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This week's classic series rewatch: The Ribos Operation and The Pirate Planet.

Robert Holmes and Douglas Adams - the best writers the show ever had?

And Mary Tamm as Romana was a much under-rated companion.

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Douglas Adams is a legend.

The City of Death is magnificent - Baker is so over the top it's unbelievable , Duggan is one of the best one off characters in the show's history and some of the dialogue - especially the "he's such a wonderful butler - he's so violent !!" Line is top notch - quite possibly my favourite adventure ever !!

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The City of Death is magnificent - Baker is so over the top it's unbelievable , Duggan is one of the best one off characters in the show's history and some of the dialogue - especially the "he's such a wonderful butler - he's so violent !!" Line is top notch - quite possibly my favourite adventure ever !!

Yeah, City of Death is every bit as good as its reputation.

(The one I don't really get the love for is Caves of Androzani.)

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  • 3 weeks later...


Overall, they done this great. Peter Capaldi does some really good pointing, especially at lamps, walls and dogs. However, I wish they'd rein in the gargling, especially when he's gargling at a Dalek or a Cybermen or a The Myrka. It takes me out of the show when he pauses mid speech, grabs a carton of Um Bongo, takes a swig, then gargles the rest of the speech, and especially when a bit of Um Bongo lands on someone's face. I don'y know what Moffat was thinking of then. Maybe he ran out of printer ink so cut down the word count...

Anyway, pretty decent. Especially when Clara falls over that robotic hen (voiced by Moira Stewart).

However. One star off because Moffat got loads wrong. ANd because it turns out Gallifrey was hidden behind a BT Van on Tottenham High Road. And because of that weird song about chops...

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Other highlights include, 'Lets Kill Osama', a story set in 1066 with absolutely no references to Osama Bin Laden whatsoever and the two-part 'Quarry Quandary' which is set entirely in a quarry in Wales, filmed on location in Singapore.

Also, the revelation of The Doctor's real name being Steven Moffat came as a huge surprise!


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The BBC have announced that there is going to be a new recurring male character joining up at some point in the new series. The actor's name is Samuel Anderson and he's going to be playing Danny Pink who is apparently a teacher at the school Clara works at. They specificly avoid using the word "companion" when mentioning him so perhaps he'll be like a Mickey or Wilf kind of character who helps out The Doctor and Clara without travelling with them on a regular basis.


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Why is there such a big thing over the Doctors name? What does it matter if people know it? Saw the last episode of Matt Smith's final series on Saturday and Richard E Grant's character was trying to find it out but the Doctor wouldn't tell him. What's the big deal here?

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