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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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attachicon.gifImageUploadedByPie & Bovril1453403546.159301.jpg

This puzzle is surely lacking some information as you can conclude that the answer is the number of squares plus one and you can't be wrong based on the data provided. Idiots.

the top one is one big square with 4 smaller ones inside it.
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attachicon.gifImageUploadedByPie & Bovril1453403546.159301.jpg

This puzzle is surely lacking some information as you can conclude that the answer is the number of squares plus one and you can't be wrong based on the data provided. Idiots.

I heard it was designed to confuse thick folk that left school in primary 5.

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Well they should have put the answer for the second one then to make it more of a puzzle then added a bigger square.

10 isn't an incorrect answer as the question isn't how many squares its just a question mark.

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Well they should have put the answer for the second one then to make it more of a puzzle then added a bigger square.

No they've deliberately left it as obscure as possible so it causes debate and arguments about the correct answer. Job done.
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No they've deliberately left it as obscure as possible so it causes debate and arguments about the correct answer. Job done.

It has ruined my day, i get so angry about this sort of thing.

I found this page on riddles that had a few likes on FB and the rides were so fucking stupid and either written by a complete idiot or by someone who was a complete and utter twat that was doing it to wind people up.

One was along the lines "A man is found dead in a room with his water bed and a pair of scissors but there was no blood on the scene how did he die?" - Answer - the killer came in and slashed the bed with the scissors and the man drowned.

Edited by throbber
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It has ruined my day, i get so angry about this sort of thing.

I found this page on riddles that had a few likes on FB and the rides were so fucking stupid and either written by a complete idiot or by someone who was a complete and utter twat that was doing it to wind people up.

One was along the lines "A man is found dead in a room with his water bed and a pair of scissors but there was no blood on the scene how did he die?" - Answer - the killer came in and slashed the bed with the scissors and the man drowned.

Beggars can't be choosers.

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It has ruined my day, i get so angry about this sort of thing.

I found this page on riddles that had a few likes on FB and the rides were so fucking stupid and either written by a complete idiot or by someone who was a complete and utter twat that was doing it to wind people up.

One was along the lines "A man is found dead in a room with his water bed and a pair of scissors but there was no blood on the scene how did he die?" - Answer - the killer came in and slashed the bed with the scissors and the man drowned.

Aren't those just lateral thinking puzzles, I quite like them.

The pictures of people as kids thing does puzzle me tho, especially when combined with the thing that annoys me most about the facebook setup at the moment, which is when person X that I know likes a post by person Y that I don't know, don't want to know, and will never know that it shows up in my news feed.

So because all profile pictures are public, I'm seeing a stream of grainy photos from the 70s and 80s of kids, making me feel like an absolute beast.

(more so than normally)

Edited by Fuctifano
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Nah these riddles were just cringe, im sure they will come up again and I will post in here.

As for the child pictures - creepy as f**k and mostly posted by the predictable idiots who jump on the bandwagon at every opportunity. Absolute cringe material, I just browse over Facebook and don't pay much attention or engage people often and have no idea why I still have it, mostly just so I can complain about it.

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