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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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Some boot from my college class posted this:

Followed by some people actually replying with "family", "friends", "school".

Jesus fucking wept.

The admin lass upstairs posted that crap on her Facebook and we all posted things like dogging, swinging, bondage, STD clinic and rehab etc etc needless to say she wasn't impressed as we didn't take it seriously.

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Some boot from my college class posted this:

Followed by some people actually replying with "family", "friends", "school".

Jesus fucking wept.

Same, I first met her when she was getting pumped down the park and we were watching in the bushes.

Was tempted.

Edit - this wasn't last week, I was 13 at the time.

Edited by DAFC
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stand by for the mock outpourings of grief re Peaches Geldof

Followed by the equally tedious angry posts asking "why is this a big news story when people die all the time in Iraq/Africa/Middlesbrough and nobody reports it?".

As if it was possible for news agencies to report every death in the World ever.

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Not to mention these emoticons used by utter brain doners its-ok-fingers-sign.pngpeace-fingers-facebook-symbol.pngclapping-hands-emoticon.png

Got involved in a petty argument with Sevco fans earlier today. My activity on Facebook is low, so it was a rarity. Anyway something had to be done. The status in question was about Sevco, laughing at the fact they spent millions to win League One. Thus for a Rangers fan to comment

"How have rangers spent millions? They haven't bought a players in 3 years and the wage bill is less than last season? Don't pipe up when you don't know what your blabbering".

This got 6 likes, with no one really questioning what he had just put. Oooft. So I put, with a source:

"The wage bill is estimated at £6 million plus, and that may not even include McCoist's wage http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/rangers-players-refuse-accept-15-3029838"

Their retort? "well googled clapping-hands-emoticon.png" and "Awryt aye let's all jump on the daily record and believe what they say eh? Aye well done you! Your mental! No bad for a team that's sold over 75000 season tickets in 2 seasons tho....... Do the maths on that plus sponsorship plus merchandise........ Since you's pair of lickers seem to know so much about the finances work out their income and expenditure and come back to me with a grand total instead of bullshit newspaper stories!"

Despite missing the point completely about the fact that they have spent millions, I couldn't help but rise to the bait.

"Rangers reported a £14 million pound loss in July over a 14 month period, and have since asked for a 15% pay cut to reduce the player costs, which was rejected. Shame all those season ticket sales and merchandise couldn't prevent that huge financial loss. Hope the BBC counts as a reputable source in reporting that they're wage bill tops over £6 million. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/25769725"

Still awaiting a reply. Feel like a c**t for actually participating in a Facebook argument, but it had to be done. Just can't get over the "How have they spent millions?" part though. I mean, really? Needed to vent my frustration on here.

Edited by Chupacabra
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Someone on my friends list liked this from the Union Bears FB


I thought the green tinge to the picture was a nice touch.

When the inevitable wind up from a celtic man came along this was the response

Listen shuts.bet your fucking begging for a ticket when we next get to the Pedo dome.you like the rest of your bead rattling priest cum buckets only want to see the Rangers....by being on here YOU prove that ya dick.I wouldn't dream of lowering myself and going on one of your clubs child abuse forums.

Then in response another celtic minded man

Listen look at what use c**t's have just written!
Read it over and over again! Hope someone "a good tim" knows use and smashes yir back door in with a programme from the European cup final de Lisboa! Yir all on here shouting about being the best fans in the world! Yir union bears booed the gobshites aff the pitch

And then the final Sevco response

bet you got touched lol

Some of the pish you see from these Rangers sites beggars belief

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He's right about all the Celtic fans crowing about Rangers dying selling their mothers for a ticket when the two finally reunite.

The rest of it is standar issue Rangers awfulness though.

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