel Tower and to 'wee Tam the labourer' for his unsubstantiated claims that 'aw they immigrunts' are to blame.

Thank you Facebook, for giving such people a platform to publically share their wisdom.

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There's this guy from school that I've got on Facebook that uses styles of language that wouldn't be out of place in an Adolf Hitler memoir.

His opinion on how to tackle ISIS:

'I propose a scorched earth campaign where we kill every living thing in the region. Unleash the fury of the western military and reduce the region to ash. They must realise their actions have far reaching consequences'

His opinion on tackling the problems at Calais:

'Send in the army arrest the lot of them deport them to whatever hell hole they crawled from, burn their campsite to ash and to round it all off bill the countries of origin for the associated costs.'

His opinion on the beach massacre in Tunisia:

'We need to launch a swift and brutal campaign of retribution. It's hard to argue ideology when the enemy is nothing but ash. Force is the only thing these people understand.'

His opinion on the June incident in France:

'Yet another Islamic attack in Paris. When will we as the west wake up and realise that the barbarians are at the gates.

And of course the only way to deal with barbarians is swift and brutal reprisals. The only way to stop these attacks is to kill the source. Our leaders need to grow a spine and commit troops to a ground offensive to kill every living thing in the territory controlled by Islamic state.'

His opinion on the Channel 4 programme 'Benefits Street'...

'Watched five minutes of benefits street for first time. Had to turn it over. These people should be sterilised the shipped off to a labour camp for the remainder of their misbegotten life.'

His opinion on road safety:

'In my Britain doing less than 70mph in the outside lane will be punishable by death.'

Loves a wee ash metaphor :lol:

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