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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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The following sums up every "copy and paste this as your status" post:

Please copy & paste this to your status in support of [insert cause here] because, with the singular exception of doing absolutely nothing, it's literally the very least you could do, and we must all at least outwardly appear to care about [insert cause here] lest we be publicly shamed by everyone else on Facebook who's also not actually doing anything to help with [insert cause here], aside from this pointless, self-serving, completely empty gesture

Edited by Marko A
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The guys a weirdo, I used to work in WH Smith when I was at college and he came in EVERY Saturday and returned the cd/dvd he bought the previous week and replaced it with another. Dressed in full "ferrari" jacket, hat, gloves etc.


Ammo thats coz he owns a full STIG outfit. He used to wear a full motor racing outfit to High school once a week. FACT!

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In a weird way the facebook posts that annoy me the most are just the really basic inane ones like 'Just missed my bus, FML' or 'just sitting down for dinner' and other completely pointless shite that no-one gives a f**k about. Why do people actually think that anyone is going to be remotely interested? There's been a couple of times recently where I've felt like I should maybe post something (I haven't done so in months) but can't think of anything to say other than winding up Old Firm fans.

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"monday 6:00am goodbye glasgow, hello grimsby, will be good to get away for 2 weeks"

My cousin's in for a shock.

Nothing wrong with Grimsby, right next door to the millionaires play ground that is Cleethorpes rolleyes.gif

Maybe not. Grimsby's a nice place, no-one asking "which team dae ye support byraway?"

Oh no they do and they don't seem to understand that any Scottish person can support anyone else.

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In the past week there have been pages called Greenock Munters, Greenock Sluts and Greenock Belters.

Carnage, carnage everywhere.

You were just sitting there, waiting for one of your mates to send a picture of you in. Thankfully, I sent the death threats out just in time.

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He has had a facebook friend request from me for months. He still has not accepted. half tempted to change my name on it to a birds name and my profile pic and add him and see what happens.

Thinking about it....that would be a great idea.

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The following sums up every "copy and paste this as your status" post:

Please copy & paste this to your status in support of [insert cause here] because, with the singular exception of doing absolutely nothing, it's literally the very least you could do, and we must all at least outwardly appear to care about [insert cause here] lest we be publicly shamed by everyone else on Facebook who's also not actually doing anything to help with [insert cause here], aside from this pointless, self-serving, completely empty gesture

I have just copied and pasted this as my status, in the hope that those who copy and paste shite as their status, will learn not to copy and paste shite as their status (insert Xzibit meme here).

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The following sums up every "copy and paste this as your status" post:

Please copy & paste this to your status in support of [insert cause here] because, with the singular exception of doing absolutely nothing, it's literally the very least you could do, and we must all at least outwardly appear to care about [insert cause here] lest we be publicly shamed by everyone else on Facebook who's also not actually doing anything to help with [insert cause here], aside from this pointless, self-serving, completely empty gesture

Top drawer banter.

I wish I could muster the courage to post this, but sadly there's the 1 in a 100 chance that that bird I've always fancied that was defo going to give me my hole would take offence and be non-forthcoming with said hole.


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The following sums up every "copy and paste this as your status" post:

Please copy & paste this to your status in support of [insert cause here] because, with the singular exception of doing absolutely nothing, it's literally the very least you could do, and we must all at least outwardly appear to care about [insert cause here] lest we be publicly shamed by everyone else on Facebook who's also not actually doing anything to help with [insert cause here], aside from this pointless, self-serving, completely empty gesture

I just put this as my status followed by 'like this within 3 secs if you care. Keep scrolling if you are a heartless b*****d'.

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Why do people post pictures sideways or a strange angle? Especially if the whole point of the photo would have been straight on if it was the right way up.

Cos they take it with their phone and post it straight from there without knowing how to turn it round?

Just checked to make sure none of mine were... thankfully not. :)

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