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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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All that shite and the inspirational happy feel good pish. Got a burd i used to work with who posts all that kinda shite and seems a bit of a goer, she seems to go thru men quicker than knickers and of course when it all ends shes always posting and moaning that "all men are arseholes, useless, c***s, blah blah fucking blah" And when she wasnt posting it on Facebook, she was saying it at work and eventually it started to get on my nerves. I ended up pulling her up about it stating that including myself there were at least 5 guys in the room who had never done her wrong and even more next door, so her claims that we are all arseholes is a load of pish. Her response of course was that she was "obviously" joking about men being arseholes. Despite saying it every single day endlessly :thumbsdown

Oh and ive said it before, but people who use that Check in shite

Blah blah has checked in at Nando's - I dont care

Blah blah has checked in at, Walking to work lol - Go f**k yourself

Blah blah has checked in at, wait let me stop you there, i dont fucking care!

You pulled a girl up because she said all guys are arseholes? We maybe need to get a new thread for you.

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If bigotry really is monitored on social networking sites then a whole lot of people should be in trouble in the next couple of days. I've removed 4 people from my friends list tonight. Also lol at the thick c***s who like the EDL page that's disguised as 'R.I.P. Woolwich Soldier'.

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If bigotry really is monitored on social networking sites then a whole lot of people should be in trouble in the next couple of days. I've removed 4 people from my friends list tonight. Also lol at the thick c***s who like the EDL page that's disguised as 'R.I.P. Woolwich Soldier'.

Facebook in Britain is hilarious today. People fighting with each other because they liked/didn't like the RIP soldier stuff, racism in the name of justice, and friendships imploding. Glorious.

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Had this earlier from a friend of mine who is a sapper in the engineers. Sadly, a chap from his company was killed earlier this year in Afghanistan. Today, he's posting stuff along these lines including one asking why people are sympathetic to muslims after a racial attack on an innocent solider. I'm tempted to go in and raise the point about the likes of the Irish Revolution and the troubles but I do understand why he's posting shite such as this.

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Unbelievable stuff after yesterday`s events. One guy I used to work with then went on to become a squaddie, before pulling out went on a tirade about how they(Muslims) are the worst c***s on earth & how we wouldn`t understand as we hadn`t been on the front line in Afghanistan! :blink:

All squaddies/ex squaddies appear to be changing their profile pics to one of them in costume, preferably in the desert, as a show of solidarity or some such pish. :thumbsdown

I`ve now just had somebody post up RIP drummer Lee Rigby. :wacko:

All swiftly deleted.

I`m now getting c***s sharing some fucking awful video of a boot in Luton telling us about the Islamic infiltration of Britain.

Delete, delete, delete...

Edited by Desert Nomad
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Unbelievable stuff after yesterday`s events. One guy I used to work with then went on to become a squaddie, before pulling out went on a tirade about how they(Muslims) are the worst c***s on earth & how we wouldn`t understand as we hadn`t been on the front line in Afghanistan! :blink:

All squaddies/ex squaddies appear to be changing their profile pics to one of them in costume, preferably in the desert, as a show of solidarity or some such pish. :thumbsdown

I`ve now just had somebody post up RIP drummer Lee Rigby. :wacko:

All swiftly deleted.

I`m now getting c***s sharing some fucking awful video of a boot in Luton telling us about the Islamic infiltration of Britain.

Delete, delete, delete...

Same on my FB. However I prefer keeping these 'tards, because:

1. The potential for meltdown is tremendous

2. The worst offenders on mine are (unsurprisingly) Sevco fans, and the potential for meltdown is tremendous.

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The Julia Gillard "quote"

Usually accompanied by something along the lines of "time to move to Australia methinks xxx"

Judging by the iq of those posing it, they be in fcuking Austria

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